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Restoring Data

Topic Last Modified: 2009-03-03

If data becomes corrupted, use the information in the following sections to restore it. This includes the following:

  • Databases, including the following:

    • RTC (user services data)
    • LCSLog (archiving data)
    • LcsCDR (Call Detail Records data)
    • QoEMetrics (Quality of Experience data)
    • Group Chat database (Group Chat data)


    It is not necessary to restore the RTCConfig database, the RTCDyn database, or the Group Chat compliance database. Complete the procedure for each database server that requires restoration.

  • File shares, including the following:

    • Address book download files
    • Meeting content
    • Meeting content metadata
    • Meeting content compliance log
    • Application server data files
    • Group Chat Web and compliance folders
    • Group Chat compliance XML files
    • Device Update Service update files, including client update files and device update files

Restoring Databases

In the event of loss of a database, you can restore the database to the point of the last backup. If the server on which the database resides needs to be restored also, restore the server first. To restore a server, start with the appropriate procedures in Setting Up Server Platforms.

To restore a database, use the following procedure and the appropriate tool:

  • For the RTC database on a Standard Edition server, SQL Server Management Studio Express in SQL Server SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with SP2.
  • For all other databases, except the RTCConfig database or RTCDyn database (which do not need to be restored), SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005 with SP2.


The following restoration procedure assumes that you are using Integrated Windows Authentication to access SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2005 with SP2.

To restore a database

  1. Log on to the servers on which Office Communications Server is installed as a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group or a group with equivalent user rights, and then stop all Office Communications Server services that use the database to be restored.


    The service account you use to restore the SQL Server database must be the same one that you used to back up the SQL Server database.

  2. Log on to the server on which the database resides as a member of the Administrators group on the local computer or a group with equivalent user rights.

  3. On the server, do one of the following:

    • To open SQL Server Management Studio Express, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then click SQL Server Management Studio Express.
    • To open SQL Server Management Studio, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
  4. In the console tree, expand the server group, expand the server node, and then expand Databases.

  5. Right-click the name of the database, point to Tasks, point to Restore, and then click Database.

  6. In the Restore Database dialog box, on the General tab, under Destination for Restore, do the following:

    • In the To database box, click the name of the database, as appropriate.
    • Click the button to the right of the To a point in time box.
  7. In the Point in time restore dialog box, under Restore to, click the most recent state possible, and then click OK.

  8. In the Restore Database dialog box, on the General tab, under Source for restore, do one of the following:

    • To select from backup sets in history, click From database, and then in the box, click the database backup set from which you want to restore data.
    • To specify one or more tapes or disks as the source for the backup sets, click From device, and then click the button to the right of the From device box.
  9. Under Select the backup sets to restore, select the backup sets from which you want to restore the database, and then click OK.

  10. If you are restoring to an existing database and need to overwrite data in that database, on the Options tab, under Restore options, do one or more of the following:

    • To overwrite data in the existing database and any related files, select the Overwrite the existing database check box.
    • To restore a published database to a server other than the server where the database was created, preserving the replication settings, select the Preserve the replication settings check box.
    • To be prompted for start restoration of each individual backup (for example, if you need to switch tapes for different media sets on a server that has only a single tape drive), select the Prompt before restoring each backup check box.
    • To make the database available only to members of db_owner, db_creator, and sysadmin, select the Restrict access to the restored database check box.
  11. In Restore the database files as, verify that the files displayed are correct and, if appropriate, change the path and file name to which database files are to be restored.

  12. Under Recovery state, do one of the following:

    • To restore the database with the available transaction logs (that is, to restore with recovery), click Leave the database ready to use by rolling back uncommitted transactions.
    • To restore the database but leave the database in the restoring state so you can restore additional transaction logs (that is, to restore with no recovery), click Leave the database non-operational, and do not roll back uncommitted transactions. If you select this option, the Preserve the replication settings option is not available.
    • To restore the database by undoing uncontrolled transactions, but saving them in a standby file (that is, to restore with standby), click Leave the database in read-only mode.
  13. To start the restoration process, click OK.

  14. After the restoration process completes, verify that the restored database is available in the list of databases and, to verify the availability of the data in the database, write SQL queries to retrieve specific data.

  15. Repeat this procedure for each back-end server RTC database and LCSLog database in your organization that is to be restored.

Restoring File Shares

In the event of loss of the file shares that contain files related to Office Communications Server 2007 R2, you can restore the file shares to the point of the last backup.

You do not need to restore the address book, because it is automatically created by User Replicator.

If the server on which each file share is to reside needs to be restored also, restore it first. To restore an Office Communications Server 2007 R2 server on which file shares are to reside, start with the appropriate procedures in the Setting Up Server Platforms section of this guide.

To restore the required file shares, use the file system restoration mechanism and procedures identified in the backup and restoration strategy and plan for your organization.