IMetaDataEmit Interface
Provides methods to create, modify, and save metadata about the assembly in the currently defined scope. The metadata can be stored in memory or saved to disk.
interface IMetaDataEmit : IUnknown {
HRESULT ApplyEditAndContinue (
[in] IUnknown *pImport
HRESULT DefineCustomAttribute (
[in] mdToken tkObj,
[in] mdToken tkType,
[in] void const *pCustomAttribute,
[in] ULONG cbCustomAttribute,
[out] mdCustomAttribute *pcv
HRESULT DefineEvent (
[in] mdTypeDef td,
[in] LPCWSTR szEvent,
[in] DWORD dwEventFlags,
[in] mdToken tkEventType,
[in] mdMethodDef mdAddOn,
[in] mdMethodDef mdRemoveOn,
[in] mdMethodDef mdFire,
[in] mdMethodDef rmdOtherMethods[],
[out] mdEvent *pmdEvent
HRESULT DefineField (
[in] mdTypeDef td,
[in] LPCWSTR szName,
[in] DWORD dwFieldFlags,
[in] ULONG cbSigBlob,
[in] DWORD dwCPlusTypeFlag,
[in] void const *pValue,
[in] ULONG cchValue,
[out] mdFieldDef *pmd
HRESULT DefineImportMember (
[in] IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pAssemImport,
[in] const void *pbHashValue,
[in] ULONG cbHashValue,
[in] IMetaDataImport *pImport,
[in] mdToken mbMember,
[in] IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAssemEmit,
[in] mdToken tkParent,
[out] mdMemberRef *pmr
HRESULT DefineImportType (
[in] IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pAssemImport,
[in] const void *pbHashValue,
[in] ULONG cbHashValue,
[in] IMetaDataImport *pImport,
[in] mdTypeDef tdImport,
[in] IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAssemEmit,
[out] mdTypeRef *ptr
HRESULT DefineMemberRef (
[in] mdToken tkImport,
[in] LPCWSTR szName,
[in] ULONG cbSigBlob,
[out] mdMemberRef *pmr
HRESULT DefineMethod (
[in] mdTypeDef td,
[in] LPCWSTR szName,
[in] DWORD dwMethodFlags,
[in] ULONG cbSigBlob,
[in] ULONG ulCodeRVA,
[in] DWORD dwImplFlags,
[out] mdMethodDef *pmd
HRESULT DefineMethodImpl (
[in] mdTypeDef td,
[in] mdToken tkBody,
[in] mdToken tkDecl
HRESULT DefineModuleRef (
[in] LPCWSTR szName,
[out] mdModuleRef *pmur
HRESULT DefineNestedType (
[in] LPCWSTR szTypeDef,
[in] DWORD dwTypeDefFlags,
[in] mdToken tkExtends,
[in] mdToken rtkImplements[],
[in] mdTypeDef tdEncloser,
[out] mdTypeDef *ptd
HRESULT DefineParam (
[in] mdMethodDef md,
[in] ULONG ulParamSeq,
[in] LPCWSTR szName,
[in] DWORD dwParamFlags,
[in] DWORD dwCPlusTypeFlag,
[in] void const *pValue,
[in] ULONG cchValue,
[out] mdParamDef *ppd
HRESULT DefinePermissionSet (
[in] mdToken tk,
[in] DWORD dwAction,
[in] void const *pvPermission,
[in] ULONG cbPermission,
[out] mdPermission *ppm
HRESULT DefinePinvokeMap (
[in] mdToken tk,
[in] DWORD dwMappingFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR szImportName,
[in] mdModuleRef mrImportDLL
HRESULT DefineProperty (
[in] mdTypeDef td,
[in] LPCWSTR szProperty,
[in] DWORD dwPropFlags,
[in] ULONG cbSig,
[in] DWORD dwCPlusTypeFlag,
[in] void const *pValue,
[in] ULONG cchValue,
[in] mdMethodDef mdSetter,
[in] mdMethodDef mdGetter,
[in] mdMethodDef rmdOtherMethods[],
[out] mdProperty *pmdProp
HRESULT DefineSecurityAttributeSet (
[in] mdToken tkObj,
[in] COR_SECATTR rSecAttrs[],
[in] ULONG cSecAttrs,
[out] ULONG *pulErrorAttr
HRESULT DefineTypeDef (
[in] LPCWSTR szTypeDef,
[in] DWORD dwTypeDefFlags,
[in] mdToken tkExtends,
[in] mdToken rtkImplements[],
[out] mdTypeDef *ptd
HRESULT DefineTypeRefByName (
[in] mdToken tkResolutionScope,
[in] LPCWSTR szName,
[out] mdTypeRef *ptr
HRESULT DefineUserString (
[in] LPCWSTR szString,
[in] ULONG cchString,
[out] mdString *pstk
HRESULT DeleteClassLayout (
[in] mdTypeDef td
HRESULT DeleteFieldMarshal (
[in] mdToken tk
HRESULT DeletePinvokeMap (
[in] mdToken tk
HRESULT DeleteToken (
[in] mdToken tkObj
HRESULT GetSaveSize (
[in] CorSaveSize fSave,
[out] DWORD *pdwSaveSize
HRESULT GetTokenFromSig (
[in] ULONG cbSig,
[out] mdSignature *pmsig
HRESULT GetTokenFromTypeSpec (
[in] ULONG cbSig,
[out] mdTypeSpec *ptypespec
[in] IMetaDataImport *pImport,
[in] IMapToken *pHostMapToken,
[in] IUnknown *pHandler
HRESULT MergeEnd ();
[in] LPCWSTR szFile,
[in] DWORD dwSaveFlags
HRESULT SaveToMemory (
[in] void *pbData,
[in] ULONG cbData
