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ChangesToCursor Method

Creates a table-buffered cursor and populates it with changes, which come from the associated DiffGram.


ChangesToCursor is supported only for XMLTable objects in the XMLAdapter Tables collection. ChangesToCursor disregards XMLField objects when the XMLField Alias property is empty.

XMLTable.ChangesToCursor( [ cAlias [, lIncludeUnchangedData [, nCodePage ]]] )


  • cAlias
    Specifies the alias name for the cursor to be created. The value of cAlias defaults to the XMLTableAlias property, including when cAlias is an empty string ("").

  • lIncludeUnchangedData
    Specifies whether to include unchanged data in the created cursor. The following table lists the values for lIncludeUnchangedData.



    False (.F.)

    (Default) Do not include unchanged data in the created cursor.

    True (.T.)

    Include unchanged data in the created cursor.

  • nCodePage
    Integer greater than zero (0) specifying a code page. The default value is zero (0).


Applies To: XMLTable Class

When mapping binary fields to Character data types, Visual FoxPro fills any remaining white space with 0x00 characters (CHR(0) or zeros) after decoding.

The nCodePage parameter must exist in the list of supported code pages. If nCodePage is zero (0) and the UseCodePage property is False (.F.), the current default code page is used. For more information, see Code Pages Supported by Visual FoxPro and the UseCodePage Property.

If the RespectNesting property of the XMLAdapter is True (.T.), the node for an unchanged record must be an immediate child for the outer table's node. If the table is not nested, the node must be an immediate child for the XMLAdapter node.

The ChangesToCursor method fails if the XMLNameIsXPath property is True (.T.) because it does not support XPath expressions.

See Also


XMLTable Object Properties, Methods, and Events

Tables Collection (XMLAdapter)

XMLAdapter Class

XMLNameIsXPath Property

RespectNesting Property

Alias Property

Other Resources

Methods (Visual FoxPro)