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Configuring Unified Messaging on Microsoft Exchange with ExchUCUtil.ps1

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-06

This topic describes how to configure Unified Messaging (UM) on a Microsoft Exchange Server for use with Enterprise Voice.

To configure a Server Running Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Unified Messaging

  1. Create a UM dial plan for each of your Enterprise Voice location profiles. If you choose to use the Exchange Management Console, create a new dial plan with the security setting SIP Secured. If you use the Exchange Management Shell, type the following script:

    new-umdialplan -name <dial plan name> -UriType "SipName" -VoipSecurity <SIPSecured|Secured> -NumberOfDigitsInExtension <number of digits> -AccessTelephoneNumbers <access number in E.164 format>


    Whether you select a security level of SIPSecured or Secured depends on whether Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) is activated or deactivated for media encryption. For details about selecting the appropriate VoipSecurity setting, see Security Levels in Plan for Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Unified Messaging in Office Communications Server at

  2. Use the following code to obtain the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for each UM dial plan:

    (Get-UMDialPlan <dialplanname>).PhoneContext  
  3. Record the dialplanname of each UM dial plan. You will use the FQDN of each dialplanname later as the name of each UM dial plans corresponding Communications Server location profile.

  4. Add the dial plan to the server running Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Unified Messaging as follows:

    • If you choose to use the Exchange Management Console, you can add the dial plan from the property sheet for the server. For specific instructions, see your Exchange Server 2007 SP1 documentation.

    • If you use the Exchange Management Shell, type the following script:

      $dp=get-umdialplan –id <name of dial-plan created in step 1>; 
      $ums.DialPlans +=$dp.Identity; 
      $ums | set-umserver


    Before performing the following step, make sure that all Enterprise Voice users have been configured with an Exchange Server 2007 or SP1 mailbox. For details about configuring users with a mailbox, see the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 product documentation at
    When specifying a mailbox policy for each dial plan that you created in step 1, select either the default policy or one that you have created.

  5. Navigate to <Exchange installation directory>\Scripts, and then if Exchange is deployed in a single forest, type:

    exchucutil.ps1 -verify

    Or, if Exchange is deployed in multiple forests, type:

    exchucutil.ps1 -Forest:"<forest FQDN>" for multiple forest deployments

    where forest FQDN specifies the forest in which Office Communications Server is deployed. If you have one or more UM dial plans that are associated with multiple IP gateways, continue with step 6. If your dial plans are each associated with only a single IP gateway, skip step 6.

  6. Using either the Exchange Management Shell or Exchange Management Console, disable outbound calling for all but one of the IP gateways associated with each of your dial plans.


    This step is necessary to ensure that outbound calls by the server running Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging to external users (for example, as is the case with play-on-phone scenarios) reliably traverse the corporate firewall.


    When selecting the UM IP gateway through which to allow outgoing calls, choose the one that is likely to handle the most traffic. Do not allow outgoing traffic through an IP gateway that connects to a pool of Communications Server Directors. . You can use either of the following methods to block outgoing calls from passing through an IP gateway:

    • If you use the Exchange Management Shell, disable each IP gateway by running the following command:

      Set-UMIPGateway <gatewayname> -OutcallsAllowed $false
    • If you use the Exchange Management Console, clear the Allow outgoing calls through this IP gateway check box.


    If your UM dial plan is associated with only a single IP gateway, do not disallow outgoing calls through this gateway.

  7. Create a UM auto-attendant for each Communications Server location profile.


    Do not include any spaces in the name of the auto attendant.

    New-umautoattendant -name <auto attendant name> -umdialplan < name of dial plan created in step 1> -PilotIdentifierList <auto attendant phone number in E.164 format> -SpeechEnabled $true -Status Enabled

    The following step should be performed for each user after you have enabled Communications Server users for Enterprise Voice and know their Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

  8. Associate Exchange UM users (each of whom should be configured with an Exchange 2007 mail box) with the UM dial plan and create a SIP URI for each user.


    The SIPResourceIdentifier in the following sample must be the SIP address of the Communications Server user.

    enable-ummailbox -id <user alias> -ummailboxpolicy <name of the mailbox policy for the dial plan created in step 1> -Extensions <extension> -SIPResourceIdentifier "<user alias>@<full domain name>" -PIN <user pin>