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How to Restore After a Volume Failure

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3

This topic explains how to recover a cluster continuous replication (CCR) copy after a volume failure. A volume failure refers to any case where the logical unit number (LUN) hosting a database or storage group data (logs or system files) is not available on the passive node as expected.

A volume might appear to have failed as a result of a configuration change at a lower level in the system or due to human error. If storage for a passive copy does not appear to be available, or the wrong storage is present in the wrong place, you should review whether your storage configuration has changed.

You are encouraged to address corruption or volume failures in the copy as rapidly as practical. During the period of time that the condition is not resolved, the passive node is not a good recovery target for the affected database. Therefore, should a failure occur, the affected database would be unable to be mounted, thus preventing mailboxes hosted on it from being accessible.

Before You Begin

To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the following:

  • Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server

For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.


To restore a cluster continuous replication copy after a volume failure

  1. When a failure is detected in the passive copy, an assessment of the storage subsystem for the passive database must be made. You must confirm that the storage configuration is as expected.

  2. If you determine that there is an error in the configuration of the storage subsystem, the error must be corrected. After the error has been corrected, replication will automatically restart a short time after the active copy is available and the storage has been validated.

  3. If no storage configuration issue is detected, the appropriate volumes must be made available to the storage group copy. If the missing volumes only contain logs and the system files, CCR will repopulate this data automatically. If the missing volume contains a database, a seed operation is required.

For More Information

For detailed steps about how to complete a seed operation, see How to Seed a Cluster Continuous Replication Copy.