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How to Create a Windows Server 2008 Failover Cluster for a Single Copy Cluster

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3

This topic explains how to use the Failover Cluster Management tool or Cluster.exe to create a new failover cluster in Windows Server 2008 that can be used to host a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) single copy cluster (SCC). When creating a new failover cluster for use by an SCC, you must provide all initial cluster configuration information. This topic provides detailed steps about how to create a new failover cluster in Windows Server 2008, and then add a second node to the new cluster.

Before You Begin

This procedure can be performed locally on the first node in the cluster or remotely. However, we recommend that you perform this procedure on the computer that will be the first node in the cluster.

To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated membership in the local Administrators group. For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange 2007, see Permission Considerations.

Before building a failover cluster, we recommend that all storage resources be configured at the hardware level on each node that will be part of the cluster prior to cluster formation. If the storage is correctly configured at the hardware level prior to cluster formation, installation is simplified. Administrators must also make additional storage configuration changes at the failover cluster level and the clustered mailbox server (CMS) level after the installation has completed.


To use Cluster.exe to create a Windows Server 2008 failover cluster for an SCC

  • Open a Command Prompt window, and run the following command:

    Cluster /cluster:<ClusterName> /create /nodes:"<NodeName> <NodeName>" /ipaddress:<ClusterIPAddress>/<SubnetMask> /unattend

    For example, to create a new single-subnet failover cluster called EXCLUSTER with NODE1 and NODE2 and a cluster IP address of, run the following command.

    cluster /cluster:EXCLUSTER /create /nodes:"NODE1 NODE2" /ipaddress:

    To create a new two-subnet failover cluster called EXCLUSTER with NODE1 and NODE2 and cluster IP addresses of and, run the following command.

    cluster /cluster:EXCLUSTER /create /nodes:"NODE1 NODE2" /ipaddress:""

    Success or failure to create a cluster using the preceding command for a two-subnet failover cluster depends on the order of IP addresses passed to Cluster.exe. The first IP address listed in the /ipaddress option should be an IP address on the same subnet as the node on which the command is run. After the cluster is created and brought online, the next step is to configure the cluster networks. For detailed steps about how to configure the cluster networks, see How to Configure the Cluster Networks for a Single Copy Cluster.

To use the Failover Cluster Management tool to create a Windows Server 2008 failover cluster for an SCC

  1. Open the Failover Cluster Management tool.

  2. In the action pane, click Create a Cluster. The Create Cluster wizard starts.

  3. If this is the first time this wizard has been run, the Before You Begin page appears. There is an option to hide this page on subsequent uses of the wizard, so the first page to appear might instead be the Select Servers page. If the Before You Begin page is displayed, read the information on that page, and then click Next to continue.

  4. On the Select Servers page, type the name of the first node in the Enter server name field, and click Add. Repeat this step for each subsequent node. You can also use the Browse button to browse Active Directory for the computers you want to add. After all nodes have been added to the list of Selected Servers, click Next.

  5. In the Cluster Name field, type the name for the failover cluster. This is the name that you use to connect to and administer the cluster.

  6. In the Networks field, ensure that the networks you want to use are selected. Clear the check boxes for any networks that you do not want to use for cluster administration. In the Address field for each selected network, type the appropriate IP addresses, and then click Next.

  7. The Confirmation page appears. Verify that the cluster configuration is correct, and click Next to create the cluster.

  8. After the cluster is successfully formed, the Summary page appears. Click Finish to close the wizard.

    After the cluster is created and brought online, the next step is to configure the cluster networks. For detailed steps about how to configure the cluster networks, see How to Configure the Cluster Networks for a Single Copy Cluster.