HRESULT SaveToStream (
[in] IStream *pIStream,
[in] DWORD dwSaveFlags
HRESULT SetClassLayout (
[in] mdTypeDef td,
[in] DWORD dwPackSize,
[in] COR_FIELD_OFFSET rFieldOffsets[],
[in] ULONG ulClassSize
HRESULT SetCustomAttributeValue (
[in] mdCustomAttribute pcv,
[in] void const *pCustomAttribute,
[in] ULONG cbCustomAttribute
HRESULT SetEventProps (
[in] mdEvent ev,
[in] DWORD dwEventFlags,
[in] mdToken tkEventType,
[in] mdMethodDef mdAddOn,
[in] mdMethodDef mdRemoveOn,
[in] mdMethodDef mdFire,
[in] mdMethodDef rmdOtherMethods[]
HRESULT SetFieldMarshal (
[in] mdToken tk,
[in] PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvNativeType,
[in] ULONG cbNativeType
HRESULT SetFieldProps (
[in] mdFieldDef fd,
[in] DWORD dwFieldFlags,
[in] DWORD dwCPlusTypeFlag,
[in] void const *pValue,
[in] ULONG cchValue
[in] mdFieldDef fd,
[in] ULONG ulRVA
HRESULT SetHandler (
[in] IUnknown *pUnk
HRESULT SetMethodProps (
[in] mdMethodDef md,
[in] DWORD dwMethodFlags,
[in] ULONG ulCodeRVA,
[in] DWORD dwImplFlags
HRESULT SetMethodImplFlags (
[in] mdMethodDef md,
[in] DWORD dwImplFlags
HRESULT SetModuleProps (
[in] LPCWSTR szName
HRESULT SetParamProps (
[in] mdParamDef pd,
[in] LPCWSTR szName,
[in] DWORD dwParamFlags,
[in] DWORD dwCPlusTypeFlag,
[in] void const *pValue,
[in] ULONG cchValue
HRESULT SetParent (
[in] mdMemberRef mr,
[in] mdToken tk
HRESULT SetPermissionSetProps (
[in] mdToken tk,
[in] DWORD dwAction,
[in] void const *pvPermission,
[in] ULONG cbPermission,
[out] mdPermission *ppm
HRESULT SetPinvokeMap (
[in] mdToken tk,
[in] DWORD dwMappingFlags,
[in] LPCWSTR szImportName,
[in] mdModuleRef mrImportDLL
HRESULT SetPropertyProps (
[in] mdProperty pr,
[in] DWORD dwPropFlags,
[in] DWORD dwCPlusTypeFlag,
[in] void const *pValue,
[in] ULONG cchValue,
[in] mdMethodDef mdSetter,
[in] mdMethodDef mdGetter,
[in] mdMethodDef rmdOtherMethods[]
[in] mdMethodDef md,
[in] ULONG ulRVA
HRESULT SetTypeDefProps (
[in] mdTypeDef td,
[in] DWORD dwTypeDefFlags,
[in] mdToken tkExtends,
[in] mdToken rtkImplements[]
HRESULT TranslateSigWithScope (
[in] IMetaDataAssemblyImport *pAssemImport,
[in] const void *pbHashValue,
[in] ULONG cbHashValue,
[in] IMetaDataImport *import,
[in] ULONG cbSigBlob,
[in] IMetaDataAssemblyEmit *pAssemEmit,
[in] IMetaDataEmit *emit,
[out] PCOR_SIGNATURE pvTranslatedSig,
[in] ULONG cbTranslatedSigMax,
[out] ULONG *pcbTranslatedSig
Method |
Description |
Updates the current assembly scope with the changes made in the specified pImport. |
Creates a definition for a custom attribute with the specified metadata signature, to be attached to the specified object, and gets a token to that custom attribute definition. |
Creates a definition for an event with the specified metadata signature, and gets a token to that event definition. |
Creates a definition for a field with the specified metadata signature, and gets a token to that field definition. |
Creates a definition for a member of a type that is defined in a module outside the current scope, and gets a token for that reference definition. |
Creates a definition for a reference to a type that is defined in a module outside the current scope, and gets a token to that reference definition. |
Creates a definition for a reference to a member of a module outside the current scope, and gets a token to that reference definition. |
Creates a definition for a method with the specified signature, and returns a token to that method definition. |
Creates a definition for implementation of a method inherited from an interface, and returns a token to that method-implementation definition. |
Creates the metadata signature for a module with the specified name. |
Creates the metadata signature of a type definition and returns an mdTypeDef token for that type, additionally specifying that the defined type is a member of the type referenced by tdEncloser. |
Creates a parameter definition with the specified signature for the method referenced by the specified token, and gets a token for that parameter definition. |
