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Common Counters


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2

This topic provides information about counters common to all server roles in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. You can use Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe) to monitor these counters. For more information, see Performance Monitor Getting Started Guide. For information about other counters relevant to Exchange 2010, see Performance and Scalability Counters and Thresholds.

Processor and Process Counters

The following table provides information about processor and process counters.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time

Shows the percentage of time that the processor is executing application or operating system processes. This is when the processor isn't idle.

Should be less than 75% on average.


Processor(_Total)\% User Time

Shows the percentage of processor time spent in user mode. User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems.

Should remain below 75%.


Processor(_Total)\% Privileged Time

Shows the percentage of processor time spent in privileged mode. Privileged mode is a processing mode designed for operating system components and hardware-manipulating drivers. It allows direct access to hardware and all memory.

Should remain below 75%.

If total processor time is high, use this counter to determine which process is causing high CPU.

Process(*)\% Processor Time

Shows the percentage of elapsed processor time that all process threads used to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer. A thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interruptions and trap conditions are included in this count.


If total processor time is high, use this counter to determine which process is causing high CPU.

System\Processor Queue Length (all instances)

Indicates the number of threads each processor is servicing. Processor Queue Length can be used to identify if processor contention or high CPU utilization is caused by the processor capacity being insufficient to handle the workloads assigned to it. Processor Queue Length shows the number of threads that are delayed in the Processor Ready Queue and are waiting to be scheduled for execution. The value listed is the last observed value at the time the measurement was taken.

Shouldn't be greater than 5 per processor.

On a computer with a single processor, observations where the queue length is greater than 5 are a warning that there is frequently more work available than the processor can handle readily. When this number is greater than 10, it's a strong indicator that the processor is at capacity, particularly when coupled with high CPU utilization.

On systems with multiprocessors, divide the queue length by the number of physical processors. A multiprocessor system configured using hard processor affinity (processes are assigned to specific CPU cores), which have large values for the queue length, can indicate that the configuration is unbalanced.

Although Processor Queue Length typically isn't used for capacity planning, it can be used to identify if systems within the environment are capable of running the loads or if additional processors or faster processors should be purchased for future servers.

Memory Counters

The following table shows common memory counters.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

Memory\Available Mbytes

Shows the amount of physical memory, in megabytes (MB), immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It's equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free, and zero page lists. For a full explanation of the memory manager, refer to Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) or "System Performance and Troubleshooting Guide" in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit.

Should remain above 100 MB at all times.


Memory\Pool Nonpaged bytes

Consists of system virtual addresses guaranteed to be resident in physical memory at all times and can thus be accessed from any address space without incurring paging input/output (I/O). Like paged pool, nonpaged pool is created during system initialization and is used by kernel-mode components to allocate system memory.

Not applicable.


Memory\Pool Paged bytes

Shows the portion of shared system memory that can be paged to the disk paging file. Paged pool is created during system initialization and is used by kernel-mode components to allocate system memory.

Not applicable.

Monitor for increases in pool paged bytes indicating a possible memory leak.

Memory\Cache Bytes

Shows the current size, in bytes, of the file system cache. By default, the cache uses up to 50% of available physical memory. The counter value is the sum of Memory\System Cache Resident Bytes, Memory\System Driver Resident Bytes, Memory\System Code Resident Bytes, and Memory\Pool Paged Resident Bytes.

Not applicable.

Should remain steady after applications cache their memory usage. Check for large dips in this counter, which could be attributed to working set trimming and excessive paging.

Used by the content index catalog and continuous replication log copying.

Memory\Committed Bytes

Shows the amount of committed virtual memory, in bytes. Committed memory is the physical memory that has space reserved on the disk paging files. There can be one or more paging files on each physical drive. This counter displays the last observed value only; it isn't an average.

Not applicable.

Determines the amount of committed bytes in use.

Memory\%Committed Bytes in Use

Shows the ratio of Memory\Committed Bytes to the Memory\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it isn't an average.

Not applicable.

