Profile synchronization overview (SharePoint Server 2010)
Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010
This article describes profile synchronization, also referred to as "profile sync," in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.
A user profile is a collection of properties that describes a SharePoint user. Features such as My Sites and People Search use user profiles to provide a rich, personalized experience for the users in your organization. You can create user profiles by importing data from directory services, such as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). You can augment user profiles by importing data from business systems, such as SAP or Microsoft SQL Server. If users update their profiles in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, you can write the modified data back to directory services. The process of importing profile data from external systems and writing data back to these systems is called profile synchronization.
When you synchronize user profiles, you can also synchronize groups. Synchronizing groups gives SharePoint Server 2010 information about which users are members of which group.
In this article:
Synchronization components
Importing profiles from a directory service
Importing properties from a business system
Exporting properties to a directory service
Creating user profiles without synchronizing
Synchronizing groups
Types of synchronization
Supported directory services
Synchronization components
The following figure shows the components that are involved in synchronizing profiles in SharePoint Server 2010. Shaded boxes represent external systems. The SharePoint Server components are described in the paragraphs that follow the figure.
Throughout this topic, the phrase "business system" is used to mean an external system that is not a directory service. SAP, Siebel, SQL Server, and custom applications are all examples of business systems.
Your solution must have a User Profile service application to use any of the social computing features in SharePoint Server 2010. When you create the User Profile service application, you can specify the synchronization server (also known as the profile synchronization instance), which is the computer that will be used to synchronize profile information. Creating the User Profile service application creates several databases, such as the profile database.
The User Profile Synchronization service is the core of the synchronization architecture in SharePoint Server 2010. When you start the User Profile Synchronization service on the synchronization server, SharePoint Server 2010 provisions a version of Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) to participate in synchronization. A User Profile service application can only have one User Profile Synchronization service. A User Profile Synchronization service is associated with connections and mappings.
A connection is a way to access profile data in an external system. A User Profile Synchronization service can have multiple connections, and each external system requires its own connection. Connections can be divided into two types: connections to directory services, and connections to business systems.
When you create a connection to a directory service, you specify which containers in the directory service contain the information that you want to synchronize. You can also create a filter to exclude users and groups that you do not want to import. For example, you could synchronize with the Users container in AD DS, but filter out users whose accounts are disabled.
When you create a connection to a business system, you specify the external content type that represents the information from the business system.
Mappings define how SharePoint user profile properties relate to data in external systems. A mapping for a particular user profile property consists of three things:
The connection that identifies the external system.
The attribute from the external system that the user profile property is related to.
The direction of the mapping, which can be either "import" for a property that receives its value from the external attribute, or "export" for an external attribute whose value is provided by the SharePoint user profile property.
Importing profiles from a directory service
You can create new profiles and import profile properties by synchronizing with a directory service. When you synchronize with a directory service, SharePoint Server 2010 does the following:
Creates a user profile for each new user in the directory service containers that are being synchronized, and fills in the properties of each new profile with data from the directory service.
Deletes the profile of any user that was removed from the directory service.
For properties that are being imported, updates the property in the SharePoint user profile if the corresponding value in the directory service has changed.
If you synchronize with multiple directory services, each directory service must provide unique users. You cannot synchronize a single user profile with multiple directory services.
Active Directory resource and logon forests present the only case in which you can synchronize the same users with two directory services. The connection to the logon forest provides the users. The connection to the resource forest merely augments the properties of existing profiles, similarly to a connection to a business system.
Importing properties from a business system
You can populate the properties of existing user profiles from a business system. You cannot create new user profiles in this manner, and you cannot write data back to a business system.
To import data from a business system, you must first create an external content type to bring the data from the business system into SharePoint Server 2010. Then you can synchronize user profiles with the external content type. For more information about external content types, see Business Connectivity Services overview (SharePoint Server 2010).
There must be some information that is shared by the external content type and a user profile. SharePoint Server 2010 uses this shared information to match an instance of the external content type to the correct user profile during synchronization. When you define the external content type, you specify that the field to match against is the identifier for the external content type. You specify which user profile property to match against when you create a synchronization connection to a business system. For example, if the business system contains an employee's email address, birth date, and office location, you could specify the email address as the identifier of the external content type, and create a connection that matches against the WorkEmail profile property. For each user profile, SharePoint Server 2010 would synchronize information from the instance of the external content type whose email address matched the WorkEmail property of the user profile.
Exporting properties to a directory service
Once user profiles exist, you can let users modify the values of certain profile properties. You can configure these properties so that data that is changed in SharePoint Server 2010 will be written back to a directory service. Each property can be either imported or exported. You cannot both import and export the same property. You can only export data about a user to the directory service from which the user was imported. You cannot create new user accounts in the directory service by exporting user profile information.
Creating user profiles without synchronizing
You can create a custom solution that uses the SharePoint object model to create user profiles. If your solution does not use profile synchronization, you can remove the profile synchronization features from the SharePoint user interface by selecting the Enable External Identity Manager option on the Configure Synchronization Settings page of Central Administration.
Synchronizing groups
If you synchronize groups in addition to users, SharePoint Server 2010 imports information about the groups that exist in the directory service containers that you are synchronizing with, as well as about which SharePoint Server 2010 users are members of these groups. Each time that you synchronize, SharePoint Server 2010 updates the group and membership information. Groups do not have profiles, and you cannot manipulate them by using SharePoint Server. You must manage groups and their membership in the directory service itself. Within SharePoint Server, groups are only used to create audiences (see Audience and content targeting planning (SharePoint Server 2010)) and to display which memberships a visitor has in common with the person whose My Site the person is visiting (see My Sites overview (SharePoint Server 2010)).
Types of synchronization
You can perform two kinds of synchronization: full and incremental. Full synchronization can take a long timeāfor directories that contain hundreds of thousands of users, it could take several days. Incremental synchronization only synchronizes data that has changed in the external system or SharePoint Server 2010, and is more efficient. You must perform a full synchronization the first time that you synchronize. After that, you can use incremental synchronization unless one of the following conditions is true:
A mapped property has changed. For example, you mapped a new property, or added or changed a mapping associated with a property.
You changed the containers that a connection uses to synchronize with a directory service.
You changed or added a filter.
An external content type that you are synchronizing with has changed.
You added or deleted a connection.
You can configure a timer job to run an incremental synchronization on a set schedule, ranging from every few minutes through monthly. You can also start either a full synchronization or an incremental synchronization manually.
Supported directory services
With SharePoint Server 2010 you can create connections to the following directory services:
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) 2003 SP2 and AD DS 2008
Sun Java System Directory Server version 5.2
Novell eDirectory version 8.7.3
IBM Tivoli version 5.2
You can use any of these directory services to synchronize users. Synchronizing groups is only supported for AD DS.
All of these directory services support full synchronization. All except Novell eDirectory support incremental synchronization.
You can also import data from other Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) providers by using a Lightweight Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) file. For more information about how to import LDIF data, see Configure profile synchronization using a Lightweight Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) file (SharePoint Server 2010).
See Also
Plan for social computing and collaboration (SharePoint Server 2010)
Plan for profile synchronization (SharePoint Server 2010)
Plan user profiles (SharePoint Server 2010)
Audience and content targeting planning (SharePoint Server 2010)
My Sites overview (SharePoint Server 2010)
Configure profile synchronization using a Lightweight Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) file (SharePoint Server 2010)
User Profile Service administration (SharePoint Server 2010)
Business Connectivity Services overview (SharePoint Server 2010)