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ErrorCode Enumeration

Applies to: PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint Server, Enterprise version
Represents error codes for PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.

Namespace:  Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards
Assembly:  Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Client (in Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Client.dll)


Public Enumeration ErrorCode
Dim instance As ErrorCode
public enum ErrorCode


Member name Description
Unknown Error (0); General error.
InternalError Error (3)
InvalidObject Error (5); Invalid (null) object.
InvalidPermission Error (10); The user does not have the necessary permissions to complete the request.
InvalidPermissionAdmin Error (11); The user does not have the necessary permissions to complete the request.
MissingSetting Error (20); A required setting is missing.
InvalidVersion Error (23); Invalid version.
InvalidVersionInfo Error (24); Invalid version information.
InvalidSetting Error (25); Invalid setting.
ExtInvalidSetting Error (26); Invalid setting value.
NewSetting Error (27); Cannot add a new setting.
InvalidConnectionString Error (28); Invalid connection string.
DatabaseConnectionNotOpen Error (29); The connection to the database is not open. Must call OpenServer first.
ExtInvalidSettingOutOfRangeMax Error (30); The setting value is above the defined maximum.
ExtInvalidSettingOutOfRangeMin Error (31); The setting value is below the defined minimum.
ExtSettingHasIllegalChars Error (32); The setting value has an invalid character.
ExtSettingOutOfRangeMaxLength Error (33); The setting value is longer than the maximum allowed length.
InvalidKpiGroupHyperlink Error (38); Invalid hyperlink in the KPI group.
InvalidLinkedKpi Error (39); The KPI does not exist on the server.
InvalidLinkedScorecard Error (40); The scorecard does not exist on the server.
InvalidBpmPropertyHyperlink Error (41); Invalid BpmPropertyHyperlink object.
InvalidBpmProperty Error (42); Invalid BpmProperty object.
InvalidBpmPropertyText Error (45); Invalid BpmPropertyText object.
InvalidBpmPropertyListItem Error (50); Invalid BpmPropertyListItem object.
InvalidBpmPropertyList Error (60); Invalid BpmPropertyList object.
ScoringAlgorithmNotFound Error (70); A scoring algorithm was not found.
MissingConnectionString Error (100); Bpm.MonitoringConnectionString is missing from the config file.
DatabaseConnectionFailed Error (200); The connection to the database failed.
DataSourceConnectionFailed Error (201); The connection to the data source failed.
DataSourceConnectionUnsupported Error (202); Unsupported data source.
DataSourceHostNotFound Error (203); A data source server was not found.
DataSourceDatabaseNotFound Error (204); The database for the data source cannot be found.
DataSourceCubeNotFound Error (205); The cube for the data source cannot be found.
DataSourceOdbcConnectionUnsupported Error (206); The ODBC data source is obsolete.
InvalidNoKpis Error (500); Invalid number of KPIs for a scorecard.
InvalidKpi Error (505); Invalid KPI.
InvalidKpiGroup Error (510); Invalid KPI group.
InvalidKpiMeasure Error (520); Invalid KPI measure.
InvalidOverrideFormatSettings Error (522); Invalid override format settings.
InvalidOverrideFormatProperties Error (523); Invalid override format properties.
InvalidScorecard Error (525); Invalid scorecard.
InvalidScorecardStructure Error (530); Invalid scorecard structure.
InvalidScorecardKpiGroup Error (535); Invalid KPI group in a scorecard.
InvalidElementField Error (550); Invalid element field.
InvalidCategoryName Error (551); Invalid category name.
InvalidElement Error (555); Invalid element.
InvalidFirstClassElementField Error (558); Invalid FirstClassElement field.
InvalidFirstClassElement Error (560); Invalid FirstClassElement object.
InvalidLevel Error (610); Invalid level.
InvalidComment Error (615); Invalid comment.
InvalidDimension Error (620); Invalid dimension.
InvalidMember Error (625); Invalid member.
InvalidTuple Error (630); Invalid tuple.
ErrorCode_InvalidNameInfo Error (635); Invalid name info.
InvalidCube Error (636); Invalid cube.
InvalidDefaultMemberName Error (637); Invalid default member name.
InvalidKpiMeasureValue Error (640); Invalid KPI measure value.
InvalidTargetValue Error (641); Invalid target KPI value.
InvalidKpiValue Error (645); Invalid KPI value.
InvalidDataSource Error (650); Invalid data source.
InvalidAdomdDataSource Error (660); Invalid ADOMD data source.
InvalidOdbcDataSource Error (670); Invalid ODBC data source.
InvalidIndicator Error (700); Invalid indicator settings.
InvalidBuiltinIndicatorOperation Error (750); Invalid built-in indicator operation.
InvalidIndicatorBand Error (800); Invalid indicator band settings.
InvalidAnnotation Error (900); Invalid annotation.
InvalidTextLength Error (10000); The text length of the property does not match the expected length.
InvalidCharacters Error (10020); A unique property for a BpmProperty object cannot contain special characters.

