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Reset Client Access Virtual Directories


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2

Use the Reset Client Access Virtual Directory wizard to reset a virtual directory on an Exchange Server 2010 Client Access server. When you reset a virtual directory, the virtual directory is removed and a new virtual directory with default settings is created.


Because a new virtual directory with default settings is created when you reset a virtual directory, you need to reconfigure a virtual directory after it's reset. By default, the settings for a virtual directory are copied to the Program Files/Microsoft/Exchange Server/V14 directory.

What Do You Want to Do?

  • Use the EMC to reset a Client Access server virtual directory

  • Use the Shell to a Client Access server virtual directory

Use the EMC to reset a Client Access server virtual directory

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Reset Client Access virtual directories" entry in the Client Access Permissions topic.

  1. In the console tree, navigate to Server Configuration > Client Access.

  2. In the action pane, click Reset Client Access Virtual Directory.

  3. On the Introduction page, next to Virtual directory to be reset, click Browse. Select the virtual directory you want to reset and click Next. By default, the following Client Access virtual directories are listed:

    • Autodiscover (Default Web Site)

    • ecp (Default Web Site)

    • EWS (Default Web Site)

    • Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)

    • OAB (Default Web Site)

    • owa (default Web Site)

  4. After the directory you want to reset is added to the list under Virtual directory to be reset, click Next.

  5. On the Log Location page, specify the path and file name for the log file, and click Next. The log file includes the settings that exist on the virtual directory you're about to reset. These settings may be helpful if you want to re-create a virtual directory with the same settings. By default, the log file is copied to the Documents folder on the Client Access server.

  6. On the Reset Client Access Virtual Directory page, click Reset.

  7. On the Completion page, click Finish.

  8. Restart Internet Information Services (IIS). You can restart IIS by running iisreset /noforce from a command prompt window.

Use the Shell to reset a Client Access server virtual directory

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Reset Client Access virtual directories" entry in the Client Access Permissions topic.

To reset a virtual directory, you must remove the virtual directory and then create a new one.

The cmdlets that you run differ depending on the virtual directory you want to reset.

For example, to reset the Outlook Web App virtual directory on the Client Access server Server01, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the virtual directory by running the following cmdlet.

    Remove -OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity 'Server01\owa (Default Web Site)'
  2. Create the new virtual directory by running the following cmdlet.

    New-OwaVirtualDirectory -InternalUrl 'https://<Server01><DomainName>/owa' -WebSiteName 'Default Web Site'
  3. Restart IIS. You can restart IIS by running iisreset /noforce from a command prompt window.

By default, the log file is copied to the Documents folder on the Client Access server. The log file includes the settings that exist on the virtual directory you're resetting. These settings may be helpful if you want to re-create a virtual directory with the same settings.

For more information about syntax and parameters, see the cmdlets that are used to manage the virtual directory that you want to reset.

Virtual directory name Cmdlet used to create the virtual directory Cmdlet used to remove the virtual directory

Autodiscover (Default Web Site)



ecp (Default Web Site)



EWS (Default Web Site)



Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)



OAB (Default Web Site)



owa (default Web Site)



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