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Step 1: Creating a ECMAScript Text File

Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010

For this walkthrough, you will create an ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) text file. This walkthrough assumes that you are familiar with coding in JavaScript.

To create an ECMAScript text file

  1. Create a text file and name it JSOM_FeedToContentEditor.txt.

  2. Add the following script to the JSOM_FeedToContentEditor.txt file.

    Sample code provided by: Vidya Joshi, Microsoft Corporation.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
     <head>Logging results:
    <div id='resultdiv'></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">         
    // Set the page event handlers for onload and unload.
    if (window.attachEvent) 
        window.attachEvent("onload", Page_Load);
    // For some browsers window.attachEvent does not exist.
        window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Page_Load, false);
    // Load the page. 
    function Page_Load() 
    function GetEwa()
        om =Ewa.EwaControl.getInstances().getItem(0);
        writelog('DomId:' + om.getDomElement().id,0);
    function cellchanged(rangeArgs)
        writelog('Address:'+ rangeArgs.getRange().getAddressA1(),1);
        writelog('Value:' + rangeArgs.getFormattedValues(),1);
        writelog('Cell changed event triggered',0);
    function selChanged(rangeArgs)
        writelog('Address:'+ rangeArgs.getRange().getAddressA1(),1);
        writelog('Value:' + rangeArgs.getFormattedValues(),1);
        writelog('Selection changed event triggered',0);
    function gridSynchronized(res)
        writelog('WorkbookPath:' +om.getActiveWorkbook().getWorkbookPath(),1);
        writelog('grid synchronized',0);
    function wbchanged(r)
        writelog('Workbook changed event triggered',0);
    function editing(rangeArgs)
        writelog('Address:'+ rangeArgs.getRange().getAddressA1(),1);
        writelog('Value:' + rangeArgs.getFormattedValues(),1);
        writelog('Entered cell editing event triggered',0);
    function writelog(output, indentLevel)
        output = output + "<br/>";
        document.getElementById('resultdiv').innerHTML = output + document.getElementById('resultdiv').innerHTML ;
  3. Save the text file.

To save the text file to a trusted document library

  1. Upload the text file that you created in the previous procedure to a trusted SharePoint document library.

  2. Note the URL to the text file. For example:


    In the next procedure, you will need this URL to feed to the Content Editor Web Part.