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Error and Event Messages in Team Foundation

Team Foundation displays error and event messages to inform you of successful and unsuccessful operations. A subset of the error and event messages have been assigned unique ID numbers in the form TFnnnnn.

Numbered Error and Event Messages

The following table lists the Team Foundation error and event messages that have been assigned unique ID numbers. The messages are listed in ascending numerical order.

TF10001: The Team Foundation Server name is not present in configuration file. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF10002: Source control is unable to determine the SID for user name: {0}.

TF10008: Source control encountered an unexpected error. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services.

TF10009: The code page you specified is either not recognized or not installed: {0}

TF10010: Source control unexpectedly encountered the end of the stream: {0}

TF10011: The {0} property cannot be changed after it is set.

TF10097: The information about the version of the file is ambiguous. Specify a different file version and try again.

TF10098: {0} arguments cannot contain {1}

TF10099: {0} was not found on the Team Foundation Server.

TF10100: The option {0} is not supported.

TF10101: Item {0} is not used in any branch trees.

TF10102: The branches command requires at least one item. Type or select either a local or server path to the item.

TF10104: Source control cannot add the project: {0}

TF10105: Source control cannot add the solution: {0}

TF10107: Source control cannot compare binary files.

TF10108: Source control cannot compare a file with a folder. Select two files and try again.

TF10109: Source control cannot locate the source control service on Team Foundation Server {0}. Check that you have a network connection and that your Team Foundation Server is available. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF10110: The Team Foundation source control server information is not registered or not available.

TF10111: You must provide a name for the check-in note.

TF10112: The check-in note field '{0}' is not supported for changeset {1}.

TF10113: You must provide a value for check-in note field '<field name>'.

TF10114: You must provide a name for the check-in note.

TF10115: '<check-in note name>' is too long for a check-in note name.

TF10116: The following check-in notes do not pass check-in requirement:

TF10117: The following check-in note does not pass check-in requirement:

TF10118: Check-in notes cannot be configured for the root. You must specify a team project.

TF10119: Warning {0} - Ignoring deletion ID {1}

TF10120: The value {0} is not supported for option {1}.

TF10121: The path '{0}' is not found or not supported. Type or select a different path.

TF10122: The path '{0}' contains a '$' at the beginning of a path component. Remove the '$' and try again.

TF10123: The path '{0}' contains the character '{1}'. Remove the '{1}' and try again.

TF10124: The path '{0}' cannot start with {1}. Remove the {1} and try again.

TF10125: The path '{0}' must start with $/

TF10126: The path '{0}' has no parent in common with '{1}'

TF10127: The path does not include a source control item. Type or select a different path.

TF10128: The path {0} contains more than the allowed 260 characters. Type or select a shorter path.

TF10129: The path {0} contains too many instances of '..' (it goes above the root). Type or select a different path.

TF10130: '{0}' is a reserved name and may not be included in a path.

TF10131: The shelveset name {0} contains more than 64 characters or contains some of the following characters. Type a valid name and try again.

TF10132: {0} is not a supported user name.

TF10133: An attempt to create a working folder mapping was canceled. The current source control operation was canceled.

TF10136: "{0}" is not a recognized source control permission.

TF10137: Check-in policies may only be associated with team projects.

TF10138: The check-in policy settings for <policy definition> are corrupted.

TF10139: The following check-in policies have not been satisfied

TF10140: Cannot check in {0}, there is a problem creating a parent item.

TF10140: The following check-in policies were not satisfied

TF10141: No files checked in: resolve the conflicts and try again.

TF10143: Specifying /user:* is not supported when also specifying the /workspace option.

TF10144: '<Version specification>' is not a supported version specification type.

TF10145: The version specification is not in a supported date or time format.

TF10146: The deletion id given (<deletionID>) is not a supported deletion number.

TF10149: You cannot create files in the root folder. Create a team project and then add the files under the team project folder.

TF10151: Cannot lock item {0} for check-out. This item is checked out by {1} in workspace {2}.

TF10152: The item {0} must remain locked because its file type prevents multiple check-outs.

TF10154: The extension {0} cannot be used in file type {2}, it is already being used in {1}.

TF10156: The computer name {0} contains unsupported characters, is empty, or too long.

TF10157: The file {0} is empty.

TF10158: The user or group name {0} contains unsupported characters, is empty, or too long.

TF10159: The label name '{0}' is not supported. It must be less than 64 characters, cannot end with a space or period, and cannot contain any of the following characters: "/:<>|*?@, double back-slash

TF10160: The item {0} is not a supported server item.

TF10161: The log level {0} is not supported.

TF10162: The server state {0} is not supported.

TF10163: The shelveset name {0} is not supported. It must be less than 64 characters, cannot end with a space or period, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ";/:<>|*?, double back-slash

TF10164: The URL is not found or unsupported. Check the URL and try again.

TF10165: The workspace name {0} is not supported. It must be less than 64 characters, cannot end with a space or period, and cannot contain any of the following characters: "/:<>|*?

TF10167: An unsupported ConflictId was specified.

TF10168: The extension {0} is not supported. It cannot contain any of the following characters /:*?"<>|, double back-slash.

TF10169: Unsupported pending change attempted on team project folder {0}. Use the Project Creation Wizard in Team Explorer to create a project or the TfsDeleteProject tool to delete one.

TF10171: The identity {0} is not a recognized Team Foundation Server identity.

TF10172: The version number {0} is not found or supported.

TF10173: More than one label named {0} was found. Specify a scope for the label.

TF10174: You do not have permission to delete the team project {0}. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ask that the team project be deleted.

TF10175: The team project folder {0} does not exist. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ask that it be created.

TF10176: The path for '{0}' exceeded the limit of 248 characters for a directory, or 260 for a directory and file name.

TF10177: The annotation {0} cannot be accessed through the public interface. It is reserved for internal use only.

TF10178: The Team Foundation source control server {0} logging state has changed to {1} from {2} by {3}.

TF10179: The Team Foundation source control server {0} state has changed to {1} from {2} by {3}.

TF10180: The Team Foundation source control server {0} is not available. The server's state was changed to '{1}' on {2} with the comment "{3}".

TF10181: The Team Foundation source control server {0} started at {1}

TF10182: The Team Foundation source control server {0} stopped at {1}

TF10183: Source control encountered an unexpected error: {0}

TF10185: The work item URL is null or empty.

TF10186: Source Control Explorer is unable to get check-in policy list from the server

TF10187: Could not open document {0}

TF10190: {0} has changed. Undo check-out and discard changes?

TF10195: Source control cannot branch from the root node.

TF10196: Source control cannot branch to the root node.

TF10198: Source control must branch into an existing team project. {0} is not a team project.

TF10201: Source control could not start the manual merge tool.

TF10207: Source control cannot open the Merge Wizard from a stand-alone client.

TF10208: Source control cannot show differences for deleted files.

TF10209: Source control cannot show differences between the specified file and the local file. Either the local file doesn't exist or was not properly specified.

TF10210: Source control encountered an error during {0} operation: {1}

TF10211: {0}: Source control encountered the following error while initializing {1}

TF10212: {0}: Source control encountered the following error while establishing subscriptions for {1}

TF10213: Source control encountered the following error while sending the check-in event to Team Foundation Core Services

TF10216: Team Foundation services are currently unavailable. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF10217: Team Foundation was unable to complete your request due to an unexpected error. For more details, see the event log on the Team Foundation Server.

TF14000: A critical error occurred while generating new download key. Shutting down the current AppDomain

TF14001: The source control server state {0} has been set to '{1}' by an administrative action on {2} with the comment "{3}".

TF14002: The identity {0} is not a member of the Team Foundation Valid Users group.

TF14003: You are not authorized to perform this operation.

TF14004: The item {0} has not been checked in to source control yet.

TF14005: Changes cannot be made to the root folder.

TF14006: You may not change the owner of a workspace.

TF14007: You may not cloak the root folder {0}.

TF14008: Cannot delete team project folder {0}

TF14009: Cannot merge source '{0}' into target '{1}' because the target is underneath source.

TF14010: Cannot merge to '{0}' because a merge conflict already exists for this path. Run resolve to deal with the existing conflict.

TF14011: Cannot move item to path {0} in the root folder. Use the New Team Project Wizard to branch it to a new team project and then delete it.

TF14012: Cannot undelete team project folder {0}. Please use the Project Creation Wizard to create a new team project and then undelete individual items as desired.

TF14013: Cannot undelete '{0}' because you have already pended an undelete to it.

TF14014: Cannot query effective item or global permissions for other users.

TF14015: Cannot rename '{0}' back to its original path of '{1}'. Use undo instead.

TF14016: Cannot resolve '{0}' because doing so requires doing an undelete which cannot be automated.

TF14017: Cannot set a working folder mapping for {0} since you currently have a rename pending on the item.

TF14018: The identity name {0} refers to a group; only user names can be specified when checking in for others.

TF14019: The changeset {0} does not exist.

TF14020: Could not pend change for item {0}. The change type {1} is not supported in this version.

TF14021: '{0}' is before any changeset in the repository.

TF14022: The deleted item {0} does not exist.

TF14023: The specified download key length ({0}) is not valid. Defaulting to a {1} bit key.

TF14024: The item {0} was specified more than once

TF14025: The workspace cannot be created or updated because there were duplicate working folder mappings supplied.

TF14026: You must specify at least one permission in the add, deny, or remove list or set the inheritance flag.

TF14027: You must specify a changeset or a list of server paths, but not both.

TF14028: Patch has been corrupted.

TF14029: Error decoding the patch.

TF14030: Error encoding the patch.

TF14031: Failure using imagehlp.

TF14032: Invalid options were passed to the patch library.

TF14033: Patch is in a newer format.

TF14034: Patch not necessary.

TF14035: Retain ranges differ.

TF14036: File versions are identical.

TF14037: Attempted to apply patch for wrong file.

TF14038: The fileCacheRoot configuration value was not provided. File caching will be disabled.

TF14039: The folder {0} may not have content uploaded.

TF14040: The folder {0} may not be checked out.

TF14041: The folder {0} is mapped more than once.

TF14042: Specified date occurs in the future. Use a tip version specification instead.

TF14043: An error occurred computing the delta for item {0} version {1}.

TF14044: Access Denied: User {0} needs the {1} global permission(s).

TF14045: The identity {0} is not a recognized identity.

TF14047: The comment exceeds the maximum allowed length of {0} characters.

TF14048: The field name '{0}' may not exceed 64 characters.

TF14049: The policy name '{0}' may not exceed 256 characters.

TF14050: Cannot change item {0} because it already has a pending change that is not compatible.

TF14051: All requests types for PendChanges must be identical. Expected: {0} Actual: {1}

TF14052: Cannot specify AcceptYours to resolve a namespace conflict.

TF14053: Cannot specify AcceptYoursRenameTheirs on non-namespace conflicts.

