Remove the A/V Conferencing Pool or Server
Topic Last Modified: 2012-01-25
Typical Lync Server 2010 deployments have either an A/V Conferencing service or A/V Conferencing Server. By default, the A/V Conferencing service is deployed on the Front End pool or Front End Server.
The A/V Conferencing pool has a definition that defines which Front End pools are using the A/V Conferencing pool. In addition, the Front End pool has a definition for configuring the use of Conferencing. To remove the A/V Conferencing pool, you need to clear the Front End pool associations. If the Conferencing selections on the Front End pool are still selected when you save the updated configuration, the A/V Conferencing service is automatically activated. The specific A/V Conferencing service has the same name as the pool that is serves. If you intend to completely remove the A/V Conferencing pool and A/V Conferencing service, you must reconfigure the Front End pool too. If you remove A/V Conferencing completely, the following features will not be available on the Front End pool or Front End Server that does not have A/V Conferencing:
Audio/Video Conferencing
Application Sharing
Web Conferencing
Conferencing Announcement application
Conferencing Attendant application
If you have another A/V Conferencing Server or A/V Conferencing pool, and it is associated with another Front End Server or Front End pool, you must move the Dial-In conferencing number contacts from the existing pool to the pool that is associated with the A/V Conferencing pool or A/V Conferencing Server. If you do not do this, the contact objects will be lost.
To move dial-in conferencing contact objects to another pool or server
Log on to the computer where Lync Server Management Shell is installed as a member of the Domain Admins group or the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group.
Start the Lync Server Management Shell: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.
To retrieve all configured dial-in conferencing access number contact objects configured for the pool that the A/V Conferencing pool or A/V Conferencing Server is assigned to, type:
Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber | Where-Object {$_.Pool -eq "<pool or server FQDN>"}
Where “<pool or server FQDN>” is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool or server.
For each contact object that is identified, type:
Move-CsApplicationEndpoint -Identity <SIP URI> -Target <pool or server FQDN>
Where <SIP URI> is the SIP URI of the contact object to move, and <pool or server FQDN> is the FQDN of the Front End Server or Front End pool where you want to move the objects.
To move conferencing directories to another pool or server
Log on to the computer where Lync Server Management Shell is installed as a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group or with the necessary user rights as described in Delegate Setup Permissions.
Start the Lync Server Management Shell: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.
To move all conferencing directories from the current pool to another pool, type:
Get-CsConferenceDirectory | Where-Object {$_.ServiceId -match "UserServer:PoolFQDN"} | Move-CsConferenceDirectory - Target <DestinationServerPoolFQDN>
Where <DestinationServerPoolFQDN> is the pool where you want to move the conferencing directories (for example,
To remove the A/V Conferencing pool or stand-alone server
Start Topology Builder: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2010, and then click Lync Server Topology Builder.
In Topology Builder, expand A/V Conferencing pools, click the A/V Conferencing pool or A/V Conferencing Server that you want to remove.
Right-click the A/V Conferencing pool or A/V Conferencing Server, and then click Edit Properties.
In Edit Properties, under A/V Conferencing service, clear the Front End pools that are associated with the A/V Conferencing pool, and then click OK.
Right-click the A/V Conferencing pool or A/V Conferencing Server, and then click Delete.
If you accidentally delete the wrong object and you have not published the topology yet, right-click the Lync Server 2010 node, click Download Topology, and then click Yes in Confirm Download Topology.
Publish the topology, check replication status, and then run the Lync Server Deployment Wizard as needed.
For details, see Common Procedures for Removing Servers Running Lync Server and Lync Server Components.
See Also
Other Resources
Common Procedures for Removing Servers Running Lync Server and Lync Server Components