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mersenne_twister_engine Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at mersenne_twister_engine Class.

Generates a high quality random sequence of integers based on the Mersenne twister algorithm.


template <class UIntType,   
    size_t W, size_t N, size_t M, size_t R,  
    UIntType A, size_t U, UIntType D, size_t S,  
    UIntType B, size_t T, UIntType C, size_t L, UIntType F>  
class mersenne_twister_engine;  


The unsigned integer result type. For possible types, see <random>.

Word size. Size of each word, in bits, of the state sequence. Precondition: 2u < W ≤ numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits

State size. The number of elements (values) in the state sequence.

Shift size. The number of elements to skip during each twist. Precondition: 0 < M ≤ N

Mask bits. Precondition: R ≤ W

XOR mask. Precondition: A ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u

U, S, T, L
Tempering shift parameters. Used as shift values during scrambling (tempering). Precondition: U,S,T,L ≤ W

D, B, C
Tempering bit mask parameters. Used as bit mask values during scrambling (tempering). Precondition: D,B,C ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u

Initialization multiplier. Used to help with initialization of the sequence. Precondition: F ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u


mersenne_twister_engine::mersenne_twister_engine mersenne_twister_engine::min mersenne_twister_engine::discard
mersenne_twister_engine::operator() mersenne_twister_engine::max mersenne_twister_engine::seed

default_seed is a member constant, defined as 5489u, used as the default parameter value for mersenne_twister_engine::seed and the single value constructor.

For more information about engine members, see <random>.


This template class describes a random number engine, returning values on the closed interval [ 0, 2W - 1]. It holds a large integral value with W * (N - 1) + R bits. It extracts W bits at a time from this large value, and when it has used all the bits it twists the large value by shifting and mixing the bits so that it has a new set of bits to extract from. The engine's state is the last N``W-bit values used if operator() has been called at least N times, otherwise the M``W-bit values that have been used and the last N - M values of the seed.

The generator twists the large value that it holds by using a twisted generalized feedback shift register defined by shift values N and M, a twist value R, and a conditional XOR-mask A. Additionally, the bits of the raw shift register are scrambled (tempered) according to a bit-scrambling matrix defined by values U, D, S, B, T, C, and L.

The template argument UIntType must be large enough to hold values up to 2W - 1. The values of the other template arguments must satisfy the following requirements: 2u < W, 0 < M, M ≤ N, R ≤ W, U ≤ W, S ≤ W, T ≤ W, L ≤ W, W ≤ numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits, A ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u, B ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u, C ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u, D ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u, and F ≤ (1u<<W) - 1u.

Although you can construct a generator from this engine directly, it is recommended you use one of these predefined typedefs:

mt19937: 32-bit Mersenne twister engine (Matsumoto and Nishimura, 1998).

typedef mersenne_twister_engine<unsigned int, 32, 624, 397,   
    31, 0x9908b0df,   
    11, 0xffffffff,   
    7, 0x9d2c5680,   
    15, 0xefc60000,   
    18, 1812433253> mt19937;  

mt19937_64: 64-bit Mersenne twister engine (Matsumoto and Nishimura, 2000).

typedef mersenne_twister_engine<unsigned long long, 64, 312, 156,   
    31, 0xb5026f5aa96619e9ULL,   
    29, 0x5555555555555555ULL,   
    17, 0x71d67fffeda60000ULL,   
    37, 0xfff7eee000000000ULL,   
    43, 6364136223846793005ULL> mt19937_64;  

For detailed information about the Mersenne twister algorithm, see the Wikipedia article Mersenne twister.


For a code example, see <random>.


Header: <random>

Namespace: std

See Also
