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Troubleshoot migration for Project Server 2007

This Office product will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see , Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14

In this article:

  • Before you troubleshoot: Verify functionality in Project Server 2007

  • Error logging

  • Restoring the Project Server 2007 database

  • Migrated user and permission issues

  • Authentication issues

  • Migration flowchart

This article describes options that are available to you if you encounter problems during the migration process to Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.

Before you troubleshoot: Verify functionality in Project Server 2007

Before going further with troubleshooting, first check whether Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 itself is working correctly. Identifying whether the problem is with migration or Office Project Server 2007 configuration can save you time.

  • Create a new Project Web Access instance on the Project Server computer. Make sure that this instance is not used for migration. You can delete this instance after you are done troubleshooting.

  • On the computer running Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, create, save, and publish a project on the newly created instance of Project Web Access. Verify that you can open the project in the Project Center. If you cannot do this, it is possible that the problem you are having may pertain to the Office Project Server 2007 configuration.

  • Verify that the Queuing service and the Eventing service are running on the application server.

Error logging

When you are troubleshooting migration, it is important to know where to look for any pertinent error logging information. This section describes several mechanisms that have error-logging information.

  • View the Queue Management page to verify whether there are any jobs in a failed state. View the Error column of these entries to see if it provides any clues to the problem.

  • View the upgrade log file. It is available in the path specified in the migration configuration file. It provides a detailed description of failures that occurred during the migration.

  • Look at the server's event log and trace log.

  • To open and view the event log, on the server computer click Start, then Run, type Eventvwr, and then click OK. Then click the Application node. This action displays a list of application events raised on the server.

  • To open and view the trace log, on the server computer go to the following folder: <drive>:\program files\common files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\LOGS. The ULS trace logs are named in the following format: <servername>-yyyymmdd-time.log (for example, contoso-20060720-1506.log).

  • If you cannot determine the cause of the failure from the log file, and you plan on contacting Microsoft Product Support Services for assistance, have the following information available:

    1. Upgrade logs (which are available in the path you specified in the migration configuration file)


      Make sure the server writes verbose logs, which ensures that as much information as possible is logged for debugging. You can set this parameter in the SharePoint Central Administration Web site in the Operations tab on the Diagnostic Logging page. In the Event Throttling section of this page, set the following parameters:
      Least critical event to report in the event log: Success
      Least critical event to report in the trace log: Verbose

      Click OK to save the settings. You may want to verify that the settings have been saved. To do this, in the same section select an individual category from the Update Single Category list and verify that the settings are the same.

    2. A copy of the event log file: To do this, open the event log, right-click the Application node and select Save Log File As. This allows you to save the event log to a file so that you can send it to Microsoft Product Support Services.


      Make sure to reproduce the problem to ensure that the problem is recorded to the event and trace logs.

    3. A copy of the latest trace log files: If you are sending trace information for debugging, reproduce the problem on the server and send the latest two or three trace log files. You can identify the log files by the date-and-time stamp used to name each file.

    4. A copy of the Project Server 2003 database file

  • If the migration tool stops responding, a Microsoft Office Project dialog box appears that allows you to further troubleshoot the issue with Microsoft Product Support Services. In the dialog box, select Send Error Report in order for this issue to be sent to Product Support Services. Once the error report is sent, go to the Event viewer, look for an event with event ID = 1001, copy the contents in the description field to a text editor and send it to your Product Support Services contact.

  • Restore Office Project Server 2007 to a clean state and retry migration. Instead of provisioning the Office Project Server 2007 instance again, you can restore the backed-up, clean Office Project Server 2007 database and the Project Server 2003 database, and then run the upgrade process again. For information about how to restore the backed-up, clean Office Project Server 2007 database, read the following section.

Finding errors, warnings, and failures in an upgrade log file

You can run the following commands at the command prompt to find and compile warnings, errors, and failures from your upgrade log file.

  • To find all lines denoting warnings in the upgrade log file, run the following command:

    Find /I "warning" <source log files> >> <output file>

    For example:

    Find /I "warning" c:\myupgradelog.log >> c:\errors.log

  • To find all lines denoting errors in the upgrade log file, run the following command:

    Find /I "error" <source log files> >> <output file>

    For example:

    Find /I "error" c:\myupgradelog.log >> c:\errors.log

  • To find all lines denoting failures in the upgrade log file, run the following command:

    Find /I "fail" <source log files> >> <output file>

    For example:

    Find /I "fail" c:\myupgradelog.log >> c:\errors.log

Restoring the Project Server 2007 database

If you encounter non-recoverable problems during the data migration, you can restore your Office Project Server 2007 database and then run the upgrade process again. The following is a sample script used to restore your Office Project Server 2007 database. This is not a prescriptive script; modify it as necessary to meet your needs. You must run this script on a computer where OSQL is available.

