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When demand is planned for and the materials have been issued according to production BOMs, then the actual production operations can start and be executed in the sequence defined by the production order routing.

An important part of executing production, from a system point of view, is to post production output to the database to report progress and to update inventory with the finished items. Output posting can be done manually, by filling and posting journal lines after production operations. Or, it can be done automatically with the use of backward flushing. In that case material consumption is automatically posted along with output when the production order changes to finished.

As an alternative to the batch journal for output posting for multiple production orders, you can use the Production Journal window to post consumption and/or output for one production order line.

Before you can begin to produce items, you must make various setup, such as work centers, routings, and production BOMs. For more information, see Setting Up Manufacturing.

The following table describes a sequence of tasks, with links to the topics that describe them.

To See
Understand how production orders work. About Production Orders
Create production orders manually. How to: Create Production Orders
Outsource all or selected operations in a production order to a subcontractor. How to: Subcontract Manufacturing
Record and post production output along with material and time consumption for a single released production order line. How to: Post Consumption and Output for One Released Production Order Line
Batch post the quantity of components used per operation in a journal that can processes multiple planned production orders. How to: Batch Post Consumption
Post the quantity of finished items and the time spent per operation in a journal that can processes multiple released production orders. How to: Batch Post Output and Run Times
Post the number of items produced in each finished operation which do not qualify as finished output, but as scrapped material. How to: Post Scrap
View the shop floor load as a result of planned and released production orders. How to: View the Load in Work and Machine Centers
Use the Capacity Journal window to post consumed capacities that are not assigned to a production order, such as maintenance work. How to: Post Capacities
Calculate and adjust the cost of finished production items and consumed components for financial reconciliation. About Finished Production Order Costs

See Also

Dynamics 365 Business Central
Setting Up Manufacturing
Working with Dynamics NAV