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Move-ClusteredMailboxServer (RTM)

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007

This topic explains how to use the Move-ClusteredMailboxServer cmdlet to transfer a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 clustered mailbox server (CMS) to an available passive cluster node.


move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity <ServerIdParameter> -MoveComment <String> -TargetMachine <String> [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-IgnoreDismounted <SwitchParameter>] [-ValidateOnly <SwitchParameter>]

Detailed Description

The Move-ClusteredMailboxServer cmdlet is used to initiate a scheduled outage of a clustered mailbox server between nodes. This situation is in contrast to an unscheduled outage when the Mailbox server's host fails.

To successfully initiate a Move-ClusteredMailboxServer operation, the following conditions must be met:

  • A clustered mailbox server must not be running on the specified target computer.

  • The specified target computer must be available and must be a member of the same cluster.

After a Move-ClusteredMailboxServer operation has completed, one of the following results occurs:

  • The specified clustered mailbox server is now running on the specified target node with all data from the formerly active node.


    If the clustered mailbox server was offline when the command was issued, it will remain offline but will be transferred to the specified node.

  • If any data would be lost as a result of running the Move-ClusteredMailboxServer cmdlet, the running of the cmdlet, in most cases, will be prevented and the clustered mailbox server will remain on the original node.


    If the failure occurs late in the Move-ClusteredMailboxServer process, the clustered mailbox server will be moved to the new node.

This task requires that the account you use to initiate the task is delegated the Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server. For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.


Parameter Required Type Description




The Identity parameter specifies the name or GUID of the clustered mailbox server to be moved.




The Confirm parameter causes the command to pause processing and requires the administrator to acknowledge what the command will do before processing continues. The default value is $true.




The DomainController specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller.




The MoveComment parameter specifies the reason for the move command being issued. The comment is recorded in the event log.




The TargetMachine parameter specifies the name of the target computer for the move. This computer must be a member of the cluster and cannot be running a clustered mailbox server. It must be on the list of redundant servers of the clustered mailbox server.




The IgnoreDismounted parameter indicates dismounted storage groups are to be ignored for the purposes of replication health checks. By default, the value is $false. This parameter should be provided when the dismounted storage group had a corrupted log drive because such a failure would prevent the handoff. If a value of $true is passed, the administrator must ensure that all log files for the dismounted storage group are on the target.




The ValidateOnly parameter runs the target validation portion of the Move-ClusteredMailboxServer cmdlet. This will validate whether replication on the target node is healthy for all storage groups.




The WhatIf parameter instructs the command to simulate the actions that it would take on the object. By using the WhatIf parameter, the administrator can view what changes would occur without having to apply any of those changes. The default value is $true.


Error Description

Server '<CMSName>' is not available. The cluster may be unavailable or a communication problem may exist. This task cannot complete without communicating with the cluster.

The task was unable to connect to the cluster due to a communication issue, or the cluster is not available.

This may be because the node is unavailable, or the node is available and the cluster is unavailable, or because the computer being used cannot access a node or computer.

Get-ClusteredMailboxServerStatus is unable to get clustered mailbox server status because this task is only supported on servers running Exchange 2007 Server. <ServerName> is not running Exchange 2007 Server.

This task supports Exchange 2007 only and <ServerName> is not an Exchange 2007 server.

Access denied. The account used to run this task does not have sufficient privileges to get clustered mailbox server status from <ServerName>. Please use an account that has been assigned the Exchange Server Administrator role.

User does not have Exchange Server Administrator authority.

The operation could not be performed because '<CMSName>' could not be found on <DCFullName>. Move-ClusteredMailboxServer was unable to move the clustered mailbox server because the specified server does not exist.

The specified server does not exist.

Specified target machine '<TargetMachine>' is not valid for <CMS>.

Unable to move the clustered mailbox server because the specified server does not exist. Specified server: <ServerName>.

Could not establish communication with the host machine for '<CMS>'.

Communication could not be initiated with the active node.

Could not establish communication with '<TargetMachine>'.

Communication could not be initiated with the target computer.

Could not locate the System Attendant for '<CMSName>'.

Could not find the System Attendant.

Could not locate the Exchange Information Store for '<CMSName>'.

Could not find the Information Store.

Could not reach the cluster service on '<TargetMachine>'. Please make sure the node is up, cluster service is up, and network access is good.

Could not connect to the Cluster service on the target computer.

'<TargetMachine>' is already actively hosting another clustered mailbox server.

The specified target computer was already actively hosting another clustered mailbox server.

The version of '<TargetMachine>' is inconsistent with the version of '<CMSName>'.

The versions of the clustered mailbox server object and the target computer are incompatible.

The storage group, 'SGGuid' for the managed database, 'DBName', could not be found in Active Directory.

A managed storage group was not found in the Active Directory directory service.

'<CMS>' contains at least one storage group with multiple databases. This is not a supported configuration for Cluster Continuous Replication.

Cluster continuous replication (CCR) restricts a storage group to containing a single database.

Replication is in a broken state on '<TargetMachine>'. Move-ClusteredMailboxServer cannot be performed if the target is broken.

Move is not allowed if target is broken and not ignored.

Replication is too far behind on '<TargetMachine>'.

Move is not allowed if target is significantly behind in replication.

Replication on '<TargetMachine>' for '<SGGuid>' is not prepared to support the Move-ClusteredMailboxServer command. Retry your operation after a brief wait.

Replication on the target is not ready to support a Move-ClusteredMailboxServer operation.

Move cannot be done while databases are in pending state. '<ResourceName>' is pending online/offline.

Cannot do a move while move, start, or stop is in progress.

'<CMSName>' failed to go offline.

Clustered mailbox server on source failed to go offline.

Failed to complete basic transition of '<CMSName>' to '<TargetMachine>'.

Clustered mailbox server failed to do a basic transition to the target computer.

'<CMSName>' did not exit 'Pending Online' state.

Clustered mailbox server failed to exit pending state on target.

'<CMSName>' failed to come online on 'TargetMachine'.

Clustered mailbox server failed to come online.

Moving '<CMSName>' to '<TargetMachine>' failed due a possibly transient communication error with the Windows Clustering Services.

A transient communication problem occurred when interacting with the Cluster service.


The following code example shows how to move a clustered mailbox server named CMS to NodeB to recover from a corrupted database.

Move-ClusteredMailboxServer -Identity:CMS -TargetMachine:NodeB -MoveComment:"Recover corrupted MDB"