TF14054: The Encoding {0:d} is not valid. The client should never send this value.

TF14055: The identity {0} is not a recognized domain identity.

TF14056: The process id {0} does not exist.

TF14057: The project {0} must be a top level folder.

TF14058: Patch not available.

TF14059: Unable to process the pending changes requested. The set of pending renames would cause a name collision for {0}.

TF14060: The folder {0} cannot be deleted. One or more children have pending changes.

TF14061: The workspace {0} does not exist.

TF14062: Cannot merge to an item '{0}' that is cloaked.

TF14063: Cannot check in partial undelete of {0}. You must check in all items from the undelete operation.

TF14064: Could not find label {0}.

TF14065: Cannot lock {0} for checkin when multiple checkout is disabled.

TF14066: You must have the target '{0}' of the merge locally.

TF14067: The item {0} could not be found in the {1} workspace.

TF14068: No matching items found in {0} in the {1} workspace.

TF14069: Cannot resolve rename conflict between your item {0} and the server item {1} without an explicit destination.

TF14070: Cannot resolve a conflict with AcceptMerge when {0} was deleted on the server. Please choose AcceptTheirs or AcceptYours for this conflict.

TF14071: An error occurred while accessing {0}; information for this artifact was not returned.

TF14072: The contents of the file {0} must be uploaded before it can be checked in.

TF14073: The stored download key is not valid. The key will be regenerated.

TF14074: The file type {0} has already configured in this call. Each file type specified must have a unique name.

TF14075: When creating or updating a shelveset, the owner specified must be the same as the user that is creating or updating the shelveset.

TF14076: Cannot create the label {0} because it has child labels. Use /child:replace or /child:merge.

TF14077: The owner of a label cannot be changed.

TF14078: The mapped local path for '{0}' exceeded the limit of 248 characters for the directory or 260 for the directory and filename.

TF14079: The item {0} is not part of your workspace. Please perform a get operation on this item.

TF14080: The item '{0}' has a pending merge conflict, run resolve before checking in.

TF14081: The item '{0}' could not be merged into the target tree because no related item in the target tree could be found. Consider using the branches command to locate directly related items, consider using /baseless, or reformulate your merge request.

TF14082: Cannot lock item {0} for merging. This item is checked out to another workspace.

TF14083: The item '{0}' has a pending merge from the current merge operation, please resolve and check in the current merge and merge again to pick up this change.

TF14084: Cannot merge {0} to {1} because a parent of {1} has a pending delete.

TF14085: Cannot merge {0} to {1} because there is an incompatible pending change (not edit or encoding) at {1} already.

TF14086: Cannot merge {0} to {1} because there is an unrelated item at {1}.

TF14087: Cannot undelete '{0}' because not all of the deletion is being undeleted.

TF14088: '{0}' must be checked in because it is a rename or an undelete.

TF14089: Cannot undelete the item {0}, {1} was deleted and needs to be undeleted.

TF14090: Cannot unlock {0}. It is not currently locked in your workspace.

TF14091: You cannot perform this operation on workspace {0} because you are not the owner of the workspace.

TF14092: The item {0} cannot be changed. A parent of this item has a pending delete which must be checked in first.

TF14093: The item '{0}' has a pending merge conflict, please run resolve before pending a change against it.

TF14094: Unable to find content for the specified pending change {0}

TF14095: The performance counters could not be initialized. Note that the system will continue to run without maintaining performance counter values.

TF14096: Failed to load the team project cache. Team project methods are not available.

TF14097: Cannot rename {0} when it has a working folder mapping assigned to it.

TF14098: Access Denied: User {0} needs {1} permission(s) for {2}.

TF14099: One of the items you are trying to shelve has a pending merge conflict. The conflict must be resolved before shelving.

TF14100: Unable to shelve the pending changes requested because the set of pending renames requested does not include a dependant rename. {0}

TF14101: The item {0} cannot be moved into an unmapped location because it (or one of its children) is checked out.

TF14101: The range parameter was not correctly formatted.

TF14102: Resolve failure: The item {0} was in the way of undeleting a set of changes.

TF14103: Internal error: The database procedure {0} returned the wrong number of rows.

TF14104: Unknown merge error: Source: {0}, Target: {1}, error number: {2}

TF14105: An exception occurred in the Team Foundation Source Control System.

TF14105: The initial permission (item and global) permission assignments cannot be made.

TF14106: Cannot create or update workspace {0}, the computer name is required for all workspaces.

TF14107: The changes could not be checked in due to an incompatible change in another workspace.

TF14108: The compressed file is not in a supported compression format.

TF14109: Parts of the file {0} were not uploaded.

TF14110: Cannot undo change on {0} because it would conflict with the {4} lock on {1} owned by {2} in workspace {3}.

TF14111: Delta is longer than the original.

TF14112: Cannot branch {0} to {1} because a parent of {1} has a pending delete.

TF14113: Cannot branch {0} to {1} because there is an unrelated item at {1}.

TF14114: Cannot unshelve {0} because a parent of {0} has a pending delete.

TF14115: You can not branch from a workspace version spec {0} when the workspace contains a pending delete {1} underneath the source of the branch. Please either shelve or undo the delete and try the branch again.

TF14116: You can not merge to a workspace version spec {0} when the workspace contains a pending delete {1} underneath the source of the merge. Please either shelve or undo the delete and try the merge again.

TF14117: You can not merge {0} when the end of the version range is a label {1} and the item does not exist in the label.

TF14118: Warning: The source item {0} has been renamed. The rename cannot be merged because the new name of the target item {1} cannot be computed.

TF14119: Cannot merge a delete of {0} to {1} because one of its children has been moved to another location.

TF14120: Cannot unshelve a delete of {0} because one of its children has been moved to another location.

TF14121: The changes previously made to {0} that have not been merged will be discarded by merging the deletion of {1}.

TF15000: Port number is empty or is not valid. Please enter an integer between 1 and 65535.

TF15001: Server name cannot contain '/', ':' or start with 'http' or 'https'.

TF15002: Server name cannot be empty.

TF15003: The cache root specified in the fileCacheRoot configuration value must be an absolute (rooted) path. File caching will be disabled.

TF15004: The download request signature has expired.

TF15005: The request file ID was malformed.

TF15006: The request file ID was missing or empty.

TF15007: The request server ID was missing or empty.

TF15008: The request signature was missing or empty

TF15009: The proxy could not validate the request signature.

TF15010: The request timestamp is malformed.

TF15011: The request timestamp was missing or empty.

TF15012: Unknown proxy exception.

TF15013: The requested Team Foundation Server is not registered with the proxy server.

TF15014: CommitPath not set - unable to commit file to proxy

TF15015: Metadata file not in expected format: {0}

TF15016: Server not initialized.

TF15017: An unknown error occurred while performing a get operation.

TF15018: An error occurred while committing the files to the cache.

TF15019: An error occurred while attempting to start the download thread.

TF15020: A proxy cache miss turned into a cache hit. Performing second chance cache hit detection.

TF15021: Redirecting the client to the Team Foundation Source Control server.

TF15022: Invalid CacheRoot folder.

TF15023: Invalid CacheLimit.

TF15024: Invalid CacheLimitPercent. Value should be in the range of 0-100

TF15025: Invalid CacheDeletionPercent. Value should be in the range of 0-100

TF15026: The application tier failed to respond to the request in a timely manner.

TF15027: The value provided for the "{0}" configuration node is invalid. The value should be in the range from {1} to {2}. Using the default value: {3}.

TF15028: An error occurred while downloading a file from the application tier.

TF15029: Unable to parse the Uri node of the configuration file. Expected a valid absolute Uri but read "{0}".

TF15030: The configuration file was missing the server Uri node. Expected a node such as <uri>https://sourceControlServer:1234/SourceControl</uri>

TF15031: Configuration value "{0}" must be numeric. The value read was: "{1}". Using the default value "{2}"

TF15032: The proxy configuration file has no registered servers.

TF15033: The proxy statistics XML file is missing the {0} node. Statistics for this server will not be used.

TF15034: The metadata file {0} was missing the required value: {1}

TF15035: CacheLimit calculation resulted in invalid value : {0}, defaulting to 1GB limit

TF15036: An error occurred while computing statistics for : {0}

TF15037: An error occurred while determining cache cleanup list for : {0}

TF15038: An error occurred while reading proxy statistics xml file. The Performance Counter values are defaulted to 0.

TF15039: The proxy configuration file has duplicate {0} node. Proxy will ignore the duplicate and continue normally.

TF15040: The statistics file has been tampered. TotalDownloadRequests cannot be less than TotalCacheHits. CacheHit and TotalDownloadRequests performance counters will be reset to zero.

TF15041: Error occurred while trying to retrieve ProxyConfig.xsd.

TF15042: Unable to download the file from the server : {0}

TF15043: A critical error occurred while processing Proxy.config. Shutting down the current AppDomain

TF20001: The value for field '{0}' is not a recognized date.

TF20003: Could not validate one or more e-mail addresses. Correct the e-mail addresses and try again.

TF20004: Could not find the specified file "{0}". Check the file name and try again.

TF20005: Could not find the specified directory.

TF20006: Could not save the query.

TF20007: The value for Width is not supported. Choose a Width between 0 and 65536.

TF20008: The value for field '{0}' is not supported. Specify the value as a decimal number.

TF20009: The value for field '{0}' is not supported. Specify the value as a whole number between -2147483648 to 2147483647.

TF20010: The value for field '{0}' has unsupported characters.

TF20012: Field '{0}' cannot be empty.

TF20013: Field '{0}' cannot be empty, and must be different from the original value.

TF20014: The value for field '{0}' is not in a recognized format.

TF20015: The field '{0}' contains a value that is not in the list of supported values.

TF20016: The value for field '{0}' must be updated, the current value is no longer supported.

TF20017: The area or iteration provided for field '{0}' could not be found.

TF20018: The field '{0}' is unsupported because of a value in another field.

TF20019: The field '{0}' is unsupported because a value is missing in another field.

TF20022: Zero is not a supported work item ID. Enter a positive integer and try again.

TF20024: The work item ID must be a positive integer.

TF20026: A work item cannot contain a related link to itself.

TF20027: Could not open the link.

TF20028: Could not open the link. The linked item may not be registered in the system.

TF20029: The query is not complete. Please correct and try again.

TF20032: The operator for row {0} is not recognized or missing.

TF20033: You do not have permission to modify work items in the area '{0}'. Contact your Team Foundation System administrator.

TF20034: The area does not exist or you do not have permission to save work items in the area '{0}'. Change the value for field '{1}' to an area where you have write permissions.

TF24000: Cannot make a copy of this query. The file name must be unique.

TF24001: Field '{0}' has an unsupported value.

TF24003: The query name you entered contains unsupported characters. Supply another name and try again.

TF24005: Could not open query '{0}'.

TF24006: Could not open query results '{0}'.

