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Windows Runtime and Managed Templates (C++ Component Extensions)


The latest version of this topic can be found at Windows Runtime and Managed Templates (C++ Component Extensions).

Templates enable you to define a prototype of a Windows Runtime or common language runtime type, and then instantiate variations of that type by using different template type parameters.

All Runtimes

You can create templates from value or reference types. For more information about creating value or reference types, see Classes and Structs.

For more information about standard C++ class templates, see Class Templates.

Windows Runtime

(There are no remarks for this language feature that apply to only the Windows Runtime.)


Compiler option: /ZW

Common Language Runtime

There are some limitations to creating class templates from managed types, which are demonstrated in the following code examples.


Compiler option: /clr



It is possible to instantiate a generic type with a managed type template parameter, but you cannot instantiate a managed template with a generic type template parameter. This is because generic types are resolved at runtime. For more information, see Generics and Templates (Visual C++).

// managed_templates.cpp  
// compile with: /clr /c  
generic<class T>   
ref class R;   
template<class T>   
ref class Z {  
   // Instantiate a generic with a template parameter.  
   R<T>^ r;    // OK  
generic<class T>   
ref class R {  
   // Cannot instantiate a template with a generic parameter.  
   Z<T>^ z;   // C3231  


A generic type or function cannot be nested in a managed template.

// managed_templates_2.cpp  
// compile with: /clr /c  
template<class T> public ref class R {  
   generic<class T> ref class W {};   // C2959  


You cannot access templates defined in a referenced assembly with C++/CLI language syntax, but you can use reflection. If a template is not instantiated, it’s not emitted in the metadata. If a template is instantiated, only referenced member functions will appear in metadata.

// managed_templates_3.cpp  
// compile with: /clr  
// Will not appear in metadata.  
template<class T> public ref class A {};  
// Will appear in metadata as a specialized type.  
template<class T> public ref class R {  
   // Test is referenced, will appear in metadata  
   void Test() {}  
   // Test2 is not referenced, will not appear in metadata  
   void Test2() {}  
// Will appear in metadata.  
generic<class T> public ref class G { };  
public ref class S { };  
int main() {  
   R<int>^ r = gcnew R<int>;  


You can change the managed modifier of a class in a partial specialization or explicit specialization of a class template.

// managed_templates_4.cpp  
// compile with: /clr /c  
// class template  
// ref class  
template <class T>  
ref class A {};  
// partial template specialization  
// value type  
template <class T>  
value class A <T *> {};  
// partial template specialization  
// interface  
template <class T>   
interface class A<T%> {};  
// explicit template specialization  
// native class  
template <>  
class A <int> {};  

See Also

Component Extensions for Runtime Platforms