AssociatedMenuConfiguration |
Defines how the associated records are displayed for an entity relationship. |
AttributeMetadata |
Contains all the metadata for an entity attribute. |
AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty |
Represents the data to define a RequiredLevel property for an attribute. |
AttributeTypeDisplayName |
Provides a list of types of attributes used by AttributeMetadata.AttributeTypeName |
BigIntAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type BigInt. |
BooleanAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type Boolean. |
BooleanOptionSetMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute of type Boolean. |
CascadeConfiguration |
Contains properties representing actions that may be performed on the referenced entity in a one-to-many entity relationship. |
ConstantsBase |
A base class for static classes whose properties represent constants |
DateTimeAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute of type DateTime. |
DateTimeBehavior |
Specifies the behavior of a DateTimeAttributeMetadata attribute using the DateTimeBehavior property. |
DecimalAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type Decimal. |
DoubleAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type Double. |
EntityKeyMetadata |
Represents the entity key metadata. |
EntityMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an entity. |
EntityMetadataCollection |
Defines a collection of EntityMetadata |
EntityNameAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute that references an entity. |
EnumAttributeMetadata |
Contains the data for an attribute that provides options. |
ImageAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type Image. |
IntegerAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type Integer. |
LookupAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute of type lookup. |
ManagedPropertyAttributeMetadata |
Alleen voor intern gebruik. |
ManagedPropertyMetadata |
Alleen voor intern gebruik. |
ManyToManyRelationshipMetadata |
Contains the metadata for a many-to-many entity relationship. |
MemoAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for the attribute type Memo. |
MetadataBase |
Specifies the base class for classes that contains metadata information. |
MoneyAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type Money. |
OneToManyRelationshipMetadata |
Contains the metadata for a one-to-many entity relationship. |
OptionMetadata |
Contains metadata representing an option within an Option set. |
OptionMetadataCollection |
Contains the options in for the OptionSetMetadata.Options class. |
OptionSetMetadata |
Contains metadata that defines a set of options. |
OptionSetMetadataBase |
Contains data that defines a set of options. |
PicklistAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute type Picklist. |
RelationshipMetadataBase |
Contains the metadata for an entity relationship. |
SecurityPrivilegeMetadata |
Contains the metadata that describes a security privilege for access to an entity. |
StateAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute of type State. |
StateOptionMetadata |
Contains data to define an option for the options in a State attribute. |
StatusAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute of type Status. |
StatusOptionMetadata |
Contains one of the possible values for an attribute of type Status. |
StringAttributeMetadata |
Contains the metadata for an attribute of type String. |
StringFormatName |
Specifies the format of a StringAttributeMetadata attribute using the FormatName property. |
UniqueIdentifierAttributeMetadata |
Represents the unique identifier attribute metadata. |