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Suspend or Resume a Mailbox Database Copy


Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2

These procedures show you how to suspend and resume continuous replication activity for a mailbox database copy. You may need to suspend continuous replication for a database copy for a variety of reasons, such as maintenance on the disk that contains a database copy.


After a database copy has been resumed, the Summary Copy Status for the database copy will display a status of Initializing until a log file has been generated by the active copy of the database.

Looking for other management tasks related to mailbox database copies? Check out Managing Mailbox Database Copies.

Use the EMC to suspend a mailbox database copy

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "mailbox database copies" entry in the High Availability Permissions topic.

  1. In the console tree, navigate to Organization Configuration > Mailbox.

  2. In the result pane, on the Database Management tab, select the database whose copy you want to suspend.

  3. In the work pane, on the Database Copies tab, right-click the database for which you want to suspend continuous replication, and then click Suspend Database Copy.

  4. Add an optional comment of up to 430 characters in the Comment field.

  5. Click Yes to suspend continuous replication.

Use the EMC to resume a mailbox database copy

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "mailbox database copies" entry in the High Availability Permissions topic.

  1. In the console tree, navigate to Organization Configuration > Mailbox.

  2. In the result pane, on the Database Management tab, select the database whose copy you want to resume.

  3. In the work pane, on the Database Copies tab, right-click the database for which you want to resume continuous replication, and then click Resume Database Copy.

  4. Optionally review any comments in the read-only Comment field.

  5. Click Yes to resume continuous replication.

Use the Shell to suspend a mailbox database copy

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "mailbox database copies" entry in the High Availability Permissions topic.

This example suspends continuous replication for a copy of a database named DB1 that is hosted on a server named MBX3. An optional comment has also been specified.

Suspend-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\MBX3 -SuspendComment "Maintenance on EXMBX3" -Confirm:$False

Use the Shell to resume a mailbox database copy

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "mailbox database copies" entry in the High Availability Permissions topic.

This example resumes a copy of a database named DB1 on a server named MBX3.

Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\MBX3

This example resumes a copy of a database named DB1 on a server named EX1 for replication only.

Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\EX1 -ReplicationOnly

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