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Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy Namespace

Includes classes that provide the basic functionality for enterprise metadata management. Examples include types for managing terms, term sets, groups, keywords, term stores, and metadata service applications.


  Class Description
Public class ChangedGroup Represents a change that happened to a Group object.
Public class ChangedItem Represents one change to the TermStore object.
Public class ChangedItemCollection A collection of ChangedItem objects.
Public class ChangedSite Represents an event that occured that changes something in the hidden list.
Public class ChangedTerm Indicates a change that happened to a Term object.
Public class ChangedTermSet Indicates a change that happened to a TermSet object.
Public class ChangedTermStore Indicates a change that happened to a TermStore object.
Public class FeatureIds Specifies the features IDs that are defined and used in enterprise metadata management (EMM).
Public class Group Represents the top-level container in a TermStore object.
Public class GroupCollection A collection of Group objects.
Public class HiddenListFullSyncJobDefinition Defines the timer job responsible for keeping the list that TaxonomyField objects use for lookup current.
Public class ImportManager The ImportManager class is used to import individual TermSet instances into a Group.
Public class Label Represents the name of a Term object in a specific language.
Public class LabelCollection Represents a collection of Label objects.
Public class MobileTaxonomyField Provides support for taxonomy fields on a mobile page.
Public class TaxonomyField Represents a taxonomy field.
Public class TaxonomyFieldControl Provides the edit experience for a TaxonomyField object.
Public class TaxonomyFieldEditor Represents the CodeBehind for the create new column editing page when a managed metadata column is created.
Public class TaxonomyFieldValue Represents a single value held in a TaxonomyField object.
Public class TaxonomyFieldValueCollection Represents the multi-value object for the taxonomy column.
Public class TaxonomyItem The TaxonomyItem class is a base class that represents an item in the term store.
Public class TaxonomySession Wraps up all of the associated TermStore objects for a SPSite object.
Public class TaxonomyWebTaggingControl Represents a generic Web control for picking managed metadata terms.
Public class Term Represents a Term or a Keyword in a managed metadata hierarchy.
Public class TermCollection Represents collection of Term objects.
Public class TermSet Represents a hierarchical or flat set of Term objects known as a "TermSet".
Public class TermSetCollection Represents a collection of TermSet objects.
Public class TermSetItem Provides an abstraction of the TaxonomyItem object that is a parent of Term objects.
Public class TermStore Represents a store that contains metadata within child Group objects, TermSet objects, and Term objects.
Public class TermStoreCollection Represents a collection of TermStore objects.
Public class TermStoreOperationException Represents an exception that indicates taxonomy-specific exceptions that occur during operations within a TermStore object.
Public class TreeControl Constructs a JSON representation of the data source and initializes an instance of the client tree control.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ChangedItemType Represents the type of changed object.
Public enumeration ChangedOperationType Indicates the type of operation that caused a change.
Public enumeration StringMatchOption Indicates what type of string matching should be performed when comparing strings.
Public enumeration TaxonomyRights Represents a bitmask identifying the taxonomy permissions.