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Van toepassing op: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online


Klasse Beschrijving
ConfigurationElementCollection Contains a collection of configuration elements. (Developer Extensions)
CrmConfigurationManager Configuration mangager for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer Extensions. (Developer Extensions)
CrmConfigurationProvider Configuration provider. (Developer Extensions)
CrmConnectionStringSettingsCollection Collection for connection string settings. (Developer Extensions)
CrmSection Represents a collection of site configuration nodes and settings for all sites in general. (Developer Extensions)
CrmSectionCreatedEventArgs Section created event arguments. (Developer Extensions)
InitializableConfigurationElement Represents a configuration file element that can be initialized. (Developer Extensions)
ObjectCacheElement Represents an object cache element. (Developer Extensions)
ObjectCacheElementCollection Represents an object cache element collection. (Developer Extensions)
OrganizationServiceCacheElement (Developer Extensions)
OrganizationServiceCacheElementCollection (Developer Extensions)
OrganizationServiceContextElement (Developer Extensions)
OrganizationServiceContextElementCollection (Developer Extensions)
OrganizationServiceElement (Developer Extensions)
OrganizationServiceElementCollection (Developer Extensions)


Interface Beschrijving
IInitializable Interface to indicate that an object can be initialized. (Developer Extensions)


Opsomming Beschrijving
ObjectCacheInstanceMode (Developer Extensions)
OrganizationServiceInstanceMode Contains values to specify how CrmConfigurationManager will adjust its instantiation behavior. (Developer Extensions)

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