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Working with Graphs

One of the tools provided to help you analyze the results of your load tests is the graph pane in the Load Test Monitor and Analyzer. You can display different counters on the graph both at run time and after a test has run. The counter information displays both in the graph and in the legend below the graph.

After your load test run completes, you can pause over a point in the graph to view the counter name, time, and value. You can also zoom in on a section of the graph. For more information, see How to: Zoom in on a Region of the Graph.


The legend for the graphed counters shows several columns of useful data. For more information on counters, see About Counter Sets.

The legend contains the following columns:


The name of the counter.


The name of the counter instance.


The name of the counter category.


The name of the computer to which the counter is mapped.


The color of the line in the graph.


Indicates the number that 100 represents on the graph for that counter.


Indicates the minimum value for the counter.


Indicates the maximum value for the counter.


Indicates the average value for the counter


Shows the most recent plot point of the selected graphs

To turn off the display of any data in the graph, clear the check box in the row in the legend.


When you run a load test, several graphs are created: one for each computer involved in the test and a default graph showing basic statistics that show the user load, throughput, and response time. To view a different graph, select one from the Graph list box.

You can add data to a graph by dragging counters to the graph and saving the graph with a new name. To a add a new graph, click Add Graph from the drop-down combo box. You can also delete graphs by clicking Remove Graph .

To display a new counter on the graph

  1. Start a load test run to display the run-time results. For more information, see How to: Run a Load Test.

    - or -

    Open a previous load test run. For more information, see Deleted: How to: View a Previous Load Test Run

  2. Right-click a counter in the Counters pane in the Monitor or Analyzer and select Show Counter on Graph.

    - or -

    Drag a counter from the Counters pane to the graph. The selected counter is also added to the legend below the graph.

  3. To temporarily stop showing the data on the graph, clear the check box in the row in the legend.

  4. To remove the data from the graph, right-click the counter in the Counter column and select Delete.

    - or -

    Right-click the data line in the graph and select Delete.

See Also


Working with Load Test Tables
Analyzing Load Test Results
Accessing Load Test Results

Other Resources

Analyzing Load Test Runs