.gif) |
AssetUrlSelector |
Renders an HTML input field and button or generates ECMAScript that opens the Asset Picker dialog box used to select a link or image URL from a site collection. |
.gif) |
AuthoringContainer |
Container control used to display or hide authoring components on a Web page, based on the current context. |
.gif) |
BaseRichField |
The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code.. |
.gif) |
BaseRichSelector |
The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
BaseRichUrlField |
Represents the field control for Rich Image field type. |
.gif) |
CmsDataFormWebPart |
Extends the DataFormWebPart object with features that are common to the Publishing Web Parts. |
.gif) |
ConsoleDataSource |
Represents a hierarchical data source containing a tree of console nodes. |
.gif) |
ConsoleDataSourceView |
Represents the hierarchical data source view for use with the ConsoleDataSource object. |
.gif) |
ConsoleDesigner |
Extends the design-mode behavior of a Web server control. |
.gif) |
ConsoleError |
Describes a page error that resulted from authoring or editing operations. |
.gif) |
ConsoleErrorDisplay |
Represents the control that is used to display details of an error that has occurred during authoring or editing operations. |
.gif) |
ConsoleNode |
Represents the basic structure used for the Console menu. |
.gif) |
ConsoleNodeCollection |
Derives from the abstract class CollectionBase to provide a ConsoleNode object collection class. |
.gif) |
ConsoleVisibilityContainer |
Container that governs whether contained controls are displayed, based on user preference and page state. |
.gif) |
ContentByQueryToolPart |
Generates a toolpane to assist users in customizing a Content By Query Web Part. |
.gif) |
ContentByQueryWebPart |
A Web Part object that is used to retrieve dynamic information. |
.gif) |
ContentByQueryWebPartException |
Represents errors that occur during Content By Query Web Part execution. |
.gif) |
DocumentLibraryFileExistValidator |
Verifies whether a file exists in the document library. |
.gif) |
EditModePanel |
Provides a container that shows or hides its child controls based on the mode of the page. |
.gif) |
EditPageHyperLink |
A hyperlink control that when placed on the page offers a link that a user can click to edit the page. |
.gif) |
FileExtensionValidator |
Validates that the value of an input field ends in the specified file name extension. |
.gif) |
HtmlEditor |
Represents a server control that enables the user to edit HTML content inline. |
.gif) |
InsertMediaRibbonButton |
Adds a media button to the ribbon. |
.gif) |
LastModifiedIndicator |
Obsolete. Indicates the date that the current page was last modified. |
.gif) |
LayoutVariationsFieldControl |
Represents a control whose data items are single lines of text specifying layout variations. |
.gif) |
LevelHierarchyDataSource |
Used by the LevelHierarchyWebPart object to gather data. |
.gif) |
LevelHierarchyDataSourceView |
Represents a single (default) view of the LevelHierarchyDataSource class. |
.gif) |
LevelHierarchyToolPart |
Extends the ToolPart class for Web Parts that are hierarchical. |
.gif) |
LevelHierarchyWebPart |
Represents the base class for Web Parts that render hierarchical data using Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) style sheets. |
.gif) |
MediaFieldControl |
A field control capable of displaying the value of a Media field by using a media player. |
.gif) |
MediaWebPart |
A Web Part that displays media content through the use of a media player. |
.gif) |
NewPageLayoutValidatorAggregator |
Represents a control used to validate input for creating new page layout in Master Page Gallery. |
.gif) |
PageLayoutValidator |
Verifies whether a page layout already exists in the Master Page Gallery. |
.gif) |
PagePublishDateIndicator |
Indicates the date that the current page either has gone live or will go live. |
.gif) |
PublishingButton |
User interface (UI) control that renders in the Web browser as a clickable button with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation publishing styles. |
.gif) |
PublishingContext |
Adding this control to a Publishing page creates input fields on the page that are important for authoring-related operations. |
.gif) |
PublishingMenu |
A user interface (UI) component that displays several actions that can be performed by authors in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Publishing. |
.gif) |
PublishingPageStatusIndicator |
