.gif) |
MobileAverageRatingField |
Provides rendering for the AverageRatingField on the Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileColleagueProfilePageNavigation |
Renders a link to navigate the user to the mobile view of the profile page of a colleague on the current Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileListsColleagueProfilePageNavigation |
Renders a link on the All Site Content page to navigate the user to the mobile view of the profile page of a colleague on the current Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileListsHomePageNavigation |
Renders a link on the All Site Content page to navigate the user to the mobile view of the home page on the current Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileListsMyProfilePageNavigation |
Renders a link on the All Site Content page to navigate the user to the mobile view of the My Profile page on the current Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileListViewIterator |
Renders the list of mobile views for a list. |
.gif) |
MobileMyContentPageNavigation |
Renders a link to navigate the current user to the mobile view of the My Content page of the current Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileMyContentRedirection |
Redirects the user to the My Content page on the Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileMyProfilePageNavigation |
Renders a link to navigate the user to the mobile view of the My Profile page on the current Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileMyProfileRedirection |
Redirects the user to the “My Profile” page on the Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileMySitePageNavigation |
Renders a link to navigate users to the “My Site” page of a Web site. |
.gif) |
MobilePersonalSpaceMainHeading |
Renders the WebTitle in the main heading of the personal space page. |
.gif) |
MobilePersonContentPageNavigation |
Renders a link to navigate the current user to the mobile view of the personal content page on the current Web site. |
.gif) |
MobileProfileProperty |
Provides access to fields and methods that are used for working with UserProfile properties. This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
MobileProfilePropertyDetailsViewer |
Renders a Panel control to display the properties of the current user profile. |
.gif) |
MobileProfilePropertyEMail |
Renders a link to display an e-mail property of the current user profile. |
.gif) |
MobileProfilePropertyImage |
Renders an image to be displayed that is associated with the current user profile. |
.gif) |
MobileProfilePropertyPhone |
Renders a panel to display a command that the user selects to dial the phone number associated with the currently displayed user profile. |
.gif) |
MobileProfilePropertyRichValue |
Renders a panel to display the property of the user profile with rich formatting. |
.gif) |
MobileProfilePropertyValue |
Renders a label to display the property value of the profile. |
.gif) |
MobileRefreshNavigation |
Provides a SPPMobileButtonNavigation control on a SharePoint Foundation page that reloads the current page. |
.gif) |
MobileSearchPageNavigation |
Renders a link to navigate the user to the search page. |
.gif) |
MobileUtility |
Provides access to fields and methods that are used for working with a Web application. This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
MobileWebTitle |
Displays the current user name as the title on the mobile page. |
.gif) |
SPPersonPage |
Represents a personal information page on a Web site that is designed for viewing on mobile devices. |
.gif) |
StatusNotesControl |
Renders a label to display the status notes property of the UserProfile of the current SPWeb owner. |