Een aangepaste activiteitsentiteit maken
Gepubliceerd: november 2016
Is van toepassing op: Dynamics CRM 2015
Dit onderwerp bevat een voorbeeld dat laat zien hoe u een aangepaste activiteitsentiteit kunt maken.
In het volgende voorbeeld wordt een aangepaste entiteit gemaakt en de eigenschap voor IsActivity ingesteld op true. Alle activiteiten moet een PrimaryAttributeSchemaName hebben die is ingesteld op Subject, zodat dit overeenstemt met het algemene kenmerk ActivityPointer.Subject dat door alle activiteiten wordt gebruikt.
// The custom prefix would typically be passed in as an argument or
// determined by the publisher of the custom solution.
String prefix = "new_";
String customEntityName = prefix + "instantmessage";
// Create the custom activity entity.
CreateEntityRequest request = new CreateEntityRequest
HasNotes = true,
HasActivities = false,
PrimaryAttribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = "Subject",
RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
MaxLength = 100,
DisplayName = new Label("Subject", 1033)
Entity = new EntityMetadata
IsActivity = true,
SchemaName = customEntityName,
DisplayName = new Label("Instant Message", 1033),
DisplayCollectionName = new Label("Instant Messages", 1033),
OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
IsAvailableOffline = true,
//Entity must be published
// Add few attributes to the custom activity entity.
CreateAttributeRequest fontFamilyAttributeRequest =
new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = customEntityName,
Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = prefix + "fontfamily",
DisplayName = new Label("Font Family", 1033),
MaxLength = 100
CreateAttributeResponse fontFamilyAttributeResponse =
CreateAttributeRequest fontColorAttributeRequest =
new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = customEntityName,
Attribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = prefix + "fontcolor",
DisplayName = new Label("Font Color", 1033),
MaxLength = 50
CreateAttributeResponse fontColorAttributeResponse =
CreateAttributeRequest fontSizeAttributeRequest =
new CreateAttributeRequest
EntityName = customEntityName,
Attribute = new IntegerAttributeMetadata
SchemaName = prefix + "fontSize",
DisplayName = new Label("Font Size", 1033)
CreateAttributeResponse fontSizeAttributeResponse =
' The custom prefix would typically be passed in as an argument or
' determined by the publisher of the custom solution.
Dim prefix As String = "new_"
Dim customEntityName As String = prefix & "instantmessage"
' Create the custom activity entity.
Dim request As CreateEntityRequest = New CreateEntityRequest With {
.HasNotes = True,
.HasActivities = False,
.PrimaryAttribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = "Subject",
.RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
.MaxLength = 100,
.DisplayName = New Label("Subject", 1033)},
.Entity = New EntityMetadata With {
.IsActivity = True,
.SchemaName = customEntityName,
.DisplayName = New Label("Instant Message", 1033),
.DisplayCollectionName = New Label("Instant Messages", 1033),
.OwnershipType = OwnershipTypes.UserOwned,
.IsAvailableOffline = True}}
'Entity must be published
' Add few attributes to the custom activity entity.
Dim fontFamilyAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
.EntityName = customEntityName,
.Attribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = prefix & "fontfamily",
.DisplayName = New Label("Font Family", 1033),
.MaxLength = 100}}
Dim fontFamilyAttributeResponse As CreateAttributeResponse = CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(fontFamilyAttributeRequest), CreateAttributeResponse)
Dim fontColorAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
.EntityName = customEntityName,
.Attribute = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = prefix & "fontcolor",
.DisplayName = New Label("Font Color", 1033),
.MaxLength = 50}}
Dim fontColorAttributeResponse As CreateAttributeResponse = CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(fontColorAttributeRequest), CreateAttributeResponse)
Dim fontSizeAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
.EntityName = customEntityName,
.Attribute = New IntegerAttributeMetadata With {
.SchemaName = prefix & "fontSize",
.DisplayName = New Label("Font Size", 1033)}}
Dim fontSizeAttributeResponse As CreateAttributeResponse = CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(fontSizeAttributeRequest), CreateAttributeResponse)
Zie ook
Het voorbeeld en de helpercode gebruiken
Aangepaste activiteiten
Metagegevens van entiteiten aanpassen
De pictogrammen voor een entiteit aanpassen
De berichten voor een entiteit aanpassen
Voorbeeld: Een aangepaste activiteitentiteit maken
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