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Administrative time requests

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Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14

In a Timesheet period, team members enter the hours they work on assignments and Administrative Time such as vacation or training. Depending on how the organization defines the Timesheet approval process, there may be both Administrative Time-off requests and the full Timesheet that require a Timesheet Manager’s approval.

If there are Administrative Time and other line items when the Timesheet is submitted, then the first item that Timesheet Managers approve is the Administrative Time-off request. Use the Plan Administrative Time dialog box from the toolbar on the Timesheet list page to request approval for any administrative time categories. Administrative time requests will be forwarded to the appropriate Timesheet Manager for approval., The Timesheet itself can then be submitted.

When Administrative Time-off requests are pending, the Timesheet Manager sees a highlighted link in the Approvals area of the Home page. When a Timesheet is pending approval, a link to Timesheets is highlighted on the Home page.

Submitting Timesheets

After team members create their Timesheet and enter hours for an Administrative Time category such as Vacation, they click Save and Submit and the approval process begins. A Project Server Queue Job called Timesheet Update is created to process this request. The Timesheet Update is sent to the Timesheet Manager for review. By using the Project Server Queue infrastructure, team members are not required to wait for the timesheet submission to be processed; instead, they can submit their timesheets and immediately proceed with other work.

After the team member submits the Timesheet, the following message may appear in red text at the bottom of the page: The submitted timesheet contains lines which are either pending approval or have been rejected. You must either delete these lines from your timesheet or obtain approvals and resubmit. This message appears if the Timesheet contains Administrative Time categories still pending approval or which have been rejected. After the Administrative Time is approved or the item is deleted from the timesheet, the message no longer appears, and the user can submit the Timesheet for final approval.

Reviewing Administrative Time Requests

After the Administrative Time categories that require approval are submitted, the Timesheet Manager can review the requests and decide to accept or reject them. The team member can navigate to the My Schedule Web Part located under the My Work link to display a list of Administrative Time Requests together with all other assigned tasks known to Project Server.

The name of the user who submitted the request, Description, Category Title, Hours, and Period Start and Period End date are listed in the view for each request. The list can contain Work and Non-Work categories. The Timesheet Manager selects the item and accepts or rejects it.

  • Reject. Rejecting an Administrative Time category updates the user's Timesheet Approval Status field from a yellow stop light, which signifies that the request is pending, to a red stop light, which signifies that the request is rejected. This action notifies the user that the Administrative Time Request is not approved.

    The user either deletes the line item or attempts to submit the item a second time. The Timesheet Manager and user may reach a compromise for the requested time and agree to resubmit the request.

  • Accept. The Approval Status icon changes to green when the item is accepted. Depending on the Work Type, one of the following actions occurs:

    • Non-Work. A calendar exception is created for Non-Work type categories, such as Vacation and Jury Duty.

    • Work. A Summary Resource Assignment is created for Work type categories, such as Administrative Time and Training.

The user can then submit the Timesheet to the Timesheet Manager for final review.

Calendar Exceptions

In Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, the resource calendar displays the hours the Timesheet Manager approves for Administrative Time Non-Working Time categories, called Calendar Exceptions. The Calendar Exception takes effect immediately. When this action is performed, any Project Manager can see the Calendar Exception for the team member in their respective plans.

A user performs the following steps to open a resource to complete the creation of a Calendar Exception for Administrative Time-off requests:

  1. Log in to Project Web Access with permissions to View Resource Center.

  2. Select the My Timesheet link.

  3. From the toolbar, click Plan Administrative time.

  4. These steps initiate the Plan Time Off dialog box. From there the user selects the timesheet period for which the time off is being planned. Then the user selects the administrative time category which, when configured as non-working time, creates a resource calendar exception once it has been submitted (and approved, if necessary).

Calendar Exceptions are the hours that the user is not available to work.

Calendar Exceptions may cause the scheduling of an assignment to adjust. For example, a 5-day task that is assigned to a user originally had a schedule of May 8 to May 12. After the user submits a Timesheet which includes a non-work day for May 9, a Calendar Exception for May 9 is added to the calendar. The task duration remains at 5 days. May 9 is a non-working day and the finish date is May 15.

Summary Resource Assignment for My Timesheet

A Summary Resource Assignment is created for a resource when its Administrative Time request is accepted and the time category has been configured as working time (for example, training and Administrative Time). A Summary Resource Assignment displays the total work hours for a resource at a project level. A Summary Resource Assignment record is created and associated with a virtual project, which uses the timesheet label as the project name.

In resource views, such as Resource Graph or Resource Availability, managers should see an entry for My Timesheet with Project names that display task assignments and Administrative Time work items.

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