Creates a definition for a permission set with the specified metadata signature, and gets a token to that permission set definition. |
Sets features of the PInvoke signature of the method referenced by the specified token. |
Creates a property definition for the specified type, with the specified get and set method accessors, and gets a token to that property definition. |
Creates a set of security permissions to attach to the object referenced by the specified token. |
Creates a type definition for a common language runtime type, and gets a metadata token to that type definition. |
Gets a metadata token for a type that is defined in another module outside the current scope. |
Gets a metadata token for the specified literal string. |
Destroys the class layout metadata signature for the type referenced by the specified token. |
Destroys the PInvoke marshaling metadata signature for the object referenced by the specified token. |
Destroys the PInvoke mapping metadata for the object referenced by the specified token. |
Deletes the specified token from the current metadata scope. |
Gets the estimated binary size of the assembly in the current scope. |
Gets a token for the specified metadata signature. |
Gets a metadata token for the type with the specified metadata signature. |
Adds the specified imported scope to the list of scopes to be merged. |
Merges into the current scope all the metadata scopes specified by one or more prior calls to IMetaDataEmit::Merge. |
Saves all metadata in the current scope to the file at the specified address. |
Saves all metadata in the current scope to the specified area of memory. |
Saves all metadata in the current scope to the specified IStream. |
Sets or updates the class layout signature of a type defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeDef. |
Sets or updates the value of a custom attribute defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineCustomAttribute. |
Sets or updates the specified feature of an event defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineEvent. |
Sets the PInvoke marshaling information for the field, method return, or method parameter referenced by the specified token. |
Sets or updates the default value for the field referenced by the specified field token. |
Sets a global variable value for the relative virtual address of the field referenced by the specified token. |
Sets the method referenced by the specified IUnknown pointer as a notification callback for token remaps. |
Sets or updates the metadata signature of the inherited method implementation referenced by the specified token. |
Sets or updates the feature, stored at the specified relative virtual address, of a method defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineMethod. |
Updates references to a module defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineModuleRef. |
Sets or changes features of a method parameter that was defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineParam. |
Establishes that the specified member, as defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineMemberRef, is a member of the specified type, as defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeDef. |
Sets or updates features of the metadata signature of a permission set defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefinePermissionSet. |
Sets or changes features of a method's PInvoke signature, as defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefinePinvokeMap. |
Sets the features stored in metadata for a property defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineProperty. |
Sets the relative virtual address of the specified method. |
Sets features of a type defined by a prior call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineTypeDef. |
Imports an assembly into the current scope and gets a new metadata signature for the merged scope. |
Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.
Header: Cor.h
Library: Used as a resource in MsCorEE.dll
.NET Framework Versions: 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0