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The latest version of this topic can be found at <memory>.

Defines a class, an operator, and several templates that help allocate and free objects.


#include <memory>  



addressof Gets the true address of an object.
align Returns a pointer to a range of a given size, based on the provided alignment and starting address.
allocate_shared Creates a shared_ptr to objects that are allocated and constructed for a given type with a specified allocator.
checked_uninitialized_copy Same as uninitialized_copy but enforces the use of a checked iterator as output iterator.
checked_uninitialized_fill_n Same as uninitialized_fill_n but enforces the use of a checked iterator as output iterator.
const_pointer_cast Const cast to shared_ptr.
declare_no_pointers Informs a garbage collector that the characters starting at a specified address and falling within the indicated block size contain no traceable pointers.
declare_reachable Informs garbage collection that the indicated address is to allocated storage and is reachable.
default_delete Deletes objects allocated with operator new. Suitable for use with unique_ptr.
dynamic_pointer_cast Dynamic cast to shared_ptr.
get_deleter Get deleter from shared_ptr.
get_pointer_safety Returns the type of pointer safety assumed by any garbage collector.
get_temporary_buffer Allocates temporary storage for a sequence of elements that does not exceed a specified number of elements.
make_shared Creates and returns a shared_ptr that points to the allocated object constructed from zero or more arguments using the default allocator.
make_unique Creates and returns a unique_ptr that points to the allocated object constructed from zero or more arguments.
owner_less Allows ownership-based mixed comparisons of shared and weak pointers.
pointer_safety An enumeration of all the possible return values for get_pointer_safety.
return_temporary_buffer Deallocates the temporary memory that was allocated using the get_temporary_buffer template function.
static_pointer_cast Static cast to shared_ptr.
swap Swap two shared_ptr or weak_ptr objects.
unchecked_uninitialized_copy Same as uninitialized_copy but allows the use of an unchecked iterator as output iterator when _SECURE_SCL=1 is defined.
unchecked_uninitialized_fill_n Same as uninitialized_fill_n but allows the use of an unchecked iterator as output iterator when _SECURE_SCL=1 is defined.
undeclare_no_pointers Informs a garbage collector that the characters in the memory block defined by a base address pointer and block size may now contain traceable pointers.
undeclare_reachable Informs a garbage_collector that a specified memory location is not reachable.
uninitialized_copy Copies objects from a specified input range into an uninitialized destination range.
uninitialized_copy_n Creates a copy of a specified number of elements from an input iterator. The copies are put in a forward iterator.
uninitialized_fill Copies objects of a specified value into an uninitialized destination range.
uninitialized_fill_n Copies objects of a specified value into specified number of elements an uninitialized destination range.


operator!= Tests for inequality between allocator objects of a specified class.
operator== Tests for equality between allocator objects of a specified class.
operator>= Tests for one allocator object being greater than or equal to a second allocator object, of a specified class.
operator< Tests for one object being less than a second object of a specified class.
operator<= Tests for one object being less than or equal to a second object of a specified class.
operator> Tests for one object being greater than a second object of a specified class.
operator<< shared_ptr inserter.


allocator The template class describes an object that manages storage allocation and freeing for arrays of objects of type Type.
allocator_traits Describes an object that determines all the information that is needed by an allocator-enabled container.
auto_ptr The template class describes an object that stores a pointer to an allocated object of type Type * that ensures the object to which it points gets deleted when its enclosing auto_ptr gets destroyed.
bad_weak_ptr Reports bad weak_ptr exception.
enabled_shared_from_this Helps generate a shared_ptr.
pointer_traits Supplies information that is needed by an object of template class allocator_traits to describe an allocator with pointer type Ptr.
raw_storage_iterator An adaptor class that is provided to enable algorithms to store their results into uninitialized memory.
shared_ptr Wraps a reference-counted smart pointer around a dynamically allocated object.
unique_ptr Stores a pointer to an owned object. The pointer is owned by no other unique_ptr. The unique_ptr is destroyed when the owner is destroyed.
weak_ptr Wraps a weakly linked pointer.


allocator<void> A specialization of the template class allocator to type void, defining the only the member types that make sense in this specialized context.

See Also

Header Files Reference
Thread Safety in the C++ Standard Library