TF24008: Could not open work item '{0}'.

TF24011: You are not currently connected to a Team Foundation Server.

TF24016: Cannot find team project '{0}'.

TF24017: Could not find query {0} in team project {1}.

TF24018: Team Foundation Server Configuration Failure. Team project '{0}' already exists on this Team Foundation Server.

TF24021: Team Foundation Server Configuration Failure. No registration entries for tool: {0}.

TF24023: Team Foundation Server Configuration Failure. The New Team Project Wizard work item component could not connect to the Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF24041: Unsupported service URL for ServiceInterface "{0}" registered to tool "{1}"

TF24042: You do not have permission to create work items in project '{0}'. Contact your Team Foundation System administrator.

TF26000: Could not connect to the Team Foundation Server. Check that you have a network connection and that your Team Foundation server is available.

TF26002: Team Foundation does not support comments over {0} characters long. Shorten your comment and try again.

TF26003: Team Foundation could not find the file. Check the file name and path and try again.

TF26006: Team Foundation could not find {0}.

TF26007: Team Foundation could not find {0} for the path {1}.

TF26009: Team Foundation does not support sorting by this field.

TF26012: Cannot connect to Team Foundation Server.

TF26016: The field {0} has been defined more than once in the work item type definition file. Remove or rename one of the definitions and try again.

TF26018: The global list '{0}' is defined more than once in the work item type definition file. Remove one of the definitions and try again.

TF26019: The global list '{0}' appears more than once in the list of values. Remove the redundant references and try again.

TF26022: The list contains a duplicate value {0}. Remove the duplicate and try again.

TF26024: The transition from '{0}' to '{1}' has a duplicate reason {2}. Remove the duplicate reason and try again.

TF26025: The field '{0}' already exists in the collection.

TF26026: A field definition ID {0} in the work item type definition file does not exist. Add a definition for this field ID, or remove the reference to the field ID and try again.

TF26027: A field definition {0} in the work item type definition file does not exist. Add a definition for this field, or remove the reference to the field and try again.

TF26028: A field definition in the work item type definition file does not exist. Add a definition for this field, or remove the reference to the field and try again.

TF26031: The Team Foundation Server returned a field type that was not recognized.

TF26032: The field specified by ID {0} does not exist in this work item type. Remove the reference or correct the work item type definition and try again.

TF26033: The field {0} does not exist in this work item type. Remove the reference or correct the work item type definition and try again.

TF26035: The definition for the field {0} was not found. Add a definition for this field and try again.

TF26036: Team Foundation does not support querying on this field '{0}'. Change your query and try again.

TF26037: Rule '{0}' is declared for the field '{1}' and references the same field.

TF26038: Field type for {0} does not match the existing type. It was {1}, but now is {2}.

TF26039: Field value overflow.

TF26041: Global list '{0}' does not exist in this database.

TF26045: The field '{0}' has the 'Reportable' attribute set to 'Detail', but its field type does not support this attribute. This attribute supports the following field types: Integer, Double, String, or DateTime. Change this attribute for the field, or change the field type and try again.

TF26046: The field '{0}' has the 'Reportable' attribute set to 'Dimension', but its field type does not support this attribute. This attribute supports the following field types: Integer, Double, String, or DateTime. Change this attribute for the field, or change the field type and try again.

TF26047: The field '{0}' has the 'Reportable' attribute set to 'Measure', but its field type does not support this attribute. This attribute supports the field types 'Integer' and 'Double'. Change this attribute for the field, or change the field type and try again.

TF26048: The rule '{0}' for field '{1}' refers to field '{2}', which is a different field type. Change the field type or the field reference so that the field referred to is the same type and try again.

TF26049: The field '{0}' has rules '{1}' and '{2}' that are inconsistent.

TF26050: The work item type definition has a definition for field '{0}' that is a reserved system field name and cannot be used. Rename or remove this field definition and try again.

TF26051: The field name '{0}' is not a supported field name.

TF26051: The field name '{0}' is not a supported field name.

TF26052: Attempt to set the field to an unsupported value.

TF26054: The last write time of this stored query is not recognized.

TF26055: The value '{0}' is not supported for the field type of field '{1}'.

TF26056: This operation is not supported on an open work item

TF26057: This operation is not supported on a parameterized query

TF26058: The query ID is not recognized.

TF26059: The query name is not recognized.

TF26060: The query text is not recognized.

TF26061: '{0}' is not a recognized reference field name.

TF26061: '{0}' is not a supported reference field name.

TF26062: Rule '{0}' is not supported for the field '{1}'.

TF26063: '{0}' is not in the list of supported states.

TF26064: The query is not recognized.

TF26065: The project hierarchy node is not recognized.

TF26066: The URL is not recognized.

TF26071: This work item has been updated in the work item database. Open the latest revision.

TF26073: This operation cannot be performed on an item that has not yet been saved.

TF26079: Team Foundation does not support link comments over {0} characters long. Shorten the comment and try again.

TF26083: The state '{0}' is defined more than once in the work item type definition (WITD) file. Remove or rename the duplicate state and try again.

TF26084: The attachment could not be added because the work item already has the maximum number of supported attachments {0}. Remove attachments that are no longer being used and try again, or create a link to the file instead.

TF26085: Unknown constant with id {0}.

TF26154: Work item type Import failed.

TF26155: You are not a recognized Team Foundation administrator in the current team project. Contact the Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26156: You are not a recognized administrator in the current team project. Contact another Team Foundation Server administrator to request permissions to this team project.

TF26157: You are not a recognized user in the current team project. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator to request permissions to this team project.

TF26158: The query has too many levels of nesting. Restructure the query and try again.

TF26159: The request cannot be canceled.

TF26160: The Team Foundation Server work item database is in read-only mode. It may be offline for system administration. Try again later or contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26161: You have been denied permissions to the SQL Server database. Team Foundation Server is not properly configured. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26163: Team Foundation does not support query descriptions over {0} characters long. Shorten the description and try again.

TF26167: The query name was empty. Add a query name and try again.

TF26168: Team Foundation does not support query names over {0} characters long. Shorten the query name and try again.

TF26169: Query name cannot be empty

TF26171: User/group '{0}' is not found.

TF26173: Team Foundation could not connect to the application tier. Check that you have a network connection and that the Team Foundation Server is available. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26173: Team Foundation could not connect to the application tier. Check that you have a network connection and that the Team Foundation Server is available. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26174: Team Foundation timed out trying to connect to the server. Check that you have a network connection and that the Team Foundation Server is available. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26175: Team Foundation Core Services attribute '{0}' not found.

TF26176: Team Foundation could not find the registration for the application server URL. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26176: Team Foundation could not find the registration for the application server URL. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26177: The field {0} cannot be renamed from '{1}' to '{2}'. Team Foundation does not support renaming fields.

TF26178: Field type '{0}' can be used only with the '{1}' field.

TF26179: Field type '{0}' can be used only with '{1}' and '{2}' fields.

TF26180: A work item with this ID already exists in the work item database.

TF26181: This work item already has a duplicate link.

TF26182: This operation is not supported on revision history items.

TF26184: The default namespace is unrecognized. It must be either empty or set to '{0}', but it is set to '{1}'.

TF26185: Team Foundation does not support link paths over {0} characters long. Shorten the link path and try again.

TF26186: The project hierarchy node '{0}' was not found.

TF26188: Access Denied: You must be a Team Foundation administrator.

TF26191: The query name already exists. Rename the query and try again.

TF26192: The team project specified by the ID {0} does not exist. Check the team project ID and try again.

TF26193: The team project {0} does not exist. Check the team project name and try again.

TF26194: The value for this field cannot be changed.

TF26195: The related work item does not exist.

TF26196: Team Foundation does not support relating a work item to itself. Select a different related work item.

TF26198: The work item does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it.

TF26199: Cannot connect to a different server for a work item store that has successfully connected to a Team Foundation Server

TF26201: This work item has unsupported fields, or user does not have permissions.

TF26202: Validation failed. Field '{0}' not supported.

TF26203: Could not import the project hierarchy.

TF26204: The account you entered is not recognized. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator to add your account.

TF26205: Workitem Type Import failed. Unsupported field name.

TF26205: Workitem Type Import failed. Unsupported field reference name.

TF26206: Workitem Type Import failed. Unsupported Field Type.

TF26207: Workitem Type Import failed. Unrecognized project.

TF26208: The item does not exist, or you do not have permission to it.

TF26209: The work item linked to as a related link does not exist.

TF26210: '{0}' is not a supported reference field name. Only reference field names can be used in stored queries.

TF26212: Team Foundation Server could not save your changes. There may be problems with the work item type definition. Try again or contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF26213: Saving work items failed. Check the log for more details.

TF26213: Too many new fields. You are trying to create {0} field(s), while the server has space for {1} of them.

TF26214: Cannot save the work item. Fields with errors: {0}

TF26214: State '{0}' is specified in source and destination states in the transition. These states must be different.

TF26215: Cannot save the work item.

TF26215: Transition from state '{0}' to state '{1}' (for='{2}', not='{3}') is defined more than once.

TF26216: The form '{0} element has mutually exclusive attributes '{1}' and '{2}'.

TF26217: The form '{0}' element has neither '{1}' nor '{2}' attributes.

TF26218: Field names {0} and {1} map to the same field name {2} in reporting and cannot be used together.

TF30001: Team Explorer could not retrieve a list of projects from the Classification Service. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30002: The New Team Project Wizard encountered an error deleting the project {0}

TF30004: The New Team Project Wizard encountered an unexpected error while initializing the {0} plug-in.

TF30005: The New Team Project Wizard group security component could not connect to the Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF30006: Artifact destinationId does not define a valid URI or artifactId. ArtifactId: {1} from Group {0}

TF30009: The New Team Project Wizard was not able to open the project creation log file.

TF30012: Team Foundation cannot set AllWorkItemTypesText to null or empty string.

TF30013: Team Foundation cannot set PickItemsFromRadioLabel to null or empty string.

TF30014: Duplicate name for the SQL Server Reporting Services site on server {0}.

TF30015: The New Team Project Wizard could not connect to the specified SQL Server Reporting Services server {0}.

TF30016: You do not have permission to create a new SQL Server Reporting Services site on the server {0}.

TF30017: Team Explorer cannot connect to Team Foundation Server {0}. The security certificate is either not installed, misconfigured, or expired.

TF30018: Team Explorer could not find the Reporting Service XML node

TF30019: The Group Security Service on the Team Foundation Server did not return any user identity information

TF30020: The New Team Project Wizard was not able to load the information from the process template.

TF30021: Duplicate name for the site on Windows SharePoint Services server {0}.

TF30022: The New Team Project Wizard could not connect to the Windows SharePoint Services server {0}.

TF30025: Application error

TF30026: You cannot change the file name extension using Team Explorer. Do you want to continue?

