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Using the Global Settings Migration Tool to Move to Configuration Container

Topic Last Modified: 2009-10-01

If you deployed Live Communications Server 2005 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Office Communications Server 2007 with global settings in the root domain System container and you experience performance issues, you can use the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Global Settings Migration Tool to migrate to the Configuration container.


For Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, you can use this procedure only after you apply Windows update provided in Knowledge Base article 911996. Without the update, Live Communications Server 2005 does not support storing global settings in the Configuration container. For more details, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 911996 "Description of the update for Live Communications Server 2005: February 10, 2006, rereleased July 11, 2006," at

If you also plan to upgrade to Office Communications Server 2007 R2, you must migrate the global settings before you upgrade. Once you upgrade to the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Active Directory schema, you can no longer use the Global Settings Migration tool to migrate your global settings.

You can run any of the following steps in read-only test mode by appending the /Check parameter to the MigrateOcsGlobalSettings command. This parameter prints the status of target objects and properties without making updates.

If any of the following steps fails to complete successfully due to network, replication, or permission issues, you can rerun the step until it completes successfully.


Before you begin the migration process, use the Office Communications Server snap-in to stop all Office Communications Server services on all Office Communications Servers.

To migrate global settings to Configuration container

  1. Copy the global settings tree structure to the Configuration container by opening a command prompt and then running the following command:

    cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateGlobalSettingsTree


    Wait until replication completes before proceeding to the next step.

  2. Copy the global settings attributes to the Configuration container as follows:

    cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: MigrateGlobalSettingsProperties


    Wait until replication completes before proceeding to the next step.

  3. For Office Communications Server 2007 and Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, run forest preparation to set permissions as follows:


    You must use the Live Communications Server 2005 or the Office Communications Server 2007 version of LcsCmd.exe to run this step. Do not use the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 version of LcsCmd.exe or the Office Communications Server Prep Forest wizard for this step. The wizard will show that the forest is already prepared, although the ACEs are not in the new container yet.

    LcsCmd /Forest /Action:ForestPrep /global:configuration

    For Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, also run domain preparation in every domain the runs Live Communications Server as follows:

    LcsCmd /Domain /Action:DomainPrep


    Wait for the global settings tree to replicate to most forest global catalogs before proceeding to the next step.

  4. Update server distinguished name (DN) references to the new global settings tree as follows:

    cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: MigrateServerDnReferences /SearchBaseDN:<server search base DN>

    Where /SearchBaseDN specifies the migration scope for servers.

  5. Update DN references for user, contact, and inetOrgPerson objects to point to new global settings tree as follows:

    cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: MigrateUserDnReferences /SearchBaseDN:<user search base DN>

    Where /SearchBaseDN specifies the migration scope for users.

    Wait for this step to complete before proceeding to the next step (for example, with stable network connectivity, it takes about one hour to migrate 30,000 users).

    Use the Office Communications Server snap-in to restart the Office Communications Server services.

  6. Try to send instant messages and perform some conferencing tasks to verify that the migration was successful.


    Do not use Active Directory Users and Computers, the Live Communications Server 2005 administrative tools, or the Office Communications Server 2007 administrative tools to move or modify users until step 7 is complete.

  7. Remove the original global settings tree structure from the System container as follows:


    Do not perform this step until steps 5 and 6 are complete.

    cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: DeleteSystemGlobalSettingsTree