Represents a control that indicates the status of the current page. |
.gif) |
PublishingPageVersionIndicator |
Represents a control that indicates the version of the current page. |
.gif) |
PublishingPageVersionStyleIndicator |
Represents a Cascading style sheet (CSS) style name, based on the current version of the page. |
.gif) |
PublishingScheduleControl |
Represents the control used to edit the ScheduledItem.StartDate or ScheduledItem.EndDate property of a ScheduledItem object. |
.gif) |
PublishingScheduleFieldControl |
Represents the control used to edit the ScheduledItem.StartDate or ScheduledItem.EndDate of a ScheduledItem. |
.gif) |
PublishingSiteActionsMenuCustomizer |
Adds custom actions for the Publishing feature to the Site Actions menu. |
.gif) |
QuickAccessMenu |
User interface (UI) component that displays common actions that can be performed by authors in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Publishing. |
.gif) |
RedirectControl |
Server control that redirects the current user to the URL specified in the RedirectURL field of the current page. This redirect happens only if the page is currently published and that user does not have rights to edit the page. |
.gif) |
RichHtmlField |
Represents a field control used to edit data in the HtmlField type fields. |
.gif) |
RichImageField |
Field control object that you can use to edit data in ImageField type fields. |
.gif) |
RichImageSelector |
.gif) |
RichLinkField |
Field control used for editing data in fields of the LinkField type. |
.gif) |
RichLinkSelector |
Provides an edit control for selecting a hyperlink URL and setting its display properties. |
.gif) |
SaveBeforeNavigationControl |
Placing this control on a Publishing page triggers saving the publishing page when that page is in Edit mode and the user attempts to navigate to another page. |
.gif) |
SpellCheckToolbarButton |
Represents the toolbar button that launches spell checking in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation forms. |
.gif) |
SpellCheckV4Action |
Registers the spellchecking client files and data, when appropriate. |
.gif) |
SPUrlExpressionBuilder |
An expression editor class that helps controls that are using this class to be displayed correctly. |
.gif) |
SPUrlExpressionEditor |
Defines a set of properties and methods for evaluating an expression that contains ~site, ~site and/or ~language that is associated with a control property at design time. |
.gif) |
SummaryLinkFieldControl |
Represents a Web control that is associated with a SummaryLinkField. |
.gif) |
SummaryLinkToolbar |
Represents a temporary AddSummaryLink control that renders a link to the AddSummaryLink page. |
.gif) |
SummaryLinkToolPart |
Represents the tool part for a SummaryLinkWebPart object. |
.gif) |
SummaryLinkWebPart |
Derived ASP.NET Web Part that is used to interact with SummaryLinks. |
.gif) |
SummaryLinkWebPartException |
Represents errors that occur during SummaryLinkWebPart execution. |
.gif) |
TableOfContentsDataSource |
A LevelHierarchyDataSource that is used to gather data for the TableOfContentsWebPart. |
.gif) |
TableOfContentsDataSourceView |
Provides the view for the TableOfContentsDataSource object. |
.gif) |
TableOfContentsToolPart |
Represents the tool pane that helps configure the Table of Contents Web Part. |
.gif) |
TableOfContentsWebPart |
Renders a hierarchical view of Web Parts and Web pages. |
.gif) |
ValidatorAggregator |
Represents a list of validators for a control. |
.gif) |
VariationDataSource |
Represents the DataSource control that supplies data used to render the Variation Flag control. |
.gif) |
VariationsLabelEcbMenu |
Obsolete. This class or member is deprecated. When you upgrade or write new applications that use this class or member, use the new class or member instead. A sample UI control that shows how to connect to the control to display a drop-down menu of the Variation peer links to the current Page. |
.gif) |
VariationsRootLandingDesignTime |
This class is embedded in "/_controlstemplates/VariationsRootLanding.ascx" to render default design-time text for Microsoft SharePoint Designer. |
.gif) |
VariationsRootLandingRunTime |
Embedded in "/_controlstemplates/VariationsRootLanding.ascx" to render default run-time text when Variations Root Landing logic in the ascx file did not redirect the user to a Variation subsite. |
.gif) |
XmlConsoleDataSource |
An implementation of the XmlConsoleDataSource object that generates data that is based on a specially designed XML configuration file. |