TF30027: Team Explorer encountered an error adding the document library.

TF30028: Team Explorer encountered an error deleting the document library.

TF30030: Team Explorer could not connect to Team Foundation Server.

TF30031: Team Explorer cannot open the document because the WebClient service is not running.

TF30032: The New Team Project Wizard common structure component could not connect to the Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF30034: You do not have permission to create a new team project.

TF30037: The Classification Service task XML is missing the Nodes node

TF30039: The count threshold must be between {0} and {1}, inclusive.

TF30040: The database is not correctly configured. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30041: Team Foundation Server could not connect to the database. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30042: The database is full. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30043: You must specify an event log source for your application.

TF30045: The instance information has not been configured or is not available for this Team Foundation Server. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30046: The instance information does not match. Team Foundation expected {0} but found {1}. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30047: The log level {0} specified in the configuration file is not a recognized log level.

TF30048: The file {0} specified to store the trace output could not be found or created. Confirm that the file name is correct and that your user account has permission to access the file: {1}

TF30049: Team Foundation Server encountered an error initializing listener {0}.

TF30050: The listener {0} issued an exception while submitting records to the database.

TF30051: The log age parameter specified in the configuration file {0} is not recognized, and the default value is being used instead.

TF30053: You must supply a Team Foundation event log object.

TF30054: You must set the event log source, instance, and Watson reporting name.

TF30055: Visual Studio could not find or read the Team Foundation Server server name in the configuration file. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30057: The database log connection string is null or empty.

TF30058: Unable to execute a resultset stored procedure, no stored procedure was prepared

TF30059: Fatal error while initializing web service

TF30060: A system error occurred while submitting a record. No action is required to correct.

TF30061: The trace switch {0} is not a valid Team Foundation Server trace switch.

TF30062: An error occurred while manipulating the trace state of the application

TF30063: You are not authorized to access {0}.

TF30064: You are not authorized to access the server.

TF30065: An unhandled exception occurred.

TF30066: The web method table has not been initialized.

TF30067: The web method enum is not in the web method table.

TF30068: An exception has occurred in a Team Foundation component: {0}

TF30069: An unexpected condition has occurred.

TF30070: An unexpected condition has occurred in the Team Foundation server. Information about the condition has been gathered.

TF30071: Unable to create and file a Watson report.

TF30072: The Team Foundation Server trial period has expired or its license is otherwise invalid. Install a licensed edition of Team Foundation Server to continue

TF30072: You cannot modify the service for type {0}.

TF30073: The string must have at least one character.

TF30075: Team Foundation could not find the specified root folder or the folder is missing.

TF30076: The server name <server> provided does not correspond to a server URI that can be found. Confirm that the server name is correct.

TF30076: The server name or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) you typed, {0}, cannot be resolved to a Team Foundation server. If you type a server name, it must match the name you typed in the Add Team Foundation Server dialog. If you type a URI, it must use the following syntax: http[s]://<server name>:<server port>

TF30078: Team Foundation could not open the dialog because the threading model must be single-threaded apartment.

TF30079: A list, survey, discussion board, or document library cannot have the same name as another list, survey, discussion board, or document library in this Web site. Type a new name.

TF30079: Team Explorer encountered the following error while creating a new document from template '{0} : {1}'

TF30080: Team Explorer encountered the following error while copying folders or files: {0}

TF30081: Team Explorer encountered an error while deleting the document or folder.

TF30082: Team Explorer encountered the following error while launching a document: {0}.

TF30083: Team Explorer encountered an error while uploading the file {0}. This error can be caused by either the web service timing out, a problem with the network connection to the Team Foundation Server, or you attempted to upload a file type that is not supported by Windows SharePoint Server.

TF30084: Team Explorer could not find the file on the Windows SharePoint Services site.

TF30085: Team Explorer could not create a new folder.

TF30090: Team Explorer encountered an error renaming document or folder.

TF30091: Your Favorites cache file '{0}' is corrupted.

TF30092: Team Explorer encountered an error getting the name of the node.

TF30093: Team Explorer could not find the favorite {0}.

TF30094: A favorite item named {0} already exists.

TF30095: This folder already contains a link named '{0}'. Would you like to replace it?

TF30100: Team Foundation cannot set PrivateQueriesText to null or empty string.

TF30100: Project creation failed with error: {0}

TF30101: Team Foundation cannot set PublicQueriesText to null or empty string.

TF30102: Team Foundation cannot set QueryRadioLabel to null or empty string.

TF30103: Team Foundation cannot set ResetButtonLabel to null or empty string.

TF30104: Team Foundation cannot set RunButtonLabel to null or empty string.

TF30105: Team Foundation cannot set SelectAQueryText to null or empty string.

TF30107: Team Foundation cannot set WorkItemTypeLabel to null or empty string.

TF30108: This folder already contains a report named '{0}'. Would you like to replace it?

TF30109: Team Explorer encountered an error during the renaming. Try your change again.

TF30123: Error while deleting template

TF30124: Error occurred during launching log file

TF30125: Error occurred during retrieving templates data

TF30126: Failed to download process template. {0}

TF30127: Export Failed. Reason: {0}

TF30128: Failed to get Team Foundation Server host.

TF30129: Failed to upload process template.

TF30132: Process template size exceeds {0} MB. Unable to upload process template.

TF30135: The Process Template Manager can not upload the process template from '{0}' because the folder does not contain a valid process template. A valid process template includes the file ProcessTemplate.xml as well as other necessary files. Correct the process template, or select a different folder and try again.

TF30136: The Process Template Manager can not download the template to '{0}' because there is already a subfolder with the name '{1}'. The Process Template Manager must be able to create a new subfolder with the same name as the process template. Select a different destination folder, or rename the conflicting sub-folder and try again.

TF30139: The process template is not configured properly.

TF30144: The New Team Project Wizard attempted to roll back all of the steps taken to this point but was unsuccessful. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator for further instructions.

TF30146: The New Team Project Wizard could not retrieve the confirmation values from the plug-in. Close the wizard and try creating the team project again. If the problem persists, review the log file for additional information and contact the provider of the plug-in.

TF30147: The New Team Project Wizard could not retrieve the confirmation values because of the error: {0} Close the wizard and try creating the team project again. If the problem persists, review the log file for additional information and contact the provider of the plug-in.

TF30150: Duplicate name for the team project.

TF30155: Error occurred while trying to create project : "{0}"

TF30156: Error occurred while updating project properties for : "{0}"

TF30157: Invalid node name

TF30158: Invalid property name

TF30160: The artifact {0} declared in task "{2}" from group "{1}" is not published.

TF30162: Task "{1}" from Group "{0}" failed

TF30164: Deleting directory "{0}" failed

TF30165: The temporary folder {0} used to store the process template does not exist and, therefore, could not be deleted.

TF30167: The New Team Project Wizard could not finish creating the project {0}.

TF30168: The New Team Project Wizard experienced a failure checking your permissions to create projects.

TF30169: The New Team Project Wizard was unable to download the process template {0}.

TF30170: The plug-in {0} failed during task {1} from group {2}.

TF30171: The {0} plug-in used to create the new team project could not be initialized and returned the following error: {1}.

TF30172: You do not have permission to create a new team project.

TF30173: No well formed process template folder name to delete

TF30174: A ProjectCreatedEvent handler failed with an Exception

TF30175: Process template validation failed

TF30177: Team Project Creation Failed

TF30181: Error occurred while adding access entry : action name: "{0}" sid: "{1}" deny: "{2}" retrying ...

TF30182: Error occurred while getting list object class actions for : "{0}"

TF30183: Error occurred while creating application group for : "{0}" retry #: {1}

TF30184: Error occurred while trying to get list of structures for: "{0}" retrying ...

TF30185: The action {0} you requested is not available for the object {1}. This error usually occurs when a process template is being loaded and the template requests an action that is not applicable to the target object. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator or the provider of the process template.

TF30186: The XML in the process template is malformed. The process template must contain a single Groups node. Contact the provider of the template to correct the XML, upload a new copy of the template to the Team Foundation Server, and try again.

TF30187: The permission {0} does not match the list of permissions required by the XML schema. Contact the provider of the template to correct the XML, upload a new copy of the template to the Team Foundation Server, and try again.

TF30188: The team project URI returned from {0} is either a null or empty string or not a recognized URI. Try again. If the problem persists, review the event log for additional information and call Microsoft Product Support Services.

TF30189: The process template contains a cycle in dependencies.

TF30190: The process template contains a duplicate artifact ID: artifactId {2} in Task {1} from Group {0}.

TF30191: The dependency {0} in the process template is not correct.

TF30192: Process template metadata references invalid or not registered plugin '{0}'.

TF30193: The process template provided is not recognized. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30194: The ProcessTemplate.xml does not conform to schema.

TF30195: The source artifact referenced in group "{0}" is not defined in the process template.

TF30196: Tasks file for the group "{0}" failed schema validation.

TF30198: Engine failure while processing the completion of the task "{0}" from group "{1}". No further tasks will be executed

TF30199: Critical project creation execution failure

TF30200: Process template did not contain any tasks

TF30201: Group {0} Task "{1}" will not be run because the user has cancelled execution

TF30202: Task "{1}" from Group "{0}" will not be run because a prior task failed.

TF30203: The destination id '{0}' for the link is either invalid or not previously defined.

TF30204: The source artifact id "{0}" for the link is not previously defined.

TF30207: Initialization for plugin "{0}" failed

TF30210: The plug-in does not support linking.

TF30211: The New Team Project Wizard could not create the team project because a valid project URI was not returned.

TF30212: The New Team Project Wizard could not create the team project.

TF30214: The ProjectCreated property must have a value of true before you can invoke this property.

TF30215: The New Team Project Wizard finished creating team project, but there was an error updating the user interface.

TF30217: New Team Project Wizard discontinued due to the following error and is removing the partially created team project from the server. This may take several minutes or longer depending on the status of your team project.

TF30218: Out of memory while processing the completion of task "{0}" from group "{1}", no further tasks will be executed.

TF30220: Error occurred creating data source {0}

TF30221: File '{0}' does not exist

TF30222: The New Team Project Wizard could not find the data source TfsOlapReportDS on the SQL Server Reporting Services server {0}. Contact the administrator for the server and confirm that your user account has Content Manager permission to create reports. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ask that Team Foundation Server be repaired.

TF30224: Failed to retrieve projects from the report server. Please check that the SQL Server Reporting Services Web and Windows services are running and you have sufficient privileges for creating a project.

TF30225: Error uploading report : {0}

TF30226: User did not have project creation permissions

TF30227: Project creation permissions retrieved

TF30229: Failure retrieving user information

TF30230: Malformed template metadata XML for template "{0}"

TF30234: Process template data returned from Team Foundation Server as null

TF30235: Null template header data returned from Team Foundation Server

TF30243: Process template returned with no data (zero length)

TF30244: No template found on server with name "{0}"

TF30245: The Process Template Manager could not retrieve the instance of IVSTeamExplorer.

