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CatalogContext Members

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The CatalogContext class contains the functionality to manage the catalog and inventory systems. This class cannot be inherited.

The CatalogContext type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif AddLanguageToPropertyDefinitions Adds the specified language to the property definitions.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif AddPropertyToEntity Adds a property to one of the built-in entity definitions.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gifAa144667.static(en-US,CS.70).gif Create Overloaded. Creates an instance of the CatalogContext object.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CreateBaseCatalog Overloaded. Creates an instance of the BaseCatalog object.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CreateDefinition Creates a catalog definition of the specified CatalogDefinitionType in the catalog system and returns a CatalogDefinition object containing the definition information.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gifAa144667.static(en-US,CS.70).gif CreateFromConnectionString Obsolete. (Obsolete) CatalogContext should not be created from connection string, use Create instead. Creates and returns an instance of the CatalogContext object from the specified connection and context.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CreateProperty Creates a property of the specified data type in the catalog system and returns a CatalogProperty object containing information about the property.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif CreateVirtualCatalog Overloaded. Creates a new virtual catalog.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif DeleteCatalog Deletes the catalog from the Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif DeleteDefinition Overloaded. Deletes an existing product or category definition.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif DeleteProperty Deletes the property from the Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif ExportXml Overloaded. Exports catalog data to an Extensible Markup Language (XML).
Aa144667.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gifAa144667.static(en-US,CS.70).gif GetAuthorizationScopeName Returns the scopename for an entity.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetAuthorizedTasks Overloaded. Constructs a DataSet object that describes the tasks that the current user is authorized to perform in the catalog system.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetCatalog Overloaded. Returns a ProductCatalog for the specified catalog.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetCatalogs Overloaded. Returns a CatalogsDataSet containing all the catalogs in the Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetCatalogSearch Returns a CatalogSearch object that can be used to do Free-text searches and/or property-search across multiple catalogs, in one catalog, or within a single category in a catalog.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetCategory Overloaded. Retrieves a Category object containing information about the category.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetDefinition Creates a CatalogDefinition object for the definition specified by the definition.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetDefinitionProperties Overloaded. Retrieves a DataSet describing the properties in this definition.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetDefinitions Overloaded. Returns a CatalogDefinitionsDataSet containing all the definitions in the catalog system.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetEntityProperties Gets the list of properties that apply to the requested built-in entity definition. (Inventory Catalogs, Inventory SKUs, Catalogs, or Properties)
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetEnumerationPropertyValues Obsolete. (Obsolete) Use GetProperty and EnumerationValues instead. Returns the list of enumeration values for an enumeration property.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetOperationProgressForUser Returns the progress of the operation identified by the operation identifier.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetOperationsProgressForUser Overloaded. Retrieves a collection of operations initiated by the current user.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetProduct Overloaded. Retrieves a Product object containing information about the product.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetProperties Overloaded. Returns a CatalogPropertiesDataSet containing information about all the properties in the catalog system.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetPropertiesInCatalog Returns a CatalogPropertiesDataSet containing information about all the properties in the specified catalog.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetProperty Creates and returns a CatalogProperty object containing information for the specified catalog property.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetPropertyAttributes Overloaded. (Obsolete) Use GetProperty and Information instead. Returns a DataSet containing the property attributes in the Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetPropertyDefinitionLanguages Returns languages assigned to the property definitions.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetRootCategory Overloaded. Retrieves the root category object for this catalog. The root category contains the list of all products and categories not contained in other categories.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetSearchableProperties Overloaded. Returns a CatalogPropertiesDataSet containing all the properties that are used in all catalogs in the catalog system.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetUniqueIdentifierProperties Get the list of valid properties for use as Product and Variant identifying properties in new base catalogs.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif GetVersion Returns the version of the catalog assembly.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif ImportXml Overloaded. Imports a XML stream or file on the server.
Aa144667.protmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif PurgeCompletedOperation Purges the operation identified by the operation identifier.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif PurgeCompletedOperations Overloaded. Purges all the completed import, export and rebuild operations.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RebuildAllCatalogs Overloaded. Rebuild all virtual catalogs in the catalog system.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif Refresh Refresh the authorized tasks for this catalog context.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RefreshAuthorizedTasks Refreshes the Authorized tasks dataset.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RefreshCache Refresh the catalog cache.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RefreshSiteCache Refreshes the catalog cache on the runtime sites.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RemoveLanguageFromPropertyDefinitions Removes the specified language from the property definitions.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RemovePropertyFromEntity Removes a property from one of the built-in entity definitions (Inventory Catalogs, Inventory SKUs, Catalogs, or Properties).
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RenameDefinition Renames an existing definition and returns a CatalogDefinition object containing the new definition.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif RenameProperty Renames an existing property and returns a CatalogProperty object containing the renamed property.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif SetJoinTable Overloaded. Sets the default JoinTableInformation information for this catalog context.
Aa144667.pubmethod(en-US,CS.70).gif ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CacheConfiguration Gets the CacheConfiguration used by the catalog.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CachingEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the catalog system should cache information or not.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogContext Gets the CatalogContext object. (Inherited from CatalogObjectBase.)
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogNames Obsolete. (Obsolete) Use GetCatalogs instead. Gets the complete list of catalogs known to the Product Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CatalogSetsContext Gets the information about all the catalog sets in the catalog.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif CategoryDefinitionNames Obsolete. (Obsolete) Use GetDefinitions instead. Gets the names of all category definitions in the Product Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif DebugContext Gets the DebugContext object. (Inherited from CatalogObjectBase.)
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultAnonymousCatalogSet Gets the names of the catalogs in the default anonymous user catalog set.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif DefaultAuthenticatedCatalogSet Gets the names of the catalogs in the default authenticated user catalog set.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif InventoryContext Gets an instance of the InventoryContext class if the InventorySystemExists property returns true.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif InventorySystemExists Gets a value indicating whether the inventory system exists or not.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif ProductDefinitionNames Obsolete. (Obsolete) Use GetDefinitions instead. Gets the names of all of the product definitions in this Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif PropertyNames Obsolete. (Obsolete) Use GetProperties instead. Gets the names of all of the properties in this Catalog System.
Aa144667.pubproperty(en-US,CS.70).gif ServiceAgent Gets the ServiceAgent object used to connect to the Web service.


See Also


CatalogContext Class

Microsoft.CommerceServer.Catalog Namespace