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Install Servers and Applications (Command Line)

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.

Installing the servers, applications, and tools involves running the setup .msi files.

To install servers and applications

  1. Install the Administration Tools.

    admintools.msi /qr

    This step is optional, but these tools are useful in helping you to manage Office Communications Server.

  2. Install Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition.

    server.msi server=EE /qr

    The /Server parameter with a value of EE specifies Enterprise Edition and is required.

  3. Install the Application Host.

    appserver.msi /qr

  4. Install the Conferencing Attendant.

    Before installing the Conferencing Attendant, the Windows Media Format Runtime must be installed. To install Windows Media Format Runtime on Windows Server 2003, run wmfdist64.exe. To install Windows Media Format Runtime on Windows Server 2008, on the Start menu click Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. In Server Manager under Features, click Add Features. Select Desktop Experience, and then click Install. A restart will be required to complete the installation.

    After Windows Media Format Runtime is installed, install the Conferencing Attendant.

    caa.msi /qr

  5. Install the Conference Announcement Service.

    Before installing the Conference Announcement Service, the Windows Media Format Runtime must be installed. If you skipped Step 4, follow the instructions in that step to install Windows Media Format Runtime.

    After Windows Media Format Runtime is installed, install the Conference Announcement Service.

    cas.msi /qr

  6. Install Outside Voice Control.

    callcontrolserver.msi /qr

  7. Install Response Group Service.

    Response Group Service has two prerequisites of its own. They must be installed in this order.

    1. Install the Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 2.0 Speech Redistributable. (This file is located in the Setup\Speech folder.)

      ucmaspeechredist.msi /qr

    2. Install the Microsoft Unified Communications API 2.0 Windows Workflow Activities Redistributable.

      ucmaworkflowredist.msi /qr

      After the prerequisites are installed, you can install the Response Group Service.

      acducapp.msi server=EE /qr

      The /Server parameter with a value of EE specifies Enterprise Edition and is required. While most command-line commands are not case-sensitive, in this command EE must be uppercase.

  8. Install the language packs.

    The preceding step will install Response Group Service, but in order for the service to start and run successfully the appropriate language packs must be installed and registered. To install the language packs, navigate to the Setup\Speech\<language> folder (such as Setup\Speech\en-us). Install the language pack.

    msserverspeechlangpack_<language>.msi /qr

    For example, to install the English language pack, run this command.

    msserverspeechlangpack_enUS.msi /qr

    The language pack must be registered before it can be used. To register the language pack, run the Resource Kit tool RGSLang. (The Resource Kit can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center.)


    You must activate the Response Group Service application before using RGSLang to register the language pack. For details about activating the Response Group Service application, see Activate the Servers (Command Line).

    After activating the Response Group Service application, register the language pack.

    RGSLang.exe sync

    You must also set the LanguageIds Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) setting under the MSFT_SIPPoolConfigSetting class to the National Language Support (NLS) local ID (LCID) value or values that correspond to the languages that can be used for the pool (for example, 1033 for English). For details about changing WMI settings, see your Windows Server documentation.

  9. Install the Web Components Server.

    In order for Response Group Service to work properly, the Web Components Server must be installed and must have an Office Communications Server certificate assigned to it. For details, see Installing Web Components Server (Command Line).