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Service Order Status and Repair Status

The Status field in the Service Order window and the service item repair status, which is represented by the Repair Status Code field in the Service Order window have a certain relationship in Service Management. The service order status reflects the repair status of all the service items in the service order.


These two status field are not related to the Release Status field on the service order header, which determines how the warehouse handles service items.

Each time the repair status of a service item is changed in a service order, the status of the order is updated. To display the status that reflects the overall repair status of the individual service items, you must specify the following:

  • The service order status that each repair status is linked to. For more information, see Service Order Status.

  • The level of priority of each service order status option. For more information, see Priority.

    When you convert a service quote to a service order, the repair status of each service item is changed in the order to Initial and the service order status is changed to Pending.

Specifying Service Order Status for Repair Status

Each repair status is linked to a particular service order status. The options for the service order status are as follows: Pending, In Process, On Hold, and Finished. The repair status options are as follows: Initial, In Process, Referred, Partly Serviced, Quote Finished, Waiting for Customer, Spare Part Ordered, Spare Part Received, and Finished.


The service order status Pending indicates that the service can start or continue at any time. Therefore, the repair status options of Initial, Referred, Partly Serviced, and Spare Part Received can be linked to this service order status.

In Process

The service order status In Process indicates that the service is in process. Therefore, the repair status options In Process and Spare Part Ordered can both be linked to this service order status. If you link the Spare Part Ordered status to an In Process service order status, you must also link the Spare Part Received status to this service order status.

On Hold

The service order status On Hold indicates that the service is temporarily on hold because you are waiting for a customer response or spare parts before the service can start. Therefore, the repair status options of Quote Finished, Spare Part Ordered, and Waiting for Customer can be linked to this service order status.


The service order status Finished indicates that the service has been completed. Therefore, the Finished repair status is linked to this status.

Assigning Priority to Service Order Status

When a repair status of a service item is changed, the service order status options linked to the different repair status options of all the service items in the order are identified. If the service items are linked to two or more service order status options, the service order status option with the highest priority is selected.

You must decide which service order status contains the most important information about the status of the service order and assign that status the highest priority, and so on.


A typical priority level assignment could be as follows:

  • In Process - High
  • Pending - Medium high
  • On Hold - Medium low
  • Finished - Low

For example, if one service item has the repair status Initial, linked to the service order status Pending, another has the repair status In Process, linked to the service order status In Process, and a third has the repair status Spare Part Ordered, linked to the service order status On Hold, the resulting service order status will be In Process because this has the highest priority.

See Also

Dynamics 365 Business Central
How to: Set Up Statuses for Service Orders and Repairs
Setting Up Service Management