Invalid special characters are: [ ] . \ ~ # % & * { } | ' : " / ? < >.

InvalidId Error (10030); The specified identifier is invalid.
CannotPublishReadOnlyElement Error (10031); Cannot publish a read-only element.
InvalidQueryChildMembers Error (10040); Invalid parameters when querying for children of a member or dimension.
InvalidQueryDimensionRootMembers Error (10041); Invalid dimension name when querying for root members of a dimension.
InvalidReportView Error (10050); Invalid report.
InvalidBpmMessage Error (10060); Invalid BPM message.
InvalidBanding Error (10070); Invalid banding.
InvalidConfiguredView Error (10080); Invalid ConfiguredView object.
InvalidRowFormatOptions Error (10090); Invalid row format options.
InvalidCellFormatOptions Error (10091); Invalid cell format options.
InvalidFontOptions Error (10092); Invalid font options.
InvalidFormatOptions Error (10095); Invalid format options.
InvalidNamedSet Error (10100); Invalid named set.
InvalidNamedSetSetting Error (10105); Invalid named set setting.
UnableToReadCustomDataSourceConfig Error (10106); Unable to load the custom data source.
UnableToLoadCustomDataSource Error (10107); Unable to load the custom data source.
UnableToLoadCustomFCOs Error (10108); Unable to load custom objects from the web.config file.
UnknownUserName Error (10110); Permissions for the user name could not be found.
DataSourceNotRegistered Error (10115); The data source provider for the data source type is not registered.
DataSourceProviderMessage Error (10116); The data source provider returned the following message.
DataSourceQueryError Error (10117); Error running the data source query.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

DataSourceUnavailable Error (10118); Unable to connect to and create the data source.
UnableToReadFCODaoConfig Error (10200); Unable to load configuration information for the first class object DAO provider.
UnableToLoadFCODao Error (10201); Unable to load the first class object DAO provider type.
UnableToReadCustomParameterDataProviderConfig Error (10204); Unable to load configuration information for the custom filter data provider.
UnableToLoadCustomParameterDataProvider Error (10205); Unable to load the custom filter data provider type.
UnableToReadCustomViewTransformConfig Error (10208); Unable to load configuration information for the custom view transform.
UnableToLoadCustomViewTransform Error (10209); Unable to load the custom view transform type.
RepositoryLocationEmpty Error (10210); The repository location is empty.
RepositoryLocationUrlLength Error (10211); The URL to the repository location is too long.
RepositoryLocationAbsoluteUrl Error (10212); The URL to the item in the repository is invalid.

Requires a server-relative URL.

InvalidPostFormula Error (10213); Invalid post formula.
IncompatibleSiteDomain Error (10214); Invalid site URL.
TIPostFormulaResultEmpty Error (10215); Evaluating a Time Intelligence connection formula produced an empty member set.
TIFilterResultEmpty Error (10216); A Time Intelligence filter result is empty.
PostFormulaResultEmpty Error (10217); Evaluating a connection formula produced an empty member set.
RequiredParametersNotSpecified Error (20001); Required parameters were not specified.
QueryTimeout Error (20010); Timeout error while querying the data source.
InvalidTupleInQuery Error (20015); Invalid tuple in the query.
InvalidEndPoint Error (20020); Invalid endpoint.
AnnotationNotEnabled Error (20021); Annotations are not enabled.
AnnotationDeleteNotEnabled Error (20021); Cannot delete annotations.
AnnotationCreateMaxExceededError Error (20023); Cannot create new annotations above the allowed limit.
BackgroundWorkBusy Error (20024); Background work is busy.
InvalidReportViewCubeName Error (20030); Invalid cube name for the report.
TimeIntelligenceNotConfigured Error (20032); The data source is not configured for time intelligence.
TimeIntelligenceNotSupported Error (20033); The data source does not support time intelligence.
InvalidTimeIntelligenceSetting Error (20034); Invalid Time Intelligence setting.
InvalidTimeIntelligenceConfiguration Error (20036); Invalid time intelligence configuration.
InvalidTimeIntelligenceFormula Error (20038); Invalid Time Intelligence formula.
KpiMeasureQueryError Error (20050); An error occurred while querying the data source for a key performance indicator measure.
NamedSetQueryError Error (20052); An exception occurred while querying a named set.
DashboardViewControlException Error (20060); An exception occurred while running a report.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

