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Creating Enhanced Presence Category Instances

On the protocol level, a category instance is represented by an XML string. Publication of the category instance involves creating or otherwise obtaining the XML string and placing it to specified containers on the server. For example, the following SIP message shows what is sent over the wire in a request of publication for a note category instance.

FROM: <>;epid=6C801B691B;tag=127ef2ce7
TO: <>;epid=6C801B691B
CALL-ID: 3e66afc936ee4733b5ccf058dc3f3844
VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKf4bc868
AUTHORIZATION: NTLM realm="SIP Communications Service",targetname="",response="0100000000000000ba6552871eb3dd60",crand="fa6b06d4",cnum="9",opaque="5431637F",qop="auth"
CONTACT: <;opaque=user:epid:gAXJXq9AgVCiWynxdwgUSwAA;gruu>;text;audio;video;image
SUPPORTED: gruu-10
CONTENT-TYPE: application/msrtc-category-publish+xml
   <publications uri="">
      <publication categoryName="note" instance="1" 
          container="100" version="3" expireType="endpoint">
        <note xmlns:xsi=""
           <body type="personal">Personal note set by myApp</body>

Here, the <publication> element corresponds to the specified category instance to be published. The child element (the note element in this example) specifies the category data. You can manually create the XML string and include it in the SIP message payload. However, creating such an XML string by hand is tedious and error-prone.

On an API level, a category instance may be encapsulated by an API-specific type. In Microsoft Lync 2010 API category instances are exposed only through API types, whereas in Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0, commonly used category instances are encapsulated by API types and their XML string representations are also supported.

In UCMA a generic category instance is represented by the PresenceCategoryWithMetaData type. With this class, the attributes (such as category name, instance ID, container ID, version number, expiry policy and expiration time, etc.) of a category instance are exposed by the appropriate properties. The value of the category instance is specified by an XML string. UCMA requires that instances of this class be used in grammar-free publications.

The following code example shows how to create category instances for grammar-free publications. It is a method of the UcmaPublisher class introduced in Preparing for Category Publications.

public PresenceCategoryWithMetaData CreatePresenceCategoryInstance(
      string name, long instanceId, int containerId, string xmlValue)
     PresenceCategoryWithMetaData categoryInstance = null;
     if (xmlValue == null)
         categoryInstance = new PresenceCategoryWithMetaData(
                     name, instanceId, containerId);
         CustomPresenceCategory categoryValue = 
                     new CustomPresenceCategory(name, xmlValue);
         categoryInstance = new PresenceCategoryWithMetaData(
                     instanceId, containerId, categoryValue);
     return categoryInstance;

Calling the following statements create a personal note presence category instance that can be used for a grammar-free publication to Container 1000:

string presenceNoteValue = 
         "<note xmlns:xsi=\"\"" + 
         "      xmlns:xsd=\"\"" + 
         "      xmlns=\"\">" + 
         "  <body type=\"personal\" uri=\"\">Personal Note Value</body>" + 

PresenceCategoryWithMetaData pcm = CreatePresenceCategoryInstance(
                    "note", 0, 1000, presenceNoteValue);

An application can set other properties on the category instance. These include ExpiryPolicy and Expires. The ExpiryPolicy property describes how a published category instance expires. The choices are specified in fields enumerated in the ExpiryPolicy type. The default expiry policy is endpoint bound (ExpiryPolicy.Endpoint). With ExpiryPolicy.Endpoint, the published category instance expires when the endpoint from which the publication request is submitted is no longer connected to the server. You can change this policy to make the category instance static (ExpiryPolicy.Persistent), user-bound (ExpiryPolicy.User) or time-bound (ExpiryPolicy.Time). If ExpiryPolicy.Time is used, the Expires property is used to set the number of ticks as the duration in which the publication persists before it expires. Other properties, such as the Version number and publication time (PublicationTime), are set by the API.

In grammar-based publications, specifications of the instance ID, container ID, and expiry policies are dictated by the underlying publication grammar, and a category instance can then be specified using only the category name and data. In this case, a category instance is referred to by an instance of the abstract PresenceCategory class. UCMA requires that this type of category instances be supplied in grammar-based publications. You can create such category instances by instantiating the CustomPresenceCategory type with a category name and the corresponding XML string.

In Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) 3.0 instances of the contactCard, note, services and state categories are further encapsulated by the more specific API classes of ContactCard, Note, Services and PresenceState. The following code example shows how to create such type-specific category instance in UCMA.

string _presenceNoteXml = null;

Note pNoteXml = new Note("Personal note set by UcmaPublisher");
presenceNote = pNote.GetCategoryDataXml();

PresenceState uState = new PresenceState(
               PresenceStateType.UserState, 4500, null);
presenceStateXml = uState.GetCategoryDataXml();

To create custom presence category instances or any other enhanced presence category instances, which are not encapsulated by any API types, hand-crafted XML string may be necessary. If the categories are schematized, you can use the XSD.EXE tool from .NET Framework to create Common Language Runtime (CLR) classes from the XML schemas, initialize the CLR objects by setting appropriate properties, and serialize the initialized CLR objects to produce the required XML strings that are guaranteed to be well-formed. For more information see Serialization of Enhanced Presence Category Instances.