Rem Note that if you have any open connections to the database, 
Rem   the Restore operation will fail. You can view open connections in 
Rem   Enterprise Manager: 
Rem   under <Server> - Management - Current Activity 
Rem   (hit F5 to refresh) - Process Info. 
Rem You can stop a process by right-clicking, and choosing Kill Process.
echo off

set P12SQLServerName=<SQL Server Name>

Set publishedDB=<DB Name>
Set draftDB=<DB Name>
Set archiveDB=<DB Name>
Set ReportingDB=<DB Name>

Set RestorePublishedDB='<Full path of the backup>'
Set RestoreWorkingDB= '<Full path of the backup>'
Set RestorearchiveDB= '<Full path of the backup>'
Set RestoreReportingDB= '<Full path of the backup>'

Rem The following commands ensure that there are no open connections to 
Rem  the databases that we are restoring to. You can also do this manually.

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

Rem Restoring the database
set SqlCmd= "RESTORE DATABASE %publisheddb% 
  From disk = %RestorePublishedDB% 
  with replace RESTORE DATABASE %draftdb% From disk = %RestoreWorkingDB% 
  with replace RESTORE DATABASE %archivedb% 
  From disk = %RestorearchiveDB% 
  with replace RESTORE DATABASE %reportingdb% 
  From disk = %RestoreReportingDB% with replace"

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

Set SqlCmd="USE master ALTER DATABASE %publishedDB% SET MULTI_USER"
osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

osql -E -S %P12SQLServerName% -Q %SqlCmd%

Rem Clearing the cache
rd /s /q "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\MS Project\cache"

goto :Clean


Rem To clean up the environment variables created
set P12SQLServerName=
Set RestorePublishedDB=
Set RestoreWorkingDB=
Set RestorearchiveDB=
Set RestoreReportingDB=

set SqlCmd=

Set publishedDB=
Set draftDB=
Set archiveDB=
Set ReportingDB=

Migrated user and permission issues

After migration (especially in localized builds), your users may not have certain expected permissions in the migrated Office Project Server 2007 installation. For example, imagine that you were assigned your permissions through the administrator template, but you cannot view timesheets. There are several reasons that such a situation might occur:

  • In Project Server 2003, a permission is denied at the organization level. You can verify this by checking your Project Web Access permissions to see whether any permissions are disabled and whether they are the cause of your problem.

    To check your Project Web Access Permissions

    1. In the Project Web Access home page, in the left pane click Server Settings.

    2. In Server settings, in the Security section, click Project Web Access Permissions.

  • There are some permissions that are new in Office Project Server 2007. These permissions may not be mapped correctly during migration. You can check the Security documentation for a list of these permissions to see whether they are the cause of your problem. For more information on Office Project Server 2007 permissions, see Security and protection for Office Project Server 2007.

  • If a Project Server 2003 user or resource exists in Office Project Server 2007 (by name or Windows NT account), that user or resource’s security permissions will not be migrated. For example, if you had done an "AD Sync" prior to migration (and if most of those users exist in Project Server 2003), none of those user permissions would have been migrated. If you encounter this problem, set the target Project Web Access to "Empty" and start the migration process again.

Authentication issues

Project Server authentication is used in Project Server 2003, but it is not supported in Office Project Server 2007. When you migrate Project Server authenticated users to Office Project Server 2007, the user accounts are reset, because the forms authentication mechanism in Office Project Server 2007 is architecturally different from the Project Server authentication used in Project Server 2003. You will not see these users listed in the Project Web Access Server Settings Manage Users page, or the User Authentication section for the user will not appear. However, you can still edit these migrated users in the Project Web Access Resource Center.

Migrated resources in the resource database may end up out of sync with the published database.

Issues when migrating master projects

When you are migrating master projects and their associated subprojects from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007, the following two scenarios will cause the project migration to fail:

  • A subproject migrated after its master project. (You can correct the order of migration in the migration configuration file.)

  • A project that is a subproject to two different master projects. (Such an arrangement is allowed in Project Server 2003, but not in Office Project Server 2007). The migration for this project will fail when it attempts to publish the project.

Migration flowchart

The following flowchart provides a graphic representation of how data is migrated from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. It can be used in troubleshooting issues that might occur in migration.

The upgrade from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007 involves both Windows client–based and SQL Server 2000–based upgrade steps.

There are three phases of the upgrade process:

  1. Global data upgrade phase: Upgrading of global and Project Web Access data to Office Project Server 2007.

  2. Project data upgrade phase: Upgrading of project data to Office Project Server 2007.

  3. Windows SharePoint Services data upgrade phase: Needed only if you have Windows SharePoint Services data for projects in Project Server 2003. This phase occurs separately from the running of the migration tool and therefore is not included in this flowchart.

The following flow charts illustrate the first two phases of the upgrade process, respectively.

Project Server 2007 troubleshoot migration Project Server 2007 upgrade project data chart

Download this book

This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Downloadable content for Project Server 2007.