WebRenderingException Error (20080); An exception was encountered during rendering.
InvalidResourcePath Error (20082); The specified resource path is invalid.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

InvalidDashboardIdentity Error (20084); The dashboard is not available.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

InvalidControlType Error (20086); The dashboard item was not found on the server.
NotAParameterizableControl Error (20088); Could not cast the instance to a ParameterizableControl object.
CreateReturnedNull Error (20090); The CreateInstance operation returned null.
UnpublishedDatasource Error (20200); A connection to an unpublished data source was requested.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

ParameterDataProviderNotRegistered Error (20300); The parameter data provider is not registered.
ExportErrorMessage Error (20400); An error occurred during export.
ExportAppSpecificWarnings Error (20402); An error occurred during export.
ReportViewControlRenderError Error (20500); An exception occurred while running a report.
ReportViewControlUnexpectedError Error (20502); An unexpected error occurred.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

OlapViewAdomdErrorResponseException Error (20600); Represents an ADOMD.NET error.
OlapViewAdomdUnknownResponseException Error (20602); Represents an ADOMD.NET error.
OlapViewUnexpectedError Error (20604); Represents an ADOMD.NET error.
OlapViewTooManyResults Error (20605); Unable to create the report. The query returned too many results.
WebControlException Error (20700); An exception occurred while rendering a Web control.
WebControlInvalidScorecard Error (20702); An error occurred while validating a scorecard.
WebPartsConfig Error (20703); Failed to update the web.config file for the Web Parts.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

TempFCOThreadInitializeException Error (20800)

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

TempFCOTransactionRollback Error (20802); The TempFCO cleanup transaction rolled back.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

