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Broadcast Messages

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.

The server context includes an action named BroadcastMessage. This action allows Office Communications Server administrators to send an alert to all SIP-enabled users or users hosted on a specific pool. The content of the message would typically be to announce service outages, virus malware, or any other kind of Office Communications Server information. Here's the syntax.

LCSCmd /Server:<Server FQDN> /Action:BroadcastMessage /Role:<SE : EE : Proxy : WorkgroupProxy : AP> [/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN> ][/PDCRequired:[TRUE|FALSE] ][/GlobalSettingsDC:<DC FQDN> ][/DC:<DC FQDN> ][/GC:<GC FQDN> ][/Global:<Configuration | System> ][/GroupDomain:<Group Domain FQDN> ][/GroupDomainDC:<Group Domain DC FQDN> ][/PoolName:<Pool Name> ][/Message:<Message Text.> ][/MessageFile:<Message Text File.> ][/MaxSession:<Maximum Session Number> ][/CertIssuer:<Certificate Issuer> ][/CertSerial:<Certificate Serial Number> ][/L:<log file path> ][/XML:[TRUE|FALSE ][/?:[TRUE|FALSE]]

Here is an example.

LCSCmd /server /action:BroadcastMessage /Role:Proxy /Message:"The system is going down for maintenance at 7:00 PM PST."


Parameter Description


Executes the action for the specified server FQDN.


Specifies the role of the server.


Takes a string that specifies the action name. Valid action names include CheckLCServerState, Activate, Deactivate, and Diag.


Specifies the reference domain FQDN.


Specifies whether PDCs are required for the action. Default is TRUE.


FQDN of the of a global settings domain DC. This must be the local domain DC if the settings are in the configuration container, root DC is the settings are in the system container.


Specifies the global setting location. Possible values are Configuration and System.


Specifies the FQDN of the domain where Office Communications Server universal groups are located.


The FQDN of a DC in the domain where Office Communications Server universal groups are located.


The name of the pool on which to send the message.


The text of the IM being sent.


A file containing the test of the IM being sent.


The maximum number of sessions (threads). The default is 10.


The name of the issuer of the trusted certificate.


The serial number of the trusted certificate.


Specifies whether to force task execution.


Specifies the log file path. If not specified, %TEMP%\<ActionName>[<Date>][<Time>].html is used. To disable logging, use a dash character (-) as the log file name.


Specifies whether the log file to be generated should be in XML format instead of HTML.


Shows Help on usage.

When a broadcast message is sent out, all signed-in users for a pool will be alerted. In a pool with 15,000 users signed in, the message will take up to 7 minutes to be distributed to all users. In a pool with 50,000 users signed in, you should expect the message to take up to 27 minutes to be distributed.