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Microsoft.Office.Server.SocialData Namespace

Contains classes that create and manipulate pieces of social data. Some of the most commonly used types in this namespace are, SocialCommentManager, SocialRatingManager, and SocialTagManager.


  Class Description
Public class DeletedSocialComment Represents a social comment whose information has been deleted from the database.
Public class DeletedSocialData Abstract base class representing a piece of social data whose information has been deleted from the database.
Public class DeletedSocialRating Represents a social rating whose information has been deleted from the database.
Public class DeletedSocialTag Represents a social tag whose information has been deleted from the database.
Public class FeedbackData Contains a set of properties that are logged as analysis data whenever a SocialRating is set.
Public class PluggableSocialSecurityTrimmerManager Instantiates registered security trimmers for social data.
Public class SearchSocialSecurityTrimmer Contains methods for security trimming lists that contain social data.
Public class SocialComment Contains properties that represent a social comment.
Public class SocialCommentManager Contains methods and properties that allow you to add, delete, retrieve, and manage social comments.
Public class SocialData Represents an abstract class that contains properties comprising a piece of social data.
Public class SocialDataManager Represents an abstract base class that contains methods and properties that enable you to add, delete, retrieve, and manage social data.
Public class SocialRating Contains properties representing a social rating, which is a specific piece of social data that ranks an entity on a scale of 0-5.
Public class SocialRatingAverage Represents the average rating for a specific URL.
Public class SocialRatingManager Contains methods and properties used to manipulate social rating data.
Public class SocialTag Represents a social tag, consisting of a URI and a term from the taxonomy term store.
Public class SocialTagManager Contains methods and properties used to manipulate social tag data.
Public class SocialTerm Represents a term that has been made available for social tagging.
Public class SocialUrl Represents a URL that has been tagged at least one time with a SocialTag.


  Interface Description
Public interface ISocialSecurityTrimmer Defines methods for security trimming lists that contain social data.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration SocialItemPrivacy An enumeration of values that specify the possible privacy levels of social tags.