Microsoft.Office.Server.SocialData Namespace
Contains classes that create and manipulate pieces of social data. Some of the most commonly used types in this namespace are, SocialCommentManager, SocialRatingManager, and SocialTagManager.
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DeletedSocialComment |
Represents a social comment whose information has been deleted from the database. |
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DeletedSocialData |
Abstract base class representing a piece of social data whose information has been deleted from the database. |
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DeletedSocialRating |
Represents a social rating whose information has been deleted from the database. |
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DeletedSocialTag |
Represents a social tag whose information has been deleted from the database. |
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FeedbackData |
Contains a set of properties that are logged as analysis data whenever a SocialRating is set. |
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PluggableSocialSecurityTrimmerManager |
Instantiates registered security trimmers for social data. |
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SearchSocialSecurityTrimmer |
Contains methods for security trimming lists that contain social data. |
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SocialComment |
Contains properties that represent a social comment. |
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SocialCommentManager |
Contains methods and properties that allow you to add, delete, retrieve, and manage social comments. |
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SocialData |
Represents an abstract class that contains properties comprising a piece of social data. |
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SocialDataManager |
Represents an abstract base class that contains methods and properties that enable you to add, delete, retrieve, and manage social data. |
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SocialRating |
Contains properties representing a social rating, which is a specific piece of social data that ranks an entity on a scale of 0-5. |
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SocialRatingAverage |
Represents the average rating for a specific URL. |
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SocialRatingManager |
Contains methods and properties used to manipulate social rating data. |
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SocialTag |
Represents a social tag, consisting of a URI and a term from the taxonomy term store. |
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SocialTagManager |
Contains methods and properties used to manipulate social tag data. |
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SocialTerm |
Represents a term that has been made available for social tagging. |
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SocialUrl |
Represents a URL that has been tagged at least one time with a SocialTag. |
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SocialItemPrivacy |
An enumeration of values that specify the possible privacy levels of social tags. |