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Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.Administration Namespace

The Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.Administration namespace contains types that administer external content types.


  Class Description
Public class AccessControlledMetadataObject Represents an object that has the access control list (ACL) authorization checks embedded in one or more of its methods.
Public class Action Represents an Action in the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service. A type of MetadataObject that represents a URL that triggers the display or manipulation of data related to an Entity or an entity instance. Actions are contained by an entity. Actions contain ActionParameters.
Public class ActionCollection Represents a collection of actions.
Public class ActionParameter Defines the parameters that the action URL accepts.
Public class ActionParameterCollection Represents a collection of ActionParameter objects.
Public class ActivationError Represents the error that is encountered during external content type activation.
Public class AdministrationMetadataCatalog Contains members that administer the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service Metadata Store.
Public class Association Represents a relationship between two or more related external content types defined in one or multiple external systems.
Public class AssociationCardinalityMismatchError Represents an activation error that indicates that the cardinality of the association does not match the configuration of the foreign identifiers.
Public class AssociationCollection Represents a collection of associations.
Public class AssociationGroup Represents a collection of references to logically related association navigators, associators, and disassociator objects, and the corresponding bulk stereotypes.
Public class AssociationGroupAloneBulkNavigatorError Represents an activation error that occurs when the external item contains a BulkAssociationNavigator and one of the following conditions is true: the BulkAssociationNavigator is not in an AssociationGroup, or the AssociationGroup that contains the BulkAssociationNavigator does not contain an AssociationNavigator in the same direction as that of the BulkAssociationNavigator.
Public class AssociationGroupAssociationReference Represents an AssociationReference used to reference an association from within an AssociationGroup object. It is a superset of the base AssociationReference, which is used for referencing associations from TypeDescriptor objects.
Public class AssociationGroupCollection Represents a collection of association groups.
Public class AssociationGroupError Represents a base class that represents all AssociationGroup-related activation errors.
Public class AssociationGroupIdEnumeratorCountMismatchError Contains the count of mismatches in an AssociationGroup object.
Public class AssociationGroupInvalidReverseError Represents an activation error which indicates that the AssociationGroup contains a reference to an association which has a type other than AssociationNavigator, BulkAssociationNavigator or BulkAssociatedIdEnumerator, and the reference is marked as 'reverse'.
Public class AssociationGroupMoreThanOneAssociatorOrDisassociatorError Represents the error that occurs when there are more than one associator or dissociator in an AssociationGroup object.
Public class AssociationGroupNotOnCorrectEntityOrReverseSourceError Represents the error that occurs when the association group is not on the correct external content type.
Public class AssociationGroupSourceMismatchError Represents an activation error indicating the association references in an association group do not have a consistent set of source external content types.
Public class AssociationReference Used when importing systems to provide a reference before an object definition is read.
Public class AssociationReferenceCollection Represents a collection of association references of an association group. Provides lazy access to associations so that they can be forward referenced.
Public class AssociationReferenceInMultipleGroupsError Represents an activation error that occurs when an association is referenced in more than one association group.
Public class ConcurrentModificationException Represents an exception that is thrown when the Update method or Delete method is used while the object is concurrently altered.
Public class DestinationNotFromContainingLobSystemError Represents an activation error that indicates the destination external content type of an association is not from the LobSystem object that contains the method of this association.
Public class DuplicateMetadataObjectException Represents an exception that is thrown when one or more metadata objects have field values that are equal in a context where this is not allowed.
Public class Entity Represents a data type such as Customer or Product in an external system application.
Public class EntityCollection Represents a collection of external content type metadata for assignment, calendar, constraint, outline code, project, resource, and task external content types.
Public class EntityReference Used when importing systems to provide a reference before the definition is read.
Public class EntityReferenceCollection Provides lazy access to entity references.
Public class ExceededMetadataObjectLimitException Represents the exception thrown when the number of metadata objects of a particular type that is loaded into the cache exceeds a predefined limit, or if the number of metadata objects related to another metadata object exceeds a predefined limit.
Public class FieldTypeDescriptorCollection Represents a collection of TypeDescriptor objects that correspond to fields of a view.
Public class FilterDescriptor Describes the metadata of a filter.
Public class FilterDescriptorCollection Represents the collection of FilterDescriptor objects.
Public class Identifier Contains methods and properties to handle the Identifier object of an external content type.
Public class IdentifierCollection Contains methods to handle identifier collections.
Public class IdentifierCountMismatchError Represents an activation error indicating a method has an incorrect number of identifiers specified, based on the external content type it is working with.
Public class IdentifierReference Represents a reference to an identifier.
Public class IndividuallySecurableMetadataObject Represents a metadata object whose access can be individually controlled by specifying an access control list of access control entries associated with this object.
Public class InvalidMetadataObjectException Thrown when a metadata object instance containing invalid or corrupt fields is encountered.
Public class InvalidMetadataPropertyException Represents the exception that is thrown if a metadata property is not valid.
Public class LobSystem Defines methods and properties to describe an external system object.
Public class LobSystemCollection Contains methods to handle the collection of external system objects.
Public class LobSystemInstance Contains methods and properties to handle the LobSystemInstance objects.
Public class LobSystemInstanceCollection Represents a collection of LobSystemInstance objects and provides methods to create and enumerate LobSystemInstance objects.
Public class LocalizedName Represents the string representation of a metadata object in a particular locale.
Public class LocalizedNameCollection Represents a collection of localized names.
Public class MetadataException Represents a base exception class for generic issues with metadata, which is thrown when the Business Connectivity Services Client Runtime engine encounters one of these issues.
Public class MetadataExceptionState Represents the state of the metadata exception.
Public class MetadataObject Represents the basic object that is used to hold information about data.
Public class MetadataObjectNotFoundException Throws an exception if the requested metadata object cannot be found in the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service metadata store.
Public class Method Contains methods and properties that handle a Method object.
Public class MethodCollection Represents a collection of methods used to create and enumerate Method objects.
Public class MethodError Represents an error that is caused by invoking a method.
Public class MethodInstance Enables reuse of method metadata with different default values for the parameters of the method.
Public class MethodInstanceCollection Contains methods that handle the collection of MethodInstance objects.
Public class Model Contains a collection of external systems (LobSystem objects) that can be packaged as a group.
Public class ModelCollection Handles the Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service model collection.
Public class Parameter Represents the in, in-out, out, and return parameters of each method.
Public class ParameterCollection Represents the collection of parameters for a method.
Public class ParameterError Indicates the parameter in which the error occurred.
Public class Property Represents properties that are typed values associated with metadata objects.
Public class PropertyCollection Represents a collection of properties that can be added to DataColumn, DataSet, or DataTable objects.
Public class TypeDescriptor Contains information needed to reconstruct types stored in XML format.
Public class TypeDescriptorCollection Contains methods to handle the collection of type descriptors.
Public class TypeDescriptorError Contains methods and properties that handle the TypeDescriptor object errors.
Public class UnboundAssociationGroupAssociationReferenceError Represents an activation error indicating that an AssociationGroup object references an Association object that cannot be found.
Public class UnboundAssociationReferenceError Contains methods and properties to handle the UnboundAssociationReferenceError error.
Public class UnboundIdentifierReferenceError Contains methods and properties to handle the UnboundIdentifierReferenceError error.
Public class View Represents a collection of fields, where fields are the data members of an external content type.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration View.ViewComparisonResult Represents the comparison results of the views.