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SocialDataService Members

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Provides methods for remote clients to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) social data.

The SocialDataService type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SocialDataService Initializes a new instance of the SocialDataService class.



  Name Description
Public property AllowAutoRedirect (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Protected property CanRaiseEvents (Inherited from Component.)
Public property ClientCertificates (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public property ConnectionGroupName (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public property Container (Inherited from Component.)
Public property CookieContainer (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public property Credentials (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Protected property DesignMode (Inherited from Component.)
Public property EnableDecompression (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Protected property Events (Inherited from Component.)
Public property PreAuthenticate (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public property Proxy (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public property RequestEncoding (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public property Site (Inherited from Component.)
Public property SoapVersion (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Public property Timeout (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public property UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public property Url (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public property UseDefaultCredentials (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public property UserAgent (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)



  Name Description
Public method Abort (Inherited from WebClientProtocol.)
Public method AddComment Associates a social comment with the specified URL for the current user.
Public method AddTag Associates a social tag term with the specified URL for the current user.
Public method AddTagByKeyword Associates a social tag with the specified keyword with the specified URL for the current user.
Protected method BeginInvoke (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Protected method CancelAsync (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Public method CountCommentsOfUser Gets the count of all social comments created by the specified user.
Public method CountCommentsOfUserOnUrl Gets the count of all social comments created by the specified user for the specified URL.
Public method CountCommentsOnUrl Gets the count of all social comments for the specified URL.
Public method CountRatingsOnUrl Gets the total number of all social ratings for the specified URL.
Public method CountTagsOfUser Gets the total number of all social tags created by the specified user.
Public method CreateObjRef (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method DeleteComment Deletes the social comment associated with the current user and specified URL that was last modified at the specified time.
Public method DeleteRating Deletes the social rating associated with the current user on the specified URL.
Public method DeleteTag Deletes the social tag associated with the current user for the specified URL and social tag term.
Public method DeleteTagByKeyword Deletes a social tag associated with the current user for the specified URL and social tag keyword.
Public method DeleteTags Deletes all social tags for the current user for the specified URL.
Public method Discover (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Public method Dispose() (Inherited from Component.)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from Component.)
Protected method EndInvoke (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Component.)
Public method GetAllTagTerms Retrieves all social tag terms, up to the specified maximum number.
Public method GetAllTagTermsForUrlFolder Retrieves the social tag terms for a specified URL, up to the specified maximum number.
Public method GetAllTagUrls Retrieves the social tag URLs that have been tagged with the specified social tag term.
Public method GetAllTagUrlsByKeyword Retrieves all social tag URLs that have been tagged with the specified social tag keyword.
Public method GetCommentsOfUser Retrieves all social comments created by a specified user, up to the specified maximum number and starting at the specified zero-based index.
Public method GetCommentsOfUserOnUrl Retrieves all of the social comments created by the specified user for the specified URL.
Public method GetCommentsOnUrl Retrieves all social comments for the specified URL and last modified date after the specified time, up to the specified maximum number and starting at the specified zero-based index.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method GetRatingAverageOnUrl Retrieves the average rating for the specified URL.
Public method GetRatingOfUserOnUrl Retrieves the social rating associated with the specified user for the specified URL.
Public method GetRatingOnUrl Retrieves the social rating associated with the current user for the specified URL.
Public method GetRatingsOfUser Retrieves all social ratings associated with the specified user.
Public method GetRatingsOnUrl Retrieves all social ratings created for the specified URL.
Protected method GetReaderForMessage (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Protected method GetService (Inherited from Component.)
Public method GetSocialDataForFullReplication Retrieves the list of existing social comments, social tags, and social ratings for the specified user for use when replicating social data.
Public method GetSocialDataForIncrementalReplication Retrieves the existing and deleted social comments, social tags, and social ratings modified during a specified period of time.
Public method GetTags Retrieves all social tags by the current user on the specified URL.
Public method GetTagsOfUser Retrieves the social tags created by the specified user, up to the specified maximum number and starting at zero-based index.
Public method GetTagTerms Retrieves all social tag terms created by the current user, up to the specified maximum number.
Public method GetTagTermsOfUser Retrieves the social tag terms created by the specified user, up to the specified maximum number.
Public method GetTagTermsOnUrl Retrieves the social tag terms on the specified URL, up to the specified maximum number.
Public method GetTagUrls Retrieves all social URLs that have been tagged by the current user with the specified social tag term.
Public method GetTagUrlsByKeyword Retrieves all social URLs that have been tagged by the current user with the specified keyword.
Public method GetTagUrlsOfUser Retrieves all social URLs that have been tagged by the specified user with the specified social tag term.
Public method GetTagUrlsOfUserByKeyword Retrieves all social URLs that have been tagged by the specified user with the specified keyword.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetWebRequest (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Protected method GetWebResponse(WebRequest) (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Protected method GetWebResponse(WebRequest, IAsyncResult) (Inherited from HttpWebClientProtocol.)
Protected method GetWriterForMessage (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Public method InitializeLifetimeService (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected method Invoke (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Protected method InvokeAsync(String, [], SendOrPostCallback) (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Protected method InvokeAsync(String, [], SendOrPostCallback, Object) (Inherited from SoapHttpClientProtocol.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone() (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone(Boolean) (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method PropagateRating Calculates the average rating for the list item at the specified URL and updates the corresponding list item with the average rating and rating count.
Public method ReplicateFullSocialData Replicates the specified social comments, tags, and ratings for the specified user.
Public method ReplicateIncrementalSocialData Replicates the specified existing and deleted social comments, social tags, and social ratings.
Public method SetRating Creates a social rating for the current user with the specified value, on a scale of 1-5, for the specified URL.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Component.)
Public method UpdateComment Updates an existing social comment for the current user on the specified URL.



  Name Description
Public event Disposed (Inherited from Component.)


See Also


SocialDataService Class

SocialDataService Web Service