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The latest version of this topic can be found at export.

Causes a data structure to be placed in the .idl file.




The export C++ attribute causes a data structure to be placed in the .idl file and to then be available in the type library in a binary-compatible format that makes it available for use with any language.

You cannot apply the export attribute to a class even if the class only has public members (the equivalent of a struct).

If you export unnamed enums or structs, they will be given names that begin with __unnamedx, where x is a sequential number.

The typedefs valid for export are base types, structs, unions, enums, or type identifiers. See typedef for more information.


The following code shows how to use the export attribute:

// cpp_attr_ref_export.cpp  
// compile with: /LD  
struct MyStruct {  
   int i;  


Attribute Context

Applies to union, typedef, enum, struct, or interface
Repeatable No
Required attributes None
Invalid attributes None

For more information, see Attribute Contexts.

See Also

Compiler Attributes
Typedef, Enum, Union, and Struct Attributes
Attributes Samples