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SPDeveloperDashboardSettings Members

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Monitors and reports on the performance of the SharePoint farm.

The SPDeveloperDashboardSettings type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPDeveloperDashboardSettings Initializes a new instance of the [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPDeveloperDashboardSettings] class.



  Name Description
Public property AdditionalEventsToTrack A list of URL tags to track in addition to events with severity above High.
Public property AutoLaunchEnabled
Public property DisplayLevel Indicates whether the developer dashboard is set to Off, On, or On Demand.
Public property DisplayName Gets the display name that describes the persisted object instance within the administrative user interface. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Farm Gets the server farm where the object resides. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Id Gets or sets the GUID that is associated with the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property MaximumCriticalEventsToTrack The maximum number of critical events and asserts that will be recorded in a single transaction (i.e. one request or timer job). If a single transaction has more than this number of asserts the remainder will be ignored. This can be set to 0 to disable assert tracking.
Public property MaximumSQLQueriesToTrack The maximum number of SQL queries that will be recorded in a single transaction (i.e. one request or timer job). If a single transaction executes more than this number of requests the query will be counted but the query call stack and text will not be kept.
Public property Name Gets or sets a name that is used to uniquely identify two objects that have the same parent and class. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Parent Gets the parent in the logical hierarchy of the configuration object tree. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Properties Gets metadata for the persisted object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property RequiredPermissions A permission mask defining the permissions required to see the developer dashboard. This defaults to [SPBasePermissions.AddAndCustomizePages].
Public property Status Gets or sets the status of the object that the class represents. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property TraceEnabled Whether a link to display full verbose trace will be available at the bottom of the page when the developer dashboard is launched or not.
Public property TypeName Gets the display name that describes the object type in the administrative user interface. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property UpgradedPersistedProperties Gets the collection of field names and values for fields that were deleted or changed. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public property Version Gets a value that is incremented each time the object is updated. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected property WasCreated Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the object is initialized and can be found in the database. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)



  Name Description
Public method Clone Returns a clone of the object that does not come from the in-memory cache, which enables calling code to help ensure thread safety. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Delete Deletes the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method DisableDiagnosticMode Disabling diagnostic mode is defined by setting the [this.DisplayLevel] to SPPerformanceMonitoringLevel.Off, [this.RequiredPermissions] to SPBasePermissions.AddAndCustomizePages, and [this.TraceEnabled] to false.
Public method EnableDiagnosticMode Enabling the diagnostic mode is defined by setting [this.DisplayLevel] to SPPerformanceMonitoringLevel.OnDemand, [this.RequiredPermissions] to SPBasePermissions.EmptyMask, and [this.TraceEnabled] to true.
Public method Equals Determines whether the current persisted object equals the specified object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChild<T>() Returns the child of the persisted object based on the specified type. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetChild<T>(String) Returns the child object of the persisted object based on the specified name. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for the persisted object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetObjectData Gets the serialized state of the object. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method HasAdditionalUpdateAccess Override this method to allow more users to update the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnDeserialization (Overrides SPPersistedObject.OnDeserialization().)
Public method Provision Makes the changes to the local server that are needed before the object can be used. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method ToString Returns the type and name of an object and of all its ancestors (parent, grandparent, and so on). (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Uncache Frees the memory cache that is used by the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Unprovision Makes the changes to the local server that are needed to clean up after deleting the object. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Update() Causes the object to save its state and propagate changes to all the computers in the server farm. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Update(Boolean) Causes the object to save its state and propagate changes to all the computers in the server farm, optionally throwing an exception if the object already exists in the configuration store. (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method UpdateParent Causes the containing SPPersistedObject, if one exists, to update its state. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Protected method Validate (Overrides SPPersistedObject.Validate().)


See Also


SPDeveloperDashboardSettings Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration Namespace