TF30246: The file "{0}" was not found in "{1}"

TF30247: The New Team Project Wizard could not load the plug-in "{0}" for process template "{1}". Select another process template or see the log file for more details.

TF30249: The New Team Project Wizard could not retrieve the process template information.

TF30253: Missing attribute "{0}" from XmlNode "{1}"

TF30254: Unable to read the schema from resources

TF30255: XmlNode "{0}" not found as child of node "{1}"

TF30260: Folder and/or source attributes are invalid

TF30261: Invalid project name -- project names: must be less than {0} for this TFS Server, cannot contain any of the following characters: / : ~ && %, double back-slash, and must not be a system reserved name.

TF30262: Error occurred while creating document library : {0} retrying ...

TF30263: Error creating document library {0} Exception = {1}

TF30264: Error occurred while creating folder : {0} in library : {1} retrying ...

TF30265: Duplicate site task

TF30266: Error creating folder : {0} in document library : {1}

TF30267: Exception: {0}

TF30268: Windows SharePoint Services could not find the XML node in the file.

TF30269: Node '{0}' not found

TF30270: Project site folder "{0}" already exists

TF30271: Exception while setting properties for file : {0}

TF30272: Template not found on the server

TF30273: Unknown SoapException encountered: Details = {0}

TF30274: Error occurred while uploading file to : {0} retrying after 5 seconds ...

TF30275: Error while uploading file source = {0} target = {1}

TF30276: The taskXml did not contain a "wss" XML node.

TF30277: You do not have sufficient permissions on the Windows SharePoint Services at {0} to create a new site.

TF30279: Plug-in with ID "{0}" of type "{1}" could not be loaded

TF30282: The file or folder you are copying or moving has the same name as the target folder and is a child of that folder. Change the name of either the object you are copying or the target folder.

TF30283: Fail to delete virtual directory '{0}'

TF30284: Could not connect to server '{0}'

TF30285: Virtual directory '{0}' already exists

TF30286: A simple failure in ELead's code

TF30288: Failure in ELeadXmlTraceListener

TF30290: There was a problem accessing the database on the server. See the Team Foundation Server event log for details. Time: {0}

TF30290: There was a problem accessing the database on the server. See the Team Foundation Server event log for details. Time: {0}

TF30290: There was a problem accessing the database on the server. See the Event log on the Team Foundation Server for details. Time: {0}

TF30290: There was a problem accessing the database on the server. See the Event log on the Team Foundation Server for details. Time: {0}

TF30291: There was a problem on the server of unknown cause. See the Team Foundation Server event log for details. Time: {0}

TF30291: There was a problem on the server of unknown cause. See the Team Foundation Server event log for details. Time: {0}

TF30291: There was a problem on the server of unknown cause. See the log file on the Team Foundation Server for details. Time: {0}

TF30291: There was a problem on the server of unknown cause. See the log file on the Team Foundation Server for details. Time: {0}

TF30292: There was a security exception. See the log file on the Team Foundation Server for details. Time: {0}

TF30294: You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this operation. For further information contact the Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF30295: Trace log size exceeds maximum file length

TF30297: The PortfolioDisplayName and Portfolio are not set and the ProjectPickerControl is disabled.

TF30298: The ProjectPickerControl could not find the PortfolioDisplayName in DomainNameSpace.

TF30299: Cannot set CancelButtonLabel to null or empty string.

TF30300: Cannot set DialogTitle to null or empty string.

TF30301: Cannot set OKButtonLabel to null or empty string.

TF30306: Cannot set AddRequiredButtonLabel to null or empty string.

TF30307: Cannot set AllWorkItemTypesText to null or empty string.

TF30308: Cannot set AvailableColumnsLabel to null or empty string.

TF30309: Cannot set ColumnPickerDescriptionText to null or empty string.

TF30310: Cannot set ColumnPickerWorkItemTypeLabel to null or empty string.

TF30311: Cannot set ColumnResetButtonLabel to null or empty string.

TF30312: Cannot set RequiredItemTag to null or empty string.

TF30313: Cannot set SelectedColumnsLabel to null or empty string.

TF30314: ColumnsPickerControl: The ExcludedColumns items in the ColumnsPickerControl were not string types.

TF30315: The RequiredItemTag value must include a substitution token ({0}) for the column name.

TF30316: ColumnsPickerControl: PortfolioDisplayName and Portfolio are null or empty strings.

TF30317: ColumnsPickerControl: SelectedVirtualColumns items were not of type VirtualColumn.

TF30318: ColumnsPickerControl: SpecialAvailableVirtualColumns items did not have SpecialFieldInfo set.

TF30319: Disconnecting from the Team Foundation Server {0} will close all queries, work items, documents, all solutions under Team Foundation source control, and the Team menu. To connect to the server again, from the Tools menu, select Connect to Team Foundation Server. Are you sure you want to disconnect?

TF30320: The New Team Project Wizard could not retrieve the list of team projects on the Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF30321: The name you typed is already used for another team project on the Team Foundation Server.

TF30322: The report or folder you are copying or moving has the same name as the target folder and is a child of that folder. Change the name of either the object you are copying or the target folder.

TF30323: The New Team Project Wizard could not retrieve the wizard page from the plug-in {0}.

TF30324: The name "{0}" exceeds the limit of 128 characters. Type or select a shorter name and try again.

TF30325: Team Explorer encountered an unexpected error while refreshing the {0} plug-in. The following error message was returned by the plug-in: {1}. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ask that the plug-in be reinstalled. If the problem persists, contact the developer or provider of the plug-in for further instructions.

TF30326: The team project name you typed is not valid. A project name cannot: - contain more than {0} characters for this Team Foundation Server - contain Unicode control characters or Surrogate characters - contain any of the following characters: / : ~ && % ; @ ' " ? < > | # $ * }} {{ , + = - , double back-slash, start with an underscore ( _ ) - start or end with a period ( . ) - be a system reserved name.

TF30327: Are you sure you want to remove the team project '{0}' from Team Explorer? If you remove the team project from the tree, you can add it again later from the File menu by pointing to Open, clicking Team Project, and the selecting the name of the team project.

TF30329: The item you are copying or moving has the same name as the target folder and is a child of that folder. Change the name of either the object you are copying or the target folder.

TF30330: Team Explorer cannot write to the project list configuration file. Free up space on the local hard disk.

TF30331: Team Explorer could not connect to the Team Foundation server {0} used during your last session. The server may be offline or the network is unavailable. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator to confirm that the server is available on the network. Use the Connect to Team Foundation Server command on the Tools menu to reconnect to your previous server. The server returned the following error: {1}

TF30332: Document and folder names cannot contain any of the following characters: / : * ~ && % ; @ " ' ? < > | #, double back-slash. Enter a valid name.

TF31001: Team Foundation cannot retrieve the list of team projects from Team Foundation Server {0}. The Team Foundation Server returned the following error: {1}.

TF31002: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Server {0}. Team Foundation Server URL: {1}..

TF31003: Your user account does not have permission to connect to the Team Foundation Server {0}. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and request that the appropriate permission be added to your account.

TF31004: Team Foundation encountered an unexpected error while connecting to Team Foundation Server {0}. Wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF31005: Team Foundation cannot retrieve the list of team projects because it is not able to connect to Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF40001: The build could not be started. Failed to connect to the server. Please verify the network connection and try again.

TF40002: The build could not be completed. Failed to connect to the server. Please verify the network connection and try again.

TF40003: The input argument {0} is required but missing.

TF41001: Team project {1} does not have a build type {0}.

TF41011: Team project {0} does not exist

TF41012: The Team Foundation Server {0} is not reachable.

TF41013: Team Build could not connect to the server because of problems with the network. The following error was returned by the server: {0}

TF41014: The value for switch /{0} is missing.

TF42001: A build quality name must be between 1 to 256 characters in length.

TF42002: A build quality with this name already exists. Please type a unique name.

TF42003: Team Build failed to open file {0}. {1}

TF42004: Team Build failed to open folder {0}. {1}

TF42005: Failed to get build type files.

TF42006: The build service could not get the build type information. Please ensure that {0} is a valid build type and the build service account is a member of build services group of the team project.

TF42007: The test run id {0} is invalid or does not exist.

TF42008: The test case management package could not be loaded. Please verify that Visual Studio Test Tools is installed and try again.

TF42009: Team Build could not add the build quality {0} because of the error: {1}

TF42010: Team Build could not remove the build quality {0} because of the error: {1}

TF42011: Team Build could not update the build quality. {0}

TF42012: The build type {0} is either not valid or was not found. Please verify that all required files such as TfsBuild.proj are valid and are checked in.

TF42013: The build type {0} already exists.

TF42014: The build type name contains more than the maximum characters allowed. Please type a shorter name and try again.

TF42015: The format of the file {0} for build type {1} is invalid and cannot be used by Team Build

TF42016: The build type template file {0} is missing. The generated build type file may be incorrectly formatted. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

TF42017: Unable to create the build type specified because the connection to the server timed out. Please wait for few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.

TF42018: The DoNotDownloadBuildType flag in configuration file of TFSBuildService.exe is set to true but {0} does not exist. Please set the DoNotDownloadBuildType flag to false and restart the service or ensure that the file exists.

TF42019: Failed to load the file {0} due to error: {1}. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

TF42020: The MSBuild executable file {0} not found. Please re-install .NET Framework 2.0 on build machine and try again.

TF42021: Failed to update build information

TF42022: The workspace {0} does not have any working folder mappings. Please verify the working folder mappings of selected workspace and try again.

TF42023: Failed to get test metadata (.vsmdi) file for the selected workspace {0}. Please verify that the workspace contains one or more test metadata files.

TF42024: Failed to start the wizard. The workspace {0} is preventing the wizard from creating temporary workspace required for this operation. Please change the folder mapping of the workspace to some other local folder.

TF42025: The wizard could not check-in the build type files into source control. Please verify the network connection and try again.

TF42026: Failed to start the wizard. The temporary workspace {0} needed for this operation already exists. Please delete this workspace and try again.

TF42027: Team Build could not get the solution files for the team project. Please verify that the {0} workspace mapping is correct and it contains one or more solution files.

TF42028: The following error occurred while creating build type {0}: {1}

TF42029: The selected workspace {0} no longer exists. Please exit the wizard and try again.

TF42030: Failed to synchronize build type files. Please verify the network connection and try again.

TF42031: Failed to create the directory {0} - {1}

TF42032: Failed to load the file {0} because {1} XML element could not be located in the file. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

TF42033: The build directory must be a valid local path on the build machine.

TF42034: The drop location must be a valid UNC path.

TF42035: There are one or more duplicate or incorrect configurations. Remove the duplicate or fix the configuration and try again.

TF42036: There is no build type available to build the team project '{0}'. Please create a new build type and try again.

