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Toolbox > Queue Viewer > Queues Tab (RTM)

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007

Use the Queues page in the Queue Viewer to view and perform actions on queues. The types of queues you may see are briefly described in the following list:

  • Submission queue   All messages that are received by a transport server enter processing in the Submission queue. The Submission queue is a persistent queue that is always displayed, whether it contains any messages.

  • Poison message queue   This queue isolates messages that are detected as potentially harmful to the Microsoft Exchange 2007 system after a server failure. This queue is typically empty, and if no poison messages exist, the poison message queue does not appear in the Queue Viewer. This queue is in a permanently suspended state.

  • Mailbox delivery queues   These queues hold messages that are being delivered to a Mailbox server that is located in the same site as the Hub Transport server. Mailbox delivery queues exist only on Hub Transport servers. One mailbox delivery queue exists for each destination Mailbox server. Mailbox delivery queues do not display unless they contain messages to be delivered.

  • Remote delivery queues   These queues hold messages that are being delivered to a remote domain or smart host by using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Remote delivery queues do not display unless they contain messages to be delivered. After all messages are delivered, the queue persists for three minutes and then is automatically deleted.

You can perform the following actions on queues:

  • Filter
    To filter the displayed queues, click Create Filter. Only queue filter criteria can be used.

    To enable multiple queue filter expressions, click Add Expression.

    To remove a specific queue filter expression, click Remove icon next to the expression.

    To apply all the queue filter expressions, click Apply Filter.

    To remove all the queue filter expressions, click Remove Filter.

    To save the current queue filter as the default filter, click View, and then click Save Current Filter as Default.

  • Suspend
    To temporarily prevent delivery of messages that are currently in a queue, select the queue and then click Suspend queue. The queue continues to accept new messages, but no messages leave the queue.
  • Resume
    To resume a suspended queue, select the queue and then click Resume queue. This action only appears if the selected queue is suspended.
  • Retry
    This action overrides the next scheduled connection attempt and tries to connect to the next hop immediately. If no connection is made, the next retry time is reset. To retry a queue, select the queue and then click Retry. This action only appears if the selected queue is in the retry state.
  • Remove messages (with NDR)
    To remove all messages from a queue and send an NDR for each message, select the queue and then click Remove messages (with NDR).

    Note   NDR messages are not sent for existing NDR messages that are removed by using the Remove messages (with NDR) action.

  • Remove messages (without sending NDR)
    To remove all messages from a queue without generating an NDR for each message, select the queue and then click Remove messages (without sending NDR).
  • View Messages
    When you select a queue and then click View Messages, this action takes you to the queue details page. This page filters the display of messages by using the Queue ID of the selected queue.

    To further filter the display of messages that are in the selected queue, leave the default Queue ID filter expression as is, click Add Expression, and then enter your message filter criteria. Repeat this for as many different message filter expressions as you want.

    To remove a specific message filter expression, click the red X next to the expression.

    To apply all the message filter expressions, click Apply Filter.

    To remove all message filters, click

    Remove Filter. Clicking Remove Filter displays all messages that are in all queues exactly like the Messages tab.

The queue properties that you can use to create filter expressions or display in the columns of the Queues page are described in the following list:

  • Delivery Type
    This value is determined by the next hop selection. The next hop selection identifies where messages are queued for delivery. The delivery type can be one of the following values:

    • DNSConnectorDelivery   The messages are queued for delivery to an external recipient by using a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) connector that is located on the local server and that is configured to use Domain Name System (DNS) for routing resolution.

    • NonSmtpGatewayDelivery   The messages are queued for delivery to an external recipient by using a non-SMTP connector on the local server.

    • SmartHostConnectorDelivery   The messages are queued for delivery to an external recipient by using an SMTP connector that is located on the local server and that is configured to use a smart host for routing resolution.

    • SmtpRelayWithinAdSitetoEdge   The messages are queued for delivery to an external recipient by using an SMTP connector that is located on an Edge Transport server that is subscribed to the local Active Directory directory service site.

    • MapiDelivery   The messages are queued for delivery to recipients that have mailboxes that are located on a mailbox server that is located in the local Active Directory site.

    • SmtpRelayWithinAdSite   The messages are queued for delivery to a Hub Transport server that is located in the same Active Directory site as the local server. The destination server can be the source server for an SMTP connector, the source server of a routing group connector, or an expansion server.

    • SmtpRelaytoRemoteAdSite   The messages are queued for delivery to a server that is located in a remote Active Directory site. The destination server can be the source server for a connector that is configured to transport messages for external recipients, an expansion server, or a Hub Transport server that delivers messages addressed to mailbox recipients that are located in the remote Active Directory site.

    • SmtpRelaytoTiRg   The messages are queued for delivery to an Exchange Server 2003 routing group. The destination server can be the source server for a connector that is configured to transport messages for external recipients, an expansion server, or an Exchange Server 2003 bridgehead server that delivers messages addressed to mailbox recipients that are located in the routing group.

    • Undefined   The messages are located in the Submission queue, and the next hop destination has not yet been resolved.

    • Unreachable   The messages are located in the Unreachable queue, and a route to the recipient could not be established.

  • Identity
    This value specifies the identity of the queue in the form Server\destination, where destination is a remote domain, mailbox server, persistent queue name, or the integer that identifies this queue in the queue database.
  • Last Error
    A text string of the last error that was recorded for a queue.
  • Last Retry Time
    This value specifies the date-time of the last connection attempt for a queue that has a status of Retry.
  • Message Count
    This value is expressed as an integer that represents the number of items in the queue.
  • Next Hop Connector
    This value is expressed as a system GUID and is the GUID of the connector that was used to create the queue.
  • Next Hop Domain
    This value specifies the next destination of a delivery queue. The next hop domain can be expressed as follows:

    • Remote SMTP domain name

    • Exchange server name

    • Connector name

    • Routing group

    • Active Directory site name

    • Mailbox server fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

  • Next Retry Time
    This value specifies the date-time of the next connection attempt for a queue that has a status of Retry.
  • Status
    The current queue status. A queue can have one of the following status values:

    • Active

    • Suspended

    • Ready

    • Retry

For More Information

For more information about the Exchange 2007 transport process, see the following topics: