Delen via

Ranking Model Schema

Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010


<rankingModel name="string" id="GUID" description="string" xmlns="">
        <queryDependentFeature pid="PID" name="string" weight="weightValue" lengthNormalization="lengthNormalizationSetting" /> 
        <categoryFeature pid="PID" default="defaultValue" name="string">
            <category value="categoryValue" name="string" weight="weightValue" /> 
        <languageFeature pid="PID" name="string" default="defaultValue" weight="weightValue" />
        <queryIndependentFeature pid="PID" name="string" default="defaultValue"  weight="weightValue">
            <transformRational k="value" />
            <transformInvRational k="value" />
            <transformLinear max="maxValue" />




rankingModel Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Specifies the top-level node of the ranking model.

queryDependentFeatures Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Contains the managed properties for dynamic ranking.

queryDependentFeature Element [Ranking Model Schema]

The managed property for the dynamic ranking parameter.

queryIndependentFeatures Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Contains the list of static ranking parameters.

categoryFeature Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Static ranking parameters with small enumerable integer values.

category Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Contains the score additions for each possible ranking parameter value.

languageFeature Element [Ranking Model Schema]

The static ranking parameter for matching the query language.

queryIndependentFeature Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Contains a static ranking parameter.

transformRational Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Specifies that the transform type for the corresponding feature is rational.

transformInvRational Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Specifies that the transform type for the corresponding feature is inverse rational.

transformLinear Element [Ranking Model Schema]

Specifies that the transform type for the corresponding feature is linear.