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Map a project collection to an instance of PWA

TFS 2015 | TFS 2013


TFS 2017 and later versions no longer support native integration with Microsoft Project Server. If you upgrade to TFS 2017 or want to use a third party option, see Synchronize TFS with Project Server.

Before you can synchronize data between Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and Microsoft Project Server, you must perform several tasks that include mapping a project collection to an instance of Project Web Access or Project Web App (PWA). You can manage this mapping by using the following options of the TFSAdmin command-line tool:

  • /MapPWAToCollection: Maps a project collection to an instance of PWA. You can map multiple collections to an instance, but you can map each collection to only one instance. Before you can map a collection to an instance, you must register the instance.

  • /GetMappedCollections: Returns the list of project collections that have been mapped to an instance of PWA.

  • /UnmapPWAFromCollection: Removes the mapping of a project collection from an instance of PWA.

    For an end-to-end overview of how to integrate these products, see Configure TFS-Project Server integration.

    To use the TFSAdmin command-line tool, open a Command Prompt window where either Visual Studio or Team Explorer is installed and enter:

cd %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE  

On a 32-bit edition of Windows, replace %programfiles(x86)% with %programfiles%.


To use these commands, your Administer Project Server integration permission for the project collection must be set to Allow. Also, the service account for Team Foundation Server must be granted the necessary permissions to interact with the instance of PWA that will participate in data synchronization. For more information, see Assign permissions.


Even if you sign in with administrative permissions, you must open an elevated Command Prompt window to perform this function on a server that is running Windows Server 2008. To open an elevated Command Prompt window, choose Start, open the context menu for the Command Prompt, and then choose Run as Administrator. For more information, see the following page on the Microsoft website: User Access Control.


TfsAdmin ProjectServer /GetMappedCollections /tfs:tfsUrl   
TfsAdmin ProjectServer /MapPWAToCollection /pwa:pwaUrl /collection:tpcUrl  
TfsAdmin ProjectServer /UnmapPWAFromCollection /pwa:pwaUrl /collection:tpcUrl [/force]  


Parameter Description
/tfs:tfsUrl Specifies the uniform resource locator (URL) of an application-tier server for Team Foundation. You specify the URL in the following format:


If you do not specify a virtual directory, you specify the URI in the following format:

/pwa: pwaUrl Specifies the URL of an instance of PWA. You specify the URL in the following format:

/collection:tpcUrl Specifies the URL of a project collection. You specify the URL in the following format:


If you do not specify a virtual directory, you specify the URI in the following format:

/force Optional. Available for the /UnmapPWAFromCollection option only. Removes all mappings for all projects in the collection. You should specify this option only if you are sure that you no longer want any projects in the collection to continue to participate in data synchronization.
/? or help Displays information about the command.


When you run a command, a message appears and confirms the action that is being performed and the object of the action. For example, the following message states that the specified instance of PWA is being mapped:

Mapping Project Web Access:http://MyPWAServer/MyPWAInstance/ . . . Done.  

Another message appears after the command finishes. For example, the following message indicates that the instance of PWA has been registered with Team Foundation Server:

Mapping project collection http://MyTFSServer:8080/tfs/Collection0 to PWA http://MyPWAServer/MyPWAInstance/.   

The following operations are performed when you map a project collection:

  • The location service for the collection is updated with the mapping.

  • Global rules and fields on the collection are created.

  • The synchronization engine is registered with the job service.

    Before you can unmap a collection from an instance of PWA, you must first unmap all projects and enterprise project plans that are mapped for the project collection. If projects are mapped when you run the /UnmapPWAFromCollection option, a message notifies you that you must first use the /UnmapPlanFromProject option. As an alternative, you can use the /force flag to remove all mappings for all projects in the collection.

    You can display a list of mapped projects by running the /GetMappedProjects option. For more information, see Manage mappings.

    If you run /UnmapPWAFromCollection on a collection to which no projects are mapped, the command removes not only the mapping but also the global rules.


The following values apply in each example:

  • URL for the instance of PWA: http:// PWAServerName/PWAInstance/

  • URL for Team Foundation Server: http://AdventureWorksServer:8080/tfs/

  • URL for the project collection: http://AdventureWorksServer:8080/tfs/DefulatCollection

List Project Collections That Are Mapped

The following example lists the project collections that are defined on AdventureWorksServer and that are mapped to an instance of PWA.

TfsAdmin ProjectServer /GetMappedCollections /tfs:http://AdventureWorksServer:8080/tfs/  

Map a Team Project Collection to an Instance of PWA

The following example maps DefaultCollection to PWAInstance, which is defined on AdventureWorksServer.

TfsAdmin ProjectServer /MapPWAToCollection /pwa:http://PWAServerName/PWAInstance /collection:http://AdventureWorksServer:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection  

Remove the Mapping of a Collection

The following example removes the mapping of DefaultCollection from PWAInstance.

TfsAdmin ProjectServer /UnmapPWAFromCollection /pwa:http://PWAServerName/PWAInstance /collection:http://AdventureWorksServer:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection  

Configure TFS-Project Server integration
Remove a component
Map integration components