TF42037: You have not selected a solution. Do you want to proceed?

TF42038: You must specify at least one configuration.

TF42039: Team project {0} does not exist.

TF42040: Build process could not be terminated: {0}

TF42041: Invalid drop location {0} specified

TF42042: Failed to connect to drop location {0}. Please ensure that it is a valid share.

TF42043: Team Build could not load the report. Please verify that the Team  Foundation Client is installed and try again.

TF42044: The build could not be delete because it is in progress. You can stop this build using the stop command.

TF42045: A build for the team project: {0} is in progress on build machine: {1}. On each build machine, only one build can be active for each team project. Use a different build machine or try again later.

TF42046: The build service used in the build process is not reachable. This error occurs when either the build machine is off-line, the required service is not running, Team Build is not installed on the build machine, Team Build is configured for a different Team Foundation Server or the network is not available. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator to verify that Team Build is correctly installed and running.

TF42047: The build data was deleted. The drop location {0} does not exist or is inaccessible and could not be deleted.

TF42048: The input argument {0} is required but missing.

TF42049: The drop location {0} already exists. Please provide different drop location and try again.

TF42050: Invalid build directory: {0}. The build directory cannot be a UNC path, relative path or drive name. Please specify the full path to a local folder on the build machine. The folder will be created if it does not exist.

TF42051: The build process ended with the exit code {0}. Please check the log file or the event viewer on the build machine for more information.

TF42052: The file system on the build machine does not support access control lists. Please specify build directory on a file system that supports access control lists like NTFS.

TF42053: The build machine is not configured to build for server {0}. The build machine is configured for one Team Foundation Server only. To change the Team Foundation Server for the build machine, update the AllowedTeamServer key in the configuration file for TFSBuildService.exe and restart the service.

TF42054: Team Foundation could not start the build. Please check the event log on the build machine for additional information.

TF42055: Team Build encountered the following unexpected error: {0}

TF42056: The build service could not connect to the Team Foundation Server: {0}

TF42057: The build request is not from the configured Team Foundation Server. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator for help.

TF42058: The build process was not able to set access control on {0}. Please grant the user account running the build process full rights on this directory. Please set proper access control on this directory to ensure access only to authorized users.

TF42059: Failed to delete test run results. The test run {0} is invalid or does not exist.

TF42060: Failed to retrieve the build type definition for {0}. Please verify the network connection and ensure you have permission to access the version control file {1}.

TF42062: The build quality {0} is the default build quality and cannot be deleted

TF42091: A workspace needed for build could not be created. Please verify that WorkspaceMapping.xml has valid folder mappings. All the server paths should belong to the active team project and should point to existing server folders.

TF42092: A Work Item could not be created for failures in build '{0}'. Please verify that the work item type '{1}' is supported in team project '{2}' and it has field '{3}' defined.

TF42093: The work item '{0}' could not be updated with build information for the changeset '{1}'. The field '{2}' is not available on this work item.

TF42094: A work item could not be created for build failure. Please verify valid properties are specified as [name=value] pairs separated by ; in the WorkItemFieldValues property in TfsBuild.proj.

TF42095: A work item could not be created for build failure. An invalid value was passed for field {0}.

TF42096: A work item could not be created for failure in build '{0}' as no matching team project was found.

TF42097: A work item could not be created for build failure. The value for the following required fields is invalid or missing:

TF42098: A work item could not be created for build failure. The build service account does not have the permissions to save the work item.

TF50001: Created or found an existing subscription. The subscription ID is {0}.

TF50002: Unrecognized command-line arguments.

TF50003: Unrecognized command-line argument: {0}

TF5004: Successfully unsubscribed subscription {0}.

TF50200: DataChangedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50201: NodeCreatedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50202: NodeMovedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50203: NodeRenamedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50204: NodesDeletedEvent cannot be triggered.

TF50205: ProjectCreatedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50206: ProjectDeletedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50207: ProjectRenamedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50208: PropertiesChangedEvent cannot be triggered. {0} {1}

TF50209: The SQL stored procedure did not raise an exception.

TF50210: You must specify either IfTrue or IfFalse for a conditional statement.

TF50211: Format exception reading int from Web.Config: {0}

TF50212: Missing setting in Web.Config: {0}. Defaulting to: {1}

TF50213: EventMeta did not recognize the type of field named: {0}

TF50214: The event status could not be parsed from the following database: {0}

TF50215: Received a Core Services asynchronous event of the following type: {0}

TF50216: The subscription URI is not valid.

TF50217: Received a Core Services event of the following type: {0}

TF50218: The UserId field should not be empty.

TF50219: The e-mail address was not set correctly.

TF50220: Missing the schema for the following event type: {0}

TF50221: The artifact URI is incorrectly formed. Retype the URI.

TF50222: The link filter is incorrectly formed. Retype the filter.

TF50223: The artifact cannot be null.

TF50224: The artifact array cannot be null.

TF50225: The URI for the artifact cannot be null.

TF50226: The value for External ID cannot be null.

TF50227: The value for the External ID array cannot be null.

TF50228: The URI list cannot be null.

TF50229: Unknown change type:

TF50230: The GAP ArtifactChangedEvent cannot be triggered.

TF50231: The following setting is missing: {0}. Please define it in Web.Config

TF50232: Team Foundation Core Services unhandled application error: {0}

TF50233: A cyclic group containment error occurred when adding a group member. The group {1} already a has the group {0} as a contained member.

TF50234: You must specify a group when adding a member to a group.

TF50235: The group {0} already has a member {1}.

TF50236: You must specify an identity to add to the group.

TF50237: An error occurred when adding a group member. The group with security identifier (SID) {0} does not exist.

TF50239: Missing cache entry for {0}. Update the cache.

TF50240: The specified application group cannot be found.

TF50241: The specified group name is forbidden.

TF50242: The requested operation cannot be applied to a built-in group.

TF50243: Failed to update cache entry for {0} with {1} retries. {2}

TF50244: The Team Foundation Valid Users group cannot be added to any other group as a member.

TF50245: Cannot bind to the specified application group.

TF50246: Cannot obtain the security identifier (SID) of the caller.

TF50247: You cannot remove the last member of a special group.

TF50248: You cannot remove the service account from the Service Accounts group.

TF50249: Cyclic group membership is not allowed.

TF50253: The specified identity is already a member of the group.

TF50254: The specified group name already exists.

TF50255: Unrecognized Team Foundation Server identity. The user must belong to the Team Foundation Valid Users group.

TF50257: An error occurred finding the group. There is no group with the project URI {0} and the name {1}.

TF50258: An error occurred finding the group. There is no group with the security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50259: A global group with the name {0} already exists.

TF50260: GSS: ID_created event triggered for: {0}

TF50261: GSS: ID_deleted event triggered for: {0}

TF50262: GSS: ID_member_changed event(s) triggered for: {0}

TF50263: The caller is not authenticated.

TF50264: The specified project has not been registered.

TF50265: An error occurred removing the group. There is no group with the security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50266: An error occurred removing the group member. There is no group with the security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50267: You cannot remove the last member of the Team Foundation Administrators group.

TF50268: You must specify a group to remove a member from the group.

TF50269: You must specify an identity to remove from the group.

TF50270: Failed to retrieve the following members: {0}.

TF50271: The specified access check type is unknown.

TF50273: An error occurred updating the group. The group with the security identifier (SID) {0} does not exist.

TF50274: An irrecoverable Team Foundation Core Services setup error occurred. The value for ArtifactUriRoot was not set.

TF50275: The following filter is incorrectly formed: {0}

TF50276: The following URI is incorrectly formed: {0}

TF50277: The uniform resource identifier (URI) in the input is incorrectly formed: {0}

TF50278: The URI list cannot be empty.

TF50279: The Team Foundation Server Group Security subsystem has returned an error. See the Team Foundation Server event log for details. Time: {0}

TF50280: Could not connect to the service at: '{0}'. Check the service configuration. Full Exception: {1}

TF50281: Could not parse the notification status from the following database: {0}

TF50282: Could not connect to the following e-mail server: {0} Error message: {1}

TF50283: A problem occurred when sending e-mail: {0}

TF50284: The event has a title field that is not a string: {0}

TF50285: Exception matching subscription: {0}: {1}

TF50286: A timeout occurred waiting for reader lock for events of the following type: {0}, {1}

TF50287: A timeout occurred waiting for writer lock on subscriptions of the following type: {0}: {1}

TF50288: A timeout occurred waiting for writer lock to delete a subscription of the following type: {0}: {1}

TF50289: Unbalanced tags. Expected /{0} got {1}

TF50290: Unbalanced tags. Expected </{0}>

TF50291: Process Guidance: Index unavailable for

TF50292: Incorrect input. The input type is not in the database.

TF50296: There should have been only one uniform resource locator (URL) for each tool or interface pair: {0}

TF50297: You must type a tool name, not a tool ID: {0}

TF50298: Did not find the expected registration entry:

TF50299: The value named '{0}' was not found when evaluating a condition.

TF50300: Caught an exception in Send loop: {0}

TF50301: Could not add or update subscription of event type: {0}

TF50302: Incorrect subscription found in database for the following type: {0}

TF50303: There was a problem saving the subscription for the following user: {0}

TF50304: There is a syntax error in the subscription condition. Check the syntax.

TF50305: There were invalid arguments passed to a Web method.

TF50308: There was a security exception. See the event log on the Team Foundation Server for details. Time: {0}

TF50309: You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this operation.

TF50310: Unable to find user context.

TF50311: You cannot have more than 14 levels of hierarchy.

TF50312: The forwarding URI is one of the deleted nodes.

TF50313: The forwarding URI belongs to a different structure or project.

TF50314: Unrecognized XML format.

TF50315: Unrecognized forwarding URI.

TF50316: Invalid name '{0}'.

TF50317: Unrecognized node name.

TF50318: Unrecognized node path.

TF50319: Unrecognized node type.

TF50320: Unrecognized node URI.

TF50321: Unrecognized node URIs.

TF50321: Unrecognized parent URI.

TF50322: Unrecognized project name.

TF50323: Unrecognized project URI.

TF50324: Unrecognized property name.

TF50325: Unrecognized property value.

TF50326: Unrecognized URI.

TF50327: The structure cannot be null.

TF50328: The network path is too long.

TF50329: The root nodes of a project cannot have the same name.

TF50330: You must include a name attribute for the variable.

TF50331: Unknown field type: {0}

TF50332: An error occurred while preparing a Team Foundation alert; the event is being ignored and an alert will not be generated. Event contents: {0} 

TF50355: Subscription not found.

TF50600: Invalid database configuration, please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF50601: Unable to retrieve domain object from Active Directory.

TF50603: Active Directory search did not return an identity.

TF50604: There was an error getting identity information from Active Directory.

TF50605: There was an error looking up the SID for {0}.

TF50606: Invalid argument: {0}

TF50607: Unable to retrieve information for {0}, it does not exist.

TF50608: Unable to retrieve information for security object {0}, it does not exist.

TF50609: Unable to retrieve information for permission {0}, it does not exist.

TF50610: Unable to delete access control entry for object {0}, permission {1}, user {2}, and deny {3} since it does not exist.

TF50611: Failure creating access control entry, the object {0} does not exist.

TF50612: Failure creating access control entry, one of the specified actions don't exist.

TF50614: GSS: DirectoryServicesCOMException with : GetSidBySearchFactor ({0}, {1})

TF50615: GSS: There was a failure reading group membership from Active Directory. No action is required, and another method to read group membership will be used.

TF50616: Error renaming group, a group named {0} already exists.

TF50617: Error in internal stored procedure, the stored procedure can not be run outside of a transaction.

TF50618: The Team Foundation Valid Users group can not be modified directly.

TF50619: The group you are adding is not a security group.

TF50620: There is no project associated with project uri {0}

TF50621: GSS: Failed to retrieve identity from source : [{0}]

TF50622: Used the direct DirectoryEntry from Active Directory for group {0} member {1}.

TF50623: There has been an unexpected database error. Please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF50624: A group named {0} already exists in project {1}.

TF50625: Failure unregistering Team Project, Team Project {0} does not exist.

TF50626: Maximum users ({1}) in License group. Unable to add {0}.

TF50627: Failure registering an object, the object {0} already exists.

TF50628: Failure registering an object, the object class {0} does not exist.

TF50629: Failure registering an object, the Team Project {0} does not exist.

TF50630: Failure registering an object, the parent object {0} does not exist.

TF50631: Failure registering Team Project, Team Project {0} already exists.

TF50632: An error occurred removing the group member. There is no group member with the security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50633: An error occurred removing the group. You can not remove the global Team Foundation Administrators group with security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50634: An error occurred removing the group. You can not remove the global Team Foundation Valid Users group with the security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50635: An error occurred removing the group. You can not remove the global Service Accounts group with the security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50636: An error occurred removing the group. You can not remove the group with the security identifier (SID) {0}.

TF50637: Only Windows users can be added to the License group. Unable to add {0}.

TF50638: Invalid database configuration, missing row, please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF50639: Invalid database configuration, extra rows, please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF50640: Invalid database configuration, missing result set, please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF50641: Invalid database configuration, missing final result set, please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF50642: A problem occurred updating the Identity {0} (with SID {1}). Changes to this Identity and any of its members have not been propagated into the Team Foundation Server database. The Team Foundation Server will retry the update at the next scheduled synchronization.

TF50643: Team Foundation Server was unable to retrieve identity information from Active Directory for {0}\ \{1} because the Team Foundation Server application pool identity is not authorized to access this information, or is a local user account. To access this information, the Team Foundation Server application pool identity must be an Active Directory user account.

TF50800: The TFSServerScheduler service successfully initialized, but the Team Foundation Registration Service did not return any tasks that needed scheduling.

TF50801: The TFSServerScheduler service did not initialize. The Team Foundation Registration Service returned the following error: {0}

TF50802: GetNextInterval Error: Web service "{0}" returned a negative time interval {1}.

TF50803: The TFSServerScheduler service received a request to reset itself. The service is resetting the scheduled tasks.

TF50804: The TFSServerScheduler service could not complete the scheduled task at: {0}. The Web service returned the following error: {1}

TF50805: The TFSServerScheduler service successfully completed the scheduled task at: {0}, after a previous, unsuccessful attempt.

TF50806: The TFSServerScheduler service successfully initialized, after an earlier unsuccessful initialization.

TF51000: An unsupported date format.

TF51002: The query statement contains a duplicate ASOF element.

TF51003: The EVER operator can only be used in conjunction with the "=" or "contains" operators.

TF51004: The query statement is missing a boolean expression in an expected place.

TF51005: The query references a field that does not exist.

TF51006: The query statement is missing a FROM clause.

TF51007: The constant specified in the query expression is not supported for the field type.

TF51008: Classification paths cannot start with a backslash.

TF51009: The query specifies an unknown table.

TF51010: The query contains a value for the EVER operator that is not supported.

TF51011: The node specified is not found in the classification hierarchy.

TF51012: The UNDER operator can only be used with classification fields.

TF51013: The field specified has an unsupported type.

TF51015: The add or subtract operators can only be used with dates or numerical constants.

TF51016: The value for an add or subtract operator must be a number.

TF51100: SetupWarehouse: The specified configuration file cannot be opened, or the formatting is unexpected: {0}

TF51102: SetupWarehouse: Cannot write to the specified log file: {0}

TF51103: SetupWarehouse: The -c option must be specified for the given command line arguments.

TF51104: SetupWarehouse: An unexpected error occurred.

TF51209: A run-time error {1} occurred on adapter {0}.

TF51211: The configuration file did not load. Default configuration values will be used.

TF51212: The following error has been reported by WarehouseController.GetNextInterval: {0}.

TF51213: The ProcessWarehouse command is already in progress.

TF51214: Unrecognized adapter type:{0}

TF51215: Unrecognized dimension name: {0}

TF51216: Unrecognized fact name or missing TrackingId: {0}

TF51217: Unrecognized fact link name: {0}

TF51218: Missing field value for: {0}

TF51219: Cannot update warehouse schema without RunInit signaling it.

TF51220: The requested fact does not exist in the configuration: {0}

TF51221: The registration service does not have the warehouse entries.

TF51223: The Team Foundation Server domain URL is set to null. Specify a valid URL.

TF51224: Unknown settingID: <{0}>

TF51226: The following dimension use already exists in the warehouse configuration: {0}.{1}.{2}

TF51226: The following dimension use already exists in the warehouse configuration: {0}.{1}.{2}

TF51227: The following fact field already exists in the warehouse configuration: {0}.{1}

TF51227: The following fact field already exists in the warehouse configuration: {0}.{1}

TF51228: Level {0} is not a member in dimension {1}.

TF51229: There is no conversion from {0} to a MeasureDataType.

TF51230: There is no conversion from {0} to an OleDbType.

TF51231: The following fact does not exist and its dimension use cannot be deleted: {0}.<{1},{2}>

TF51232: The following fact does not exist and its field cannot be deleted: {0}.{1}

TF51233: The following fact does not exist and its measure's aggregation function cannot be renamed: {0}.{1}

TF51234: The following fact does not exist and its dimension use cannot be renamed: {0}.<{1}, {2}>

TF51235: The following fact does not exist and its field cannot be renamed: {0}.{1}

TF51236: You must set the measure group partitions.

TF51237: The following measure aggregation function is unsupported: {0}

TF51300: Either access to the database is denied, or the item does not exist.

TF51301: You must specify an argument. Arguments cannot be empty strings.

TF51302: The server configuration is incorrect. Check your server settings.

TF51304: Either the requested file was not found, or you have insufficient permissions to download this file. Make sure the file exists and that the user has permission to download this file.

TF51305: Either the file identification number is incorrect, or the file is missing.

TF51306: Cannot download the file because the user is not authenticated.

TF51307: Cannot download the file because the user's identity cannot be established.

TF51309: Cannot upload the file because the value for Area Node URI is missing. Check and make sure the work item version is up to date.

TF51310: Cannot upload the file because the user is not authenticated.

TF51311: Cannot upload the file because the user does not have permissions to upload files to work items.

TF51312: The argument is not recognized.

TF51312: The argument is not recognized.

TF51313: The request ID is incorrect or not recognized.

TF51314: The row version cannot be a negative value. Supply a non-zero, positive value.

TF51316: The maximum attachment size exceeds the allowable maximum of {0} kilobytes. Upload a smaller file, or change the maximum value for the work item attachment size.

TF51317: The file attachments database name could not be obtained from Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF51318: The file attachments server name could not be obtained from Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF51319: The data-tier database name could not be obtained from Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF51320: The data-tier server name could not be obtained from Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF51322: The registration server location is missing from the Workitem Tracking web.config file.

TF51323: You must specify the metadata tables in your information request.

TF51328: The request cannot be cancelled.

TF51329: The Work Item Tracking data tier version ({0}) is incompatible with the application tier version ({1}).

TF51330: The service account was not found.

TF51332: There was an unexpected error. Check the Event Log for more information.

TF51334: An unknown Web service error occurred: {0}. Check the Event Log for more information.

TF51335: An update is required.

TF51337: The user was not found.

TF51338: The user account does not have the required permissions to handle Sync events. Check if the App Pool account is a member of ServiceAccounts group.

TF51339: The user is not a member of the service group. Check the user name and verify the account permissions.

TF51342: The GUID for the file is incorrect or missing.

TF51343: Unsupported ACL synchronization frequency: {0}.

TF51344: Unsupported CSS synchronization frequency: {0}.

TF51345: Unsupported users and groups synchronization frequency: {0}.

TF51501: An error occurred when triggering the following Work Item event: {0}.

TF51502: An error occurred when attempting to queue the following event: {0}

TF51503: The attachment ID number must be greater than zero.

TF51504: The field name is not supported. Enter a field name that is alphanumeric.

TF51505: Could not retrieve team project information for : {0} {1} {2}.

TF51506: An error occurred while creating the IAuthorizationService proxy.

TF51507: An error occurred while creating the ICommonStructureService proxy.

TF51508: An error occurred while creating the IGroupSecurityService proxy.

TF51509: An error occurred while creating the ILinkingService proxy.

TF51510: Unrecognized or missing FROM state constant ID in InsertAction.

TF51511: Unrecognized or missing TO state constant ID in InsertAction.

TF51512: Unrecognized or missing work item type ID in InsertAction.

TF51513: The InsertAction name is too long.

TF51514: The InsertConstant name is too long.

TF51515: The constant ID for InsertConstantSet is missing.

TF51516: The field name contains characters that are not supported. Field names can contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and spaces.

TF51517: Insert/Update Field unsupported reference name.

TF51518: Missing Field ID for InsertFieldUsage action.

TF51519: The Insert TreeProperty name is too long.

TF51521: Unsupported reporting formula for insert/update field.

TF51522: Unsupported reporting type for insert/update field.

TF51523: Missing name constant ID for InsertWorkItemType.

TF51524: Missing field ID for InsertWorkItemTypeUsage.

TF51525: Missing work item type ID for InsertWorkItemTypeUsage.

TF51526: The application path cannot be empty.

TF51527: Artifact URI cannot be empty.

TF51528: Work item revision numbers must be greater than zero, except for the latest revision, which must be -1.

TF51529: Unsupported security group configuration. The Administrative group {0} must contain at least one member.

TF51530: Unsupported Identity Type.

TF51531: Missing or unrecognized Build name.

TF51532: Missing or unrecognized ChangeType.

TF51533: Missing or unrecognized Database name.

TF51534: Missing or unrecognized event XML.

