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Create or modify an unassigned number range in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2012-11-01

Use one of the following procedures to configure unassigned number ranges for the Announcement application.


Before you configure the unassigned number table, you must have already defined one or more announcements or set up an Exchange Unified Messaging (UM) Auto Attendant.

To use Lync Server Control Panel to configure unassigned phone numbers

  1. Log on to the computer as a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group, or as a member of the CsVoiceAdministrator, CsServerAdministrator, or CsAdministrator role. For details, see Delegate setup permissions in Lync Server 2013.

  2. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server 2013 administrative tools.

  3. In the left navigation bar, click Voice Features, and then click Unassigned Number.

  4. On the Unassigned Number page, do one of the following:

    • To create a new number range, click New. In Name, type an identifying name for this range of numbers.


      After you commit the new unassigned number range to the database, you cannot change this name.

    • To modify an existing number range, type all or part of the name of the number range in the search field. In the resulting list of number ranges, click the name you want, click Edit, and then click Show details.

  5. In the first Number range field, type the beginning number of the range, and in the second Number range field, type the ending number of the range.


    • The beginning number of the range must be less than or equal to the ending number of the range.

    • If the beginning number of the range or the ending number of the range includes an extension number, both the beginning number and the ending number of the range must include an extension, and the extension number must be the same for both the beginning number and the ending number.

    • The number must match the regular expression (tel:)?(\+)?[1-9]\d{0,17}(;ext=[1-9]\d{0,9})?. This means the number may begin with the string tel: (if you don’t specify that string, it will be automatically added for you), a plus sign (+), and a digit 1 through 9. The phone number can be up to 17 digits and may be followed by an extension in the format ;ext= followed by the extension number.

  6. In Announcement service, do one of the following:

    • Click Announcement.

    • Click Exchange UM.

  7. If, in the previous step, you clicked Announcement, do the following:

    1. Under FQDN of destination server, click Select, click the service ID of the Application service that runs the Announcement application that will handle incoming calls to this range of unassigned numbers, and then click OK.

    2. In Announcement, click the announcement to be played for this range of unassigned numbers.

  8. If, in the previous step, you clicked Exchange UM, under Auto Attendant phone number, click Select, click the phone number to be used for this range of unassigned numbers, and then click OK.

  9. Click OK.

  10. On the Unassigned Number page, be sure that the unassigned number ranges are arranged in the order that you want. To change a range's position in the table, click one or more consecutive names in the list of ranges, and then click the up arrow or the down arrow.


    Lync Server searches the unassigned number table from top to bottom and uses the first range that matches the unassigned number. If you have overlapping ranges and one range specifies a last resort action, make sure that range is at the bottom of the list.

  11. When you have the unassigned number ranges in the order that you want, click Commit all.

To use Windows PowerShell to configure unassigned phone numbers

  1. Log on to the computer where Lync Server Management Shell is installed as a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group or with the necessary user rights as described in Delegate setup permissions in Lync Server 2013.

  2. Start the Lync Server Management Shell: Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Lync Server 2013, and then click Lync Server Management Shell.

  3. Use New-CsUnassignedNumber to create a new unassigned number range. Use Set-CsUnassignedNumber to modify an existing unassigned number range.


    If you have overlapping ranges and want the ranges to be applied in a specific order, include the Priority parameter. The range with the highest priority will be applied to the call.

    At the command line, do one of the following:

    • To create a number range for an Announcement service, run:

      New-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity <unique identifier for unassigned number range> -NumberRangeStart <first number in range> -NumberRangeEnd <last number in range> -AnnouncementName <announcement name> -AnnouncementService <FQDN or service ID of the Announcement service>
    • Or, to create a number range for Exchange UM Auto Attendant, run:

      New-CsUnassignedNumber -ExUmAutoAttendantPhoneNumber <phone number> -Identity <unique identifier for unassigned number range> -NumberRangeStart <first number in range> -NumberRangeEnd <last number in range>

    For example:

    New-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity "Unassigned range 1" -NumberRangeStart "+14255551000" -NumberRangeEnd "+14255551100" -AnnouncementName "Welcome Announcement" -AnnouncementService


    New-CsUnassignedNumber -ExUmAutoAttendantPhoneNumber "+12065551234" -Identity "Unassigned range 1" -NumberRangeStart "+14255551000" -NumberRangeEnd "+14255551100"

    The following example shows how to modify the numbers in an existing unassigned number range:

    Set-CsUnassignedNumber -Identity "Unassigned range 1" -NumberRangeStart "+14255551000" -NumberRangeEnd "+14255551900"