FCOCreateFailed Error (20810); The Create first class object (FCO) operation failed.
FCOReadFailed Error (20811); The Read FCO operation failed
FCOUpdateFailed Error (20812); The Update FCO operation failed
FCODeleteFailed Error (20813); The Delete FCO operation failed
FCOUnauthorizedAccess Error (20814); Access denied for the FCO.
InvalidItemType Error (20815); Unexpected SharePoint content type.
InvalidFileType Error (20816); Unexpected type of file type.
FCOCreateFailedListAccess Error (20817); The SharePoint list or document library does not exist, or the user does not have sufficient permissions to create items.
FCOReadFailedListAccess Error (20818); The user does not have sufficient permissions to read from the SharePoint list or document library.
FCOUpdateFailedListAccess Error (20819); The SharePoint list or document library does not exist, or the user does not have sufficient permissions to update items.
FCODeleteFailedListAccess Error (20820); The SharePoint list or document library does not exist, or the user does not have sufficient permissions to delete items.
FCOCreateFailedListType Error (20821); The Create FCO list type operation failed.
FCOUpdateFailedListType Error (20822); The Update FCO list type operation failed.
FCOCreateFailedNameCollision Error (20823); The Create FCO operation failed due to a name collision.
FCOUpdateFailedNameCollision Error (20824); The Update FCO operation failed due to a name collision.
FCOCreateFailedListContentType Error (20825); The Create FCO list content type operation failed.
FCOUpdateFailedListContentType Error (20826); The Update FCO list content type operation failed.
FCOUpdateFailedCheckedOut Error (20827); The Update FCO check out operation failed.
FCODeleteFailedCheckedOut Error (20828); The Delete FCO check out operation failed.
FCOListFailedValidation Error (20829); The list validation for the FCO failed.
ImportAsKpisException Error (21000); An error occurred while importing Analysis Services KPIs.
ImpersonationLoginFailure Error (21010); Unable to login with the impersonation credentials.
MsmQueueException Error (21100); An error occurred while sending a message.
Ajax_InvalidCliendWebPartRecord Error (21200); AJAX features for ASP.NET rendering Web service: Invalid ClientWebPartRecord object.
Ajax_InvalidClientTransformerRecord Error (21201); AJAX features rendering Web service: A connection transformer record is invalid.
Ajax_InvalidClientProviderRecord Error (21202); AJAX features rendering Web service: A connection provider record is invalid.
Ajax_InvalidClientParameterRecord Error (21203); AJAX features rendering Web service: A connection parameter record is invalid.
Ajax_InvalidClientConnectionRecord Error (21204); AJAX features rendering Web service: A connection record is invalid.
Ajax_InvalidConsumerWebPartAssemblyName Error (21205); AJAX features rendering Web service: The consumer assembly name is invalid.
Ajax_ConsumerWebPartNotClientConnectable Error (21206); AJAX features rendering Web service: The consumer Web Part is not client-connectable.
Ajax_InvalidProviderWebPartAssemblyName Error (21207); AJAX features rendering Web service: The provider assembly name is invalid.
Ajax_ProviderWebPartNotClientConnectable Error (21208); AJAX features rendering Web service: The provider Web Part is not client-connectable
Ajax_InvalidTransformerControlAssemblyName Error (21209); AJAX features rendering Web service: The transformer control is not client-connectable.
Ajax_TransformerControlNotClientConnectable Error (21210); AJAX features rendering Web service: The transformer control is not client-connectable.
Ajax_GenericWebPartChildControlIsNull Error (21211); The generic Web Part child control is null.
Ajax_InvalidClientConsumerRecord Error (21212); AJAX features rendering Web service: The client consumer record is invalid.
Ajax_InvalidAjaxRenderRequestRecord Error (21213); AJAX features rendering Web service: The AJAX features render request record is invalid.
Ajax_ProviderWebPartNotApplyable Error (21214); AJAX features rendering Web service UpdateProviderSelections: The provider Web Part is not a filter that can be applied.
Ajax_InvalidProviderUserSelectionsUpdateRecord Error (21215); AJAX features rendering web service UpdateProviderSelections: The ProviduerUserSelectionsUpdate record is invalid.
UpdateProviderSelectionsException Error (21216); An exception was encountered when updating provider selections.
NotTrustedLocation Error (22002); The data source location is not a trusted location.
InvalidStatusFilterBandIndex Error (22003); The indicator band index in the status filter is invalid.
PreExistingTrustedLocation Error (22005); The trusted location already exists.
TrustedLocationNotDeletable Error (22006); The trusted location cannot be deleted.
OperationContextNull Error (22009); The operation context is null.
SharedAccountMisconfigured Error (23000); The SharedIdentity and Service accounts are not configured correctly.
CannotGetWindowsIdentity Error (23001); Cannot get the WindowsIdentity account.
CannotGetWindowsIdentityForNonWindowsClaim Error (23002); Cannot get the WindowsIdentityForNonWindowsClaim account.
BIMonitoringApplicationProxyNotFound Error (23010); The BIMonitoring application proxy could not be found.
BIMonitoringServiceContextNotKnown Error (23020); The SharePoint service context is not known.
BIMonitoringOperationContextNotKnown Error (23021); The operation context is not known.
BIMonitoringApplicationProxyThreadAborted Error (23030); The SharePoint service call was stopped.
BIMonitoringApplicationUnavailable Error (23031); The PerformancePoint Service application is not available.
GetSecureStoreProxyFailed Error (23040); Unable to find the secure store proxy.
BIMonitoringServiceAppPoolIdNotAvailable Error (23042); Unable to get the application pool ID for the service application.
SSS_SetCredentialsFailed Error (23043); The SetCredentials call to the secure store failed.
SSS_CreateTargetAppFailed Error (23044); Failed to create the target application in the secure store.
SSS_SetCredentialsFail Error (23046); Failed to set credentials in the secure store target application.
InvalidCredentials Error (23049); Invalid credentials.
InvalidAliasName Error (24000); The string length of the alias name or formula is not valid.
InvalidFormula Error (24001); The string length of the formula is not valid.

This field is not used by PerformancePoint Services.

InvalidUrl Error (24010); Invalid URL.

See Also


Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace