.gif) |
AcceptedDomain |
Represents an SMTP namespace for which a Microsoft Exchange organization sends an receives e-mail. |
.gif) |
ActiveSyncDevice |
Represents a mobile device that is synchronized with the Exchange server using Exchange ActiveSync. |
.gif) |
ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule |
.gif) |
ActiveSyncDeviceClass |
.gif) |
ActiveSyncOrganizationSettings |
.gif) |
ADAutodiscoverVirtualDirectory |
Represents the virtual directory that contains the configuration and data for the Exchange Autodiscover Web Service. |
.gif) |
ADConfigurationObject |
.gif) |
ADContainer |
.gif) |
ADDomain |
.gif) |
ADDomainTrustInfo |
.gif) |
AddressBookBase |
.gif) |
AddressBookMailboxPolicy |
.gif) |
AddressRewriteEntry |
.gif) |
ADEcpVirtualDirectory |
Represents the virtual directory that contains the configuration and data for the Exchange Control Panel application. |
.gif) |
ADEmailTransport |
.gif) |
ADExchangeServiceVirtualDirectory |
Represents a virtual directory for an Exchange Web Service. |
.gif) |
ADLegacyVersionableObject |
.gif) |
AdminAuditLogConfig |
.gif) |
ADMobileVirtualDirectory |
.gif) |
ADNonExchangeObject |
.gif) |
ADOabVirtualDirectory |
Represents the virtual directory for an offline address book. |
.gif) |
ADOwaVirtualDirectory |
Represents the virtual directory containing Outlook Web App configuration and data. |
.gif) |
ADPowerShellVirtualDirectory |
.gif) |
ADRpcHttpVirtualDirectory |
Represents the virtual directory for remote procedure calls (RPC) via HTTP. |
.gif) |
ADServer |
.gif) |
ADSite |
.gif) |
ADSiteLink |
.gif) |
ADVirtualDirectory |
Represents a virtual directory on an Exchange server. |
.gif) |
ADWebServicesVirtualDirectory |
Represents the virtual directory that contains configuration and data for Exchange Web Services. |
.gif) |
ApprovedApplication |
.gif) |
ApprovedApplicationCollection |
.gif) |
AttachmentFilteringConfig |
.gif) |
AvailabilityAddressSpace |
.gif) |
AvailabilityConfig |
.gif) |
ClientAccessArray |
.gif) |
CmdletExtensionAgent |
.gif) |
ContentFilterConfig |
.gif) |
ContentFilterPhrase |
.gif) |
Database |
Represents a mailbox database. |
.gif) |
DatabaseAvailabilityGroup |
.gif) |
DatabaseCopy |
.gif) |
DeliveryAgentConnector |
.gif) |
DetailsTemplate |
.gif) |
DistributionGroupNamingPolicy |
.gif) |
DomainContentConfig |
.gif) |
DumpsterStatisticsEntry |
.gif) |
EdgeSyncServiceConfig |
.gif) |
ElcContentSettings |
.gif) |
ELCFolder |
.gif) |
EmailAddressPolicy |
Represents an e-mail address policy stored in the Active Directory. |
.gif) |
ExchangeAssistance |
.gif) |
ExchangeConfigurationUnit |
.gif) |
ExchangeRole |
.gif) |
ExchangeRoleAssignment |
.gif) |
ExchangeRpcClientAccess |
.gif) |
ExchangeVirtualDirectory |
.gif) |
ExchangeWebAppVirtualDirectory |
Represents the virtual directory that contains configuration and data for an Exchange Web application. |
.gif) |
ExtendedOrganizationalUnit |
.gif) |
ExtendedRight |
.gif) |
FederatedOrganizationId |
.gif) |
FederationTrust |
.gif) |
ForeignConnector |
.gif) |
HybridConfiguration |
.gif) |
Imap4AdConfiguration |
.gif) |
IPAllowListConfig |
.gif) |
IPAllowListProvider |
.gif) |
IPAllowListProviderConfig |
.gif) |
IPBlockListConfig |
.gif) |
IPBlockListProvider |
.gif) |
IPBlockListProviderConfig |
.gif) |
IPListProvider |
.gif) |
IRMConfiguration |
.gif) |
MailboxDatabase |
Provides mailbox specific attributes for a mailbox database. |
.gif) |
MailboxPolicy |
.gif) |
MailGateway |
.gif) |
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy |
.gif) |
ManagementScope |
.gif) |
MessageClassification |
.gif) |
MessageHygieneAgentConfig |
.gif) |
MobileMailboxPolicy |
.gif) |
OfflineAddressBook |
Represents an off-line address book. |
.gif) |
Organization |
.gif) |
OrganizationConfig |
.gif) |
OrganizationRelationship |
.gif) |
OutlookProvider |
.gif) |
OwaMailboxPolicy |
.gif) |
PerimeterConfig |
.gif) |
Pop3AdConfiguration |
.gif) |
PopImapAdConfiguration |
.gif) |
PublicFolderDatabase |
Represents a database that contains public folders. |
.gif) |
ReceiveConnector |
Represents a Receive connector, a logical gateway through which inbound messages are received. |
.gif) |
RecipientFilterConfig |
.gif) |
ResourceBookingConfig |
.gif) |
RetentionPolicy |
.gif) |
RetentionPolicyTag |
.gif) |
RMSTrustedPublishingDomain |
.gif) |
RoleAssignmentPolicy |
.gif) |
RoutingGroupConnector |
Represents a Routing Group connector, a logical gateway that transfers messages between computers running the Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server role. |
.gif) |
SendConnector |
Represents a Send connector, a logical gateway through which messages are routed to destinations outside the organization. |
.gif) |
SenderFilterConfig |
.gif) |
SenderIdConfig |
.gif) |
SenderReputationConfig |
.gif) |
Server |
.gif) |
SharingPolicy |
.gif) |
SmtpSendConnectorConfig |
Represents the configuration information for an SMTP Send connector. |
.gif) |
SystemMessage |
.gif) |
ThrottlingPolicy |
.gif) |
TransportConfigContainer |
.gif) |
TransportRule |
.gif) |
UMAutoAttendant |
.gif) |
UMDialPlan |
.gif) |
UMHuntGroup |
.gif) |
UMIPGateway |
.gif) |
UMMailboxPolicy |
.gif) |
UMTimeZone |
.gif) |
X400AuthoritativeDomain |