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Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.EditingMenuActions Namespace

The Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.EditingMenuActions namespace contains classes that define behaviors that are available to the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Editing menu. The menu supports common actions such as add, check in, check out, copy, decline, exit, delete, modify, move, and save, but it also supports actions that are specific to other SharePoint Server 2010 functionality, such as creating new sites and pages, importing Web Parts, implementing Quick Deploy actions, switching modes, and managing workflows.


  Class Description
Public class ApproveAction Approves nonworkflow page submissions.
Public class ApproveOrDeclineAction Represents an approve or decline action.
Public class BaseApproveAction Represents a Base Approve console action, which indicates that updates are declined.
Public class BaseDeclineAction Represents a Base Decline console action, which indicates that updates are declined.
Public class BrowseWebPartsAction Represents a Browse Web Parts console action, which enables browsing of available Web Parts to add to a Web page.
Public class CancelApprovalRequestAction Represents an Approval Request console action, which cancels page submissions that are not associated with a workflow.
Public class CancelApprovalWorkflowRequestAction Cancels workflow page submissions.
Public class CancelSchedulingAction Represents a cancel of a scheduling action.
Public class CheckInAction Represents a check-in action.
Public class CheckInWithCommentAction Represents the action of checking in with a comment.
Public class CheckOutAction Represents a check out action.
Public class CheckOutOverrideAction Allows a checkout by another user to be undone so that the file can be checked out by the current user.
Public class ConsoleAction Represents the base class which all specific console actions to be used in the ConsoleDataSource must inherit.
Public class CopyAction Represents a copy action.
Public class CreateNewPublishingPageAction Represents an action to create a publishing page.
Public class CreateNewSiteAction Represents a Create New Site console action, which creates a new Web site.
Public class CreateNewsLinkAction Represents a Create News Link console action, which creates a news link on the Web page.
Public class CreatePageVariationAction Creates a Variations page.
Public class CreateSiteVariationAction Represents a Create Site Variation console action, which creates a variation PublishingWeb page.
Public class DeclineAction Provides methods and properties required by the Decline Action console action available to the Editing menu.
Public class DeleteAction Provides methods and properties required by the Delete Action console action that are available from the Editing menu.
Public class EditListItemPropertiesAction Represents an action to send user to page for editing list item properties.
Public class EditPropertiesAction Provides methods and properties required by the Editing Menu Actions console action available to the Editing Menu.
Public class ExitMenuAction Implements the ExitMenuAction console action.
Public class ExitWithoutSavingAction Represents an Exit Without Saving console action, which exits a Web page without saving changes.
Public class ForceSavePublishingPageAction Forces Publishing page actions to be saved.
Public class ImportWebPartsAction Provides methods and properties required to import Web Parts.
Public class ManageSiteAction Provides methods and properties required by the ManageSiteAction console action.
Public class ModifyNavigationAction Represents a Modify Navigation Action console action, which enables configuration of site navigation settings.
Public class ModifyPagesLibrarySettingsAction Represents a Modify Pages Library Settings console action, which enables modification of settings in the pages library.
Public class ModifyWebPartsNode Provides a full tree of Web Parts.
Public class MoveAction Provides methods and properties required by the MoveAction console action.
Public class OneClickPublishAction Makes the page go live and publishes it with one click.
Public class PageLayoutAction Changes the page layout of the current publishing page.
Public class PersonalViewAction Represents a Personal View console action, which indicates whether the view is personalized.
Public class PreviewAction Provides methods and properties required by the PreviewAction console action.
Public class PreviewExistingPublishingPageAction Provides methods and properties required by the PreviewExistingPublishingPageAction console action.
Public class PublishAction Represents a Publish console action, which publishes a Web page.
Public class PublishWithCommentAction Provides methods and properties required by the PublishWithCommentAction console action.
Public class QuickDeployAction Provides methods and properties required by the QuickDeployAction console action.
Public class ReportsNode A ConsoleNode object that supports SiteAction objects that allow displaying one or more reports without also closing the ConsoleNode object. Reports appear when the ConsoleNode object has the focus.
Public class ReviewPublishingPageAction Represents a Review Publishing Page console action, which enables review of a Publishing page.
Public class RevisionHistoryAction Represents a Revision History console action, which displays the version history of a Web page.
Public class RTEV4Action Registers the publishing extensions files for the rich text editor.
Public class SavePublishingPageAction Represents a Save Publishing Page console action, which saves the publishing page.
Public class SchedulingAction Represents the ConsoleAction object that is used to set the scheduling information of the current publishing page.
Public class SearchWebPartsAction Provides methods and properties required by the SearchWebPartsAction console action.
Public class SharedViewAction Represents a Shared View console action, which indicates whether the view is shared.
Public class ShowUnapprovedResourcesAction Provides methods and properties required by the ShowUnapprovedResourcesAction console action.
Public class SiteDirectoryBrokenLinksCheckerAction Provides methods and properties required by the SiteDirectoryBrokenLinksCheckerAction console action.
Public class SiteSettingsAction Provides methods and properties required by the SiteSettingsAction console action.
Public class SpellCheckEntirePageAction Provides methods and properties required by the SpellCheckEntirePageAction console action.
Public class SwitchToAuthoringModeAction Provides methods and properties required by the SwitchToAuthoringModeAction console action.
Public class SwitchToPublishedModeAction Represents a Switch To Published Mode console action, which changes the mode of an item to Published.
Public class UndoCheckOutAction Provides methods and properties required by the UndoCheckOutAction console action.
Public class UnpublishAction Provides methods and properties required by the UnpublishAction console action.
Public class UpdateVariationsAction Provides methods and properties required to temporarily implement this UpdateVariationsAction console action.
Public class VersionDifferenceAction Represents a Version Difference console action, which indicates whether there is a difference in versions.
Public class VersionInfoAction Provides methods and properties required by the VersionInfoAction console action.
Public class ViewAllSiteContentAction Represents a View All Site Content console action, which displays all site content.
Public class ViewChangesPageVariationAction Represents the server-side implementation of the ribbon button that lets a user on a target page of the variations feature display the changes to the source page.
Public class ViewRecycleBinAction Provides methods and properties required by the ViewRecycleBinAction console action.
Public class WorkflowApproveAction Provides methods and properties required by the WorkflowApproveAction console action.
Public class WorkflowDeclineAction Provides methods and properties required by the WorkflowDeclineAction console action.
Public class WorkflowStartAction Represents a Workflow Start console action, which provides access to workflow start options.
Public class WorkflowStatusAction Provides methods and properties required by the WorkflowStatusAction console action.
Public class WorkflowTasksAction Provides methods and properties required by the WorkflowTasksAction console action.