If this value is high (more than 90%), you may begin to see commit failures. This is a clear indication that the system is under memory pressure.

Memory Paging Counters

The following table shows common memory paging counters.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

Memory->Transition Pages Repurposed/sec

Indicates system cache pressure.

Should be less than 100 on average. Spikes should be less than 1,000.


Memory\Page Reads/sec

Indicates data must be read from the disk instead of memory. Indicates there isn't enough memory and paging is beginning. A value of more than 30 per second means the server is no longer keeping up with the load.

Should be less than 100 on average.



Shows the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It's the sum of Memory\Pages Input/sec and Memory\Pages Output/sec. It's counted in numbers of pages, so it can be compared to other counts of pages, such as Memory\Page Faults/sec, without conversion. It includes pages retrieved to satisfy faults in the file system cache (usually requested by applications) and non-cached mapped memory files.

Should be below 1,000 on average.

The values returned by this counter may be more than you expect. These values may not be related to either paging file activity or cache activity. Instead, these values may be caused by an application that is sequentially reading a memory-mapped file.

Use Memory\Pages Input/sec and Memory\Pages Output/sec to determine page file I/O.

Memory\Pages Input/sec

Shows the rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard page faults occur when a process refers to a page in virtual memory that isn't in its working set or elsewhere in physical memory, and must be retrieved from disk. When a page is faulted, the system tries to read multiple contiguous pages into memory to maximize the benefit of the read operation. Compare the value of Memory\Pages Input/sec to the value of Memory\Page Reads/sec to determine the average number of pages read into memory during each read operation.

Should be below 1,000 on average.


Memory\Pages Output/sec

Shows the rate at which pages are written to disk to free space in physical memory. Pages are written back to disk only if they are changed in physical memory, so they are likely to hold data, and not code. A high rate of pages output might indicate a memory shortage. Microsoft Windows writes more pages back to disk to free up space when physical memory is in short supply. This counter shows the number of pages, and can be compared to other counts of pages, without conversion.

Should be below 1,000 on average.


Memory Consumption Counters

The following table shows common process memory consumption counters.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

Process(*)\Private Bytes

Shows the current number of bytes this process has allocated that can't be shared with other processes.

Not applicable.

This counter can be used for determining any memory leaks against processes.

For the information store process, compare this counter value with database cache size to determine if there is a memory leak in the information store process. An increase in information store private bytes, together with the same increase in database cache, equals correct behavior (no memory leak).

Process(*)\Virtual Bytes

Represents (in bytes) how much virtual address space the process is currently consuming.

Not applicable.

Used to determine if processes are consuming a large amount of virtual memory.

Process Working Set Counter

The following table shows a common process working set counter.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

Process(_Total)\Working Set

Shows the current size, in bytes, of the working set of this process. The working set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the working set of a process event if they aren't in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from working sets. If they are needed, they will be soft-faulted back to the working set before leaving main memory.

Not applicable.

Large increases or decreases in working sets cause paging.

Ensure that the paging file is set to the recommended value of RAM+10. If working sets are being trimmed, add Process(*)\Working Set to determine what processes are affected. This counter could indicate either system-wide or process-wide issues. Cross-reference this counter with Memory\System Cache Resident Bytes to determine if system-wide working set trimming is occurring.

Process Handle Counter

The following table shows a common process handle counter.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

Process(*)\Handle Count

Shows the total number of handles currently open by this process. This number is the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process.

Not applicable.

An increase in handle counts for a particular process may be the symptom of a faulty process with handle leaks, which is causing performance issues on the server. This isn't necessarily a problem, but is something to monitor over time to determine if a handle leak is occurring.

.NET Framework Counters

The following table shows Microsoft .NET Framework counters.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

.NET CLR Memory(*)\% Time in GC

Shows when garbage collection has occurred. When the counter exceeds the threshold, it indicates that CPU is cleaning up and isn't being used efficiently for load. Adding memory to the server would improve this situation.

Should be below 10% on average.

