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New Mailbox Wizard > User Information Page (RTM)

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007

Use the User Information page to enter user account information. This page is displayed only if you selected to create a new user for the mailbox.

The following fields are available for each new user account. The Organizational unit, Name, User logon name (both User Principal Name and pre-Windows 2000) fields are required. For user mailboxes, you must also provide a password that meets the length, complexity, and history requirement policies of the domain in which the user account is created.

  • Organizational unit

    • The default value of this field depends on the scope that is set for recipient configuration. To learn more about changing the recipient scope, see Recipient Configuration > Recipient Scope (RTM).

    • If the recipient scope is set to the forest, the default value is set to the Users container in the Active Directory directory service domain that contains the computer on which the Exchange Management Console is running. If the recipient scope is set to a specific domain, the Users container in that domain is selected by default. If the recipient scope is set to a specific organizational unit (OU), that OU is selected by default.

    • To select a different OU, click Browse. This opens the Select Organizational Unit dialog box. This dialog box displays all OUs in the forest that are within the specified scope. Select the desired OU, and then click OK to return to the wizard.

  • First Name
    Use this box to type the first name of the user.
  • Initials
    Use this box to type the middle initials of the user.
  • Last name
    Use this box to type the last name of the user.
  • Name

    • Use this box to type the user name.

    • This field is automatically populated based on the First Name, Initials, and Last Name fields. You can modify this field. The name cannot exceed 64 characters.

    • This is the name that will appear in the global address list (GAL) for the new user.

  • User logon name (User Principal Name)

    • The user logon name consists of a user name and a suffix (for example, Use the box to type the user name that the user will use to log on to the mailbox. Use the drop-down box to select the suffix for this user. Typically, the suffix is the Active Directory domain name in which the user account resides.

    • The user logon name cannot exceed 1,024 characters and must be unique in the forest.

  • User logon name (pre-Windows 2000)

    • Use this box to type a user name that is compatible with legacy versions of Microsoft Windows (prior to the release of Windows 2000 Server).

    • This box is automatically populated based on the User logon name (User Principal Name) field and is typically left the same.

    • The User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) cannot exceed 20 characters and must not contain any of the following characters: \/ []:|<> + = ; ? , *.

  • Password
    Use this box to type the password for the user.


    If you are creating a user mailbox, make sure that the password you supply complies with the password length, complexity, and history requirements of the domain in which you are creating the user account.

  • Confirm password
    Use this box to confirm the password.
  • User must change password at next logon

    • Select this check box if you want to require the user to create a new password at first logon.

    • If this check box is selected, at first logon, the new user will be prompted with a dialog box in which to change the password. The user will not be allowed to perform any tasks until the password is successfully changed.


      If this check box is selected, and the new mailbox user's first logon attempt is by using Outlook Web Access, the logon attempt will fail. This is because Outlook Web Access only supports changing the password after the user is successfully authenticated. If a user is configured to change the password at next logon, the user will not be authenticated until the password is successfully changed. The password change functionality provided by Internet Information Services (IIS) allows you to change the password in this scenario. If you select this check box for users who will be using Outlook Web Access as their first logon, you should make sure that your Client Access servers have the necessary IIS password change applications configured. To learn more about changing passwords in Outlook Web Access, see Client Features in Outlook Web Access.

For More Information

For more information about creating a mailbox for a new user, see How to Create a Mailbox for a New User.