Create a model site
Updated: 2008-11-14
To create a new model site in the Planning Administration Console, enter information about the model site as described in the following procedure. You must belong to the Global Administrator role to create a model site.
To create a model site
On the Model Sites page, from the Application drop-down menu, select the application in which you want to create the model site.
Click Create. The Create a Model Site dialog box opens.
Under New Model Site, select the model site that will be the parent of the model site that you are creating.
In the Name box, type a name for the new model site. Names are meant to be user-friendly descriptors for objects. The name must be from one to 256 alphanumeric characters long and case insensitive.
In the Label box, type a unique label for the new model site. The label must begin with an alphabetical character, must be from one to 40 alphanumeric characters long. It is case insensitive. The following characters are not permitted: . , ; ' ` : / \ * | ? " & % $ ! - + = ( ) [ ] { } < > ^ ~
Use of an underscore character (_) in labels may cause naming conflicts when you use it in labels for applications and model sites. Because Planning Server uses an underscore to link these objects for internal representation, you may unintentionally create a duplicate internal name by using an underscore. Planning Server will not create an object if it has a duplicate internal name. For example, the following two application and root model site combinations produce the same internal name (Company_Sales_Category).
A dimension labeled "Company" with a hierarchy labeled "Sales_Category"
A dimension labeled "Company_Sales" with a hierarchy labeled "Category"
(Optional) In the Description box, type a description of the model site. This can include the type of data it contains or other information that may be helpful to users who are not familiar with the model site. The description can be up to 512 characters long.
(Optional) In the SQL FileGroup box, type the name of the SQL FileGroup that is associated with the data in the model site. For example, the data could be private dimension data or measure group data for the model site. The SQL FileGroup must be created before you associate it with a model site. Otherwise, Planning Server will use the default SQL FileGroup. For more information about how to use SQL FileGroups with Planning Server applications, see the PerformancePoint Server 2007 Deployment Guide.
(Optional) In the Analysis Services computer name box, type the name of the server that will contain the data for the model site. This computer must be running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. If you do not type a computer name, the computer that is running SQL Server and contains the application database will be used.
Click OK.