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Specifying Advanced Options

Topic Last Modified: 2009-02-27

Advanced options are specified using the Advanced Options menu. With the exception of the Display Times in UTC option for formatting, you should not change any of the Advanced Options settings unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support. Advanced Options settings include the following:

  • The options in Formatting, which are used to specify advanced options for controlling log formats. Formatting does not impact how you capture logs, just how you view them on your computer. Formatting options include the following:
    • Log file prefix. Specifies the prefix to be used to format log files for components that support levels. We recommend that you not configure this option unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.
    • Real time prefix. Specifies the prefix used to format log files for the real-time monitoring window. We recommend that you not configure this option unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.
    • Display times in UTC. By default, log timestamps are displayed in UTC (also known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT). To display timestamps in the local server time, clear this check box.
    • Format file search path. Logging Tool has all the information necessary to capture log information for log levels and flags previously described. If you have access to trace information files that contain more tracing information, you can use this setting to specify the path to those trace information files. We recommend that you not configure this option unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.
    • The options in Buffering, which are advanced options for modifying the default buffer values for real-time monitoring. We recommend that you not adjust these values unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.
    • The options in Clock Resolution, which are values that control resolution for the time stamp. We recommend that you not adjust these values unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.
    • The options in Additional Components, which are values that we recommend that you not adjust unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.

The following variables are supported for each prefix:

  • %!COMP! for the component name.
  • %!LEVEL! for the level name.
  • %!FLAGS! for the flag name.
  • %!FUNC! for the name of the function or method that generated the log record.
  • %2 for the source file and line number that generated the record.
  • %3 for the ID of the thread that generated the record.
  • %4 for the time the event record was generated.
  • %5 for the cumulative processor time.
  • %7 for the local sequence number for the component.
  • %8 for the ID of the process that generated the record.
  • %9 for the number of the CPU that generated the record.
    %1 and %6 are not allowed.
    %3, %7, %8, and %9 are integers that should be followed by a printf-style numeric format specifier enclosed in exclamation marks. For example, %3!04X! displays the thread ID as a four-digit hexadecimal number.
    %2, %4, and %5 are always strings, so they can only be followed by a string format specifier (!s!). Additionally, the real time prefix can contain the following escape characters: \n, \t, \s, or \\. These characters are replaced with a new line sequence, a tab, a space, and a single backslash, respectively.

To specify advanced options

  1. Open Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Logging Tool, New Debug Session.

  2. Click Advanced Options.

  3. Click one of the following tabs:

    • Formatting
    • Buffering
    • Clock Resolution
    • Additional Components
  4. Specify the appropriate options.


    We recommend that you not adjust the Buffering, Clock Resolution, or Additional Components options, or the Format file search path option of Formatting unless advised to do so by Microsoft Customer Service and Support.