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Help (CmdLine)

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.

LCSCmd is very good about giving you help - all you have to do is ask. Simply place a slash mark and a question mark (/?) at the end of the command you need help with.

This command will list all of the available contexts.

LCSCmd /?

This command will list all the actions available for the given context.

LCSCmd /<context> /?

For example, use the following command to retrieve all the actions available for the Domain context.

LCSCmd /domain /?

This command will list all the parameters available for the given action for the specified context.

 LCSCmd /<context> /action:<action> /?

For example, you would use the following command to determine the required and optional parameters for activating an Archiving Server.

LCSCmd /archiving /action:activate /?

How do you know whether a parameter is required or optional? Simply look at the syntax returned by the Help. Here's some of what you would see from the previous command.

/Archiving:<Archiving server FQDN> /Action:<action name>
[/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN> ][/PDCRequired:[TRUE:FALSE] ]
[/GlobalSettingsDC:<DC FQDN> ]/DC:<DC FQDN> ]
[/GC:<GC FQDN> ][/Global:<Configuration | System> ]
[/L:<log file path> ][/XML:[TRUE|FALSE] ][/?:[TRUE|FALSE] ]

Everything within square brackets [] is optional; everything that's not in square brackets is required. Mutually exclusive items are separated by a vertical bar ( | ). One of the options separated by the vertical bar can be specified but not multiple options. When a parameter can contain one or more values, these values are separated by a comma.