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LINQ Operators by Categories

This topic lists all major LINQ operators implemented by the Observable type by their categories, specifically: creation, conversion, combine, functional, mathematical, time, exceptions, miscellaneous, selection and primitives.

LINQ Operators by Categories

Usage Operators

Creating an observable sequence

  1. Create

  2. Generate

  3. Defer

  4. Range

Converting .NET events or asynchronous patterns to observable sequences, or between enumerators and observable sequences.

  1. FromAsyncPattern

  2. FromEvent

  3. FromEventPattern

  4. ToObservable

  5. ToEnumerable

Combining multiple observable sequences into a single sequence.

  1. Amb

  2. Concat

  3. StartWith

  4. Merge

  5. Repeat

  6. Zip


  1. Let

  2. Prune

  3. Publish

  4. Replay

Mathemathical operators on sequences

  1. Aggregate

  2. Count

  3. Min

  4. Max

  5. Sum

Time-based operations

  1. Delay

  2. Interval

  3. TimeInterval

  4. Timestamp

  5. Timeout

Handling Exceptions

  1. Catch

  2. Finally

  3. Retry

  4. OnErrorResumeNext

Miscellaneous operators

  1. Do

  2. Run

  3. Remotable

Filtering and selecting values in a sequence

  1. Take

  2. TakeUntil/TakeWhile

  3. Select

  4. SelectMany

  5. Skip

  6. SkipUntil/SkipWhile


  1. Never

  2. Empty

  3. Return

  4. Throw

See Also




Querying Observable Sequences using LINQ Operators