If this counter increases to a high value, there might be some objects that are surviving Gen 1 garbage collections and being promoted to Gen 2. Gen 2 collections require a full global catalog for clean up. Add other .NET Framework memory counters to determine if this is the case.

.NET CLR Exceptions(*)\# of Excepts Thrown / sec

Displays the number of exceptions thrown per second. These include both .NET Framework exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET Framework exceptions. For example, the null pointer reference exception in unmanaged code would get thrown again in managed code as a .NET Framework System.NullReferenceException. This counter includes both handled and unhandled exceptions.

Should be less than 5% of total requests per second (RPS) (Web Server(_Total)\Connection Attempts/sec * .05).

Exceptions should only occur in rare situations and not in the normal control flow of the program. This counter was designed as an indicator of potential performance problems due to a large (>100 sec) rate of exceptions thrown. This counter isn't an average over time. It displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.

.NET CLR Memory(*)\# Bytes in all Heaps

Shows the sum of four other counters: Gen 0 Heap Size, Gen 1 Heap Size, Gen 2 Heap Size, and Large Object Heap Size. This counter indicates the current memory allocated in bytes on the GC Heaps.

Not applicable.

These regions of memory are of type MEM_COMMIT. The value of this counter is always less than the value of Process\Private Bytes, which counts all MEM_COMMIT regions for the process. Private bytes minus # bytes in all heaps is the number of bytes committed by unmanaged objects.

Used to monitor possible memory leaks or excessive memory usage of managed or unmanaged objects.

Network Counters

The following table shows common network counters.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

Network Interface(*)\Bytes Total/sec

Indicates the rate at which the network adapter is processing data bytes. This counter includes all application and file data, in addition to protocol information such as packet headers.

For a 100-megabytes per second (MBps) network adapter, should be below 6–7 MBps.

For a 1000-megabits per second (Mbps) network adapter, should be below 60–70 Mbps.


Network Interface(*)\Packets Outbound Errors

Indicates the number of outbound packets that couldn't be transmitted because of errors.

Should be 0 at all times.


TCPv4\Connections Established

Shows the number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT. The number of TCP connections that can be established is constrained by the size of the nonpaged pool. When the nonpaged pool is depleted, no new connections can be established.

Not applicable.

Determines current user load.

TCPv6\Connection Failures

Shows the number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT. The number of TCP connections that can be established is constrained by the size of the nonpaged pool. When the nonpaged pool is depleted, no new connections can be established.

Not applicable.

Determines current user load.

TCPv4\Connections Reset

Shows the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.

An increasing number of resets or a consistently increasing rate of resets can indicate a bandwidth shortage.

Some browsers send TCP reset (RST) packets, so be cautious when using this counter to determine reset rate.

TCPv6\Connections Reset

Shows the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.

An increasing number of resets or a consistently increasing rate of resets can indicate a bandwidth shortage.

Some browsers send TCP reset (RST) packets, so be cautious when using this counter to determine reset rate.

Exchange Domain Controllers Connectivity Counters

The following table shows Exchange domain controllers connectivity counters.

Counter Description Threshold Troubleshooting

MSExchange ADAccess Caches(*)\LDAP Searches/Sec

Shows the number of LDAP search requests issued per second.

Not applicable.

Used to determine current LDAP search rate.

MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read Time

Shows the time in milliseconds (ms) to send an LDAP read request to the specified domain controller and receive a response.

Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.


MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Search Time

Shows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.

Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.


MSExchange ADAccess Processes(*)\LDAP Read Time

Shows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP read request to the specified domain controller and receive a response.

Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.


MSExchange ADAccess Processes(*)\LDAP Search Time

Shows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.

Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.


MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Searches timed out per minute

Shows the number of LDAP searches that returned LDAP_Timeout during the last minute.

Should be below 10 at all times for all roles. Higher values may indicate issues with Active Directory resources.


MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\Long running LDAP operations/Min

Shows the number of LDAP operations on this domain controller that took longer than the specified threshold per minute. (Default threshold is 15 seconds.)

Should be less than 50 at all times.

Higher values may indicate issues with Active Directory resources.

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