TF51535: Missing or unsupported field name.

TF51538: The maximum attachment size must be greater than or equal to zero.

TF51539: Missing or unrecognized message.

TF51540: There are no metadata tables requested. At least one metadata table must be requested.

TF51541: The Node ID is not recognized.

TF51542: The Node name is not recognized

TF51543: The XML for the Deleted Nodes contains an unrecognized node URI for the deleted node.

TF51545: Missing or unrecognized project name.

TF51546: Missing or unrecognized project URI.

TF51547: The XML for the Deleted Nodes contains an unrecognized node URI for the reclassify node.

TF51548: There are no metadata row versions provided, or the versions do not match the number of metadata tables requested.

TF51549: Missing or unrecognized server name.

TF51550: Missing or unrecognized SID.

TF51551: Missing or unrecognized Project Model or Lifecycle node.

TF51552: Missing or unrecognized URI.

TF51553: Missing or unrecognized user name.

TF51553: Missing or unrecognized user SID.

TF51554: Unrecognized user. Account name may be empty.

TF51555: No work item IDs were requested.

TF51556: Work item ID must be greater than zero.

TF51557: Work item IDs must be greater than zero.

TF51558: Could not retrieve global security groups. {0}

TF51559: Could not retrieve team project security groups for : {0} {1} {2}.

TF51560: Could not retrieve team projects: {0}

TF51561: TablesRequested and rowVersions must be the same length.

TF51562: Missing attribute {0} in XML.

TF51563: Cannot remove link.

TF51564: Cannot update link.

TF51565: Cannot remove a file for a new work item.

TF51566: Cannot have a value for RemoveRelation for a new work item.

TF51567: Cannot have a value for UpdateRelation for a new work item.

TF51568: DenyDependency is missing a work item ID.

TF51571: {0} is not a recognized user.

TF51573: Null node encountered.

TF51574: updateElement exception encountered.

TF51575: The value supplied for {0} cannot be null or empty.

TF51575: The value supplied for {0} cannot be null or empty.

TF51576: Missing or unrecognized Project name.

TF51577: Missing or unrecognized Project XML.

TF51578: The depth of the query is greater than the maximum query depth allowed of {0}.

TF51579: The expand constant flag cannot use the equals and not equals operators.

TF51580: The Query Expression operator is not supported.

TF51581: The Query Group operator not is supported.

TF51582: The column name you entered contains unsupported characters. Enter a column name using only alphanumeric characters.

TF51583: Query contains an unsupported date for AsOfDate.

TF51584: Query contains an unrecognized Boolean value in the expression value.

TF51586: Unsupported date value in the expression value.

TF51587: Unsupported double value in the expression value.

TF51588: Unsupported Ever Contains operator in an expression in the Query XML.

TF51589: The ExcludeLower attribute is not supported. It must be a Boolean string "True" with a value of "1" for true or "False" with a value of "0" or "-1" for false.

TF51590: The ExcludeUpper attribute is not supported. It must be a Boolean string "True" with a value of "1" for true or "False" with a value of "0" or "-1" for false.

TF51591: ExcludeUpper and ExcludeLower can only be used with operators "between" and "notBetween".

TF51592: The ExpandConstant attribute is not supported. It must be a Boolean string "True" with a value of "1" for true or "False" with a value of "0" or "-1" for false.

TF51593: An expression in the query XML contains unsupported expand flags.

TF51594: The ExpandValue attribute is not supported. It must be a Boolean string "True" with a value of "1" for true or "False" with a value of "0" or "-1" for false.

TF51595: An expression in the query XML is missing or contains an unsupported operator.

TF51596: The Field Type is not recognized.

TF51598: An expression in the query XML contains unsupported long text.

TF51599: An expression in the query XML contains an unsupported long text operator.

TF51600: An expression in the query XML contains an unsupported number of values.

TF51601: An expression value in the query XML contains an unsupported number value.

TF51605: There is an empty or null column name specified in the sort order. Provide a column name.

TF51606: Temp ID contains an unsupported value. The value for Temp ID must be a positive integer.

TF51608: An expression operator in the query XML contains an unsupported value type.

TF51609: The ""Contains"" operator only supports string types.

TF51611: An expression in the query XML is missing a column name.

TF51612: The query does not contain any groups or expressions.

TF51613: [BIS.ReadIdentities] Could not read the following identities : {0}.

TF51614: [BIS.ReadIdentity] Could not read the identity for '{0}' {1} {2}.

TF51615: ReadXML is not implemented by {0}.

TF51616: Deleted Nodes XML does not contain reclassify element.

TF51617: Work Item Tracking Counters are not installed properly.

TF51618: Service Error: {0}

TF51619: The Work Item Tracking Web Service application shut down.

TF51621: The Work Item Tracking Web Service application started.

TF51623: Could not synchronize CSS. {0} {1}.

TF51624: Could not synchronize CSS on soap exception from Integration Services: {0} {1}.

TF51625: Could not synchronize CSS for the project: {0} {1} {2}.

TF51626: Could not synchronize users and groups: {0} {1}.

TF51627: Could not synchronize users and groups on soap exception from Integration Services: {0} {1}.

TF51628: Could not synchronize users and groups for the team project: {0} {1} {2}.

TF51629: A service error occurred triggering a work item event: ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkitem failed.

TF51630: The number of tables returned in the dataset did not match the expected number.

TF51632: Nothing to update in UpdateAction.

TF51633: Action '{0}' is not supported in Update XML.

TF51634: Missing or unsupported work item ID for a dependent link.

TF51635: There are duplicate temp IDs in the Update XML.

TF51636: Could not find the attachment in the database.

TF51637: InsertFile has an unrecognized or missing creation date attribute.

TF51638: Unrecognized or missing value in fileNameGuid provided for InsertFile.

TF51640: There are too many file attachments in this update (limit={0}).

TF51641: Expecting an attribute with an integer value.

TF51642: The attribute contains an unrecognized Boolean value.

TF51643: The column name you entered contains unsupported characters. Enter a column name using only alphanumeric characters.

TF51644: The attribute contains an unrecognized GUID value.

TF51645: Object type missing or not supported.

TF51647: Unsupported integer value for column name {0}.

TF51648: Missing column value in update XML.

TF51649: Update missing required ID.

TF51650: No actions in Update XML

TF51651: Unsupported file ID for Remove File in Update XML

TF51652: Unsupported link ID for RemoveResourceLink in Update XML

TF51653: Unsupported link ID for ResourceLink in Update XML

TF51655: The update being performed generates a SQL batch with too many parameters. Try a smaller update.

TF51656: There are no values to update for the work item type.

TF51657: There are no values to update for the work item type usage.

TF51658: There are too many work items requested (limit={0}).

TF53000: The client version is not supported by the server {0}.

TF53001: The database operation was canceled by an administrator.

TF53002: Unable to obtain registration data for application {0}.

TF53003: The client version is not supported by the server {0}. Supported range is {1}.

TF53004: Unable to retrieve AT Stamp.

TF53005: Unable to retrieve the Team Foundation Server installed UI culture.

TF53006: There is not an application tier name recorded in the database. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF53007: The application tier name {0} recorded in the database does not match the local machine name {1}. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF53008: The authentication type {0} is not supported.

TF53009: The log level {0} specified in the configuration file is being ignored; the default value is being used instead.

TF53010: An unexpected condition has occurred in a Team Foundation component. The information contained here should be made available to your site administrative staff. Technical Information (for the administrative staff):

TF53011: {0} is not a licensed user.

TF53012: A crash report is being prepared for Microsoft using the Watson Crash Reporting Mechanism. The prepared report will be queued when ready and may be sent to Microsoft through administrator control.

TF53013: A crash report is being prepared for Microsoft. The following information is included in that report: {0}

TF53014: A crash report for this problem was recently created; a new crash report for this occurrence of the problem is not being created. This problem has occurred {0} times.

TF53015: A crash report has been prepared for Microsoft using the Watson Crash Reporting Mechanism. The prepared report has been queued and may be sent to Microsoft through administrator control.

TF53016: Unable to contact the web service; examine the event log for other correlating entries.

TF53017: Request processing is being shut down due to the exception shown below.

TF53018: The application tier {0} is attempting to connect to a data tier with an incompatible version.

TF53019: The data tier schema version for the {0} database cannot be found.

TF56044: The identity you are attempting to edit is not an application group.

TF56044: The identity you are attempting to edit is not an application group.

TF56045: The group, {0}, resolved as a Windows identity. If an application group with the same name exists on the server, you must specify a 'domain' that is either '[{1}]', the project URI, or the project name.

TF60001: Unable to connect to Microsoft SQL Server: {0}. Retrying...

TF60002: Unable to connect to Microsoft SQL Server -- {0}

TF60003: Microsoft SQL Server: {0} database is full. Try migrating smaller projects from the VSS database.

TF60004: VSS Database Data folder:{0} not found. Check that the VSS database is not corrupt and functioning as expected.

TF60005: Destroy is not implemented.

TF60006: Duplicate mapping of VSS user {0} in user map file.

TF60007: File checked out before migration.

TF60008: The VSS database version is older than 6.0. The VSS converter only supports database versions 6.0 or above. Please upgrade the database version and try again.

TF60009: File '{0}' could not be found.

TF60010: Input file {0} does not exist.

TF60010: Input file {0} does not exist.

TF60011: The action {0} is not supported on Team Foundation.

TF60012: The password is incorrect.

TF60013: The {0} file is empty or has incorrect formatting.

TF60014: The username {0} in the user map file {1} is invalid.

TF60015: The user {0} does not exist in VSS database {1}.

TF60016: The source folder {0} does not exist in the VSS database {1}.

TF60017: The source folder {0} is a file and not a folder. Provide a folder in the settings file.

TF60022: Unable to connect to Microsoft SQL Server.

TF60023: Unable to clear the intermediate database {0}

TF60024: Unable to create the database on Microsoft SQL Server due to the following error: {0}

TF60025: Unable to open VSS database {0}. The connection failed due to the following error: {1}

TF60026: Unrecognized input {0} for usermap.

TF60031: Network error occurred while connecting to the VSS database. Retrying...

TF60032: The VSS Converter requires Visual SourceSafe 2005 or later to run. Please install Visual SourceSafe 2005 or later and try again.

TF60035: Unable to open file {0}. Error {1}

TF60035: Unable to open file {0}. Error {1}

TF60036: File {0} could not be found.

TF60036: File {0} could not be found.

TF60037: Unrecognized command: {0}

TF60037: Unrecognized command: {0}

TF60040: Unable to create error file {0}. - {1}.

TF60040: Unable to create error file {0}. - {1}.

TF60043: Team Foundation folder {0} already exists in deleted state. Provide a different Team Foundation folder.

TF60044: Cannot migrate to $/. Create a team project before migration.

TF60045: Output file {0} already exists. Delete or rename this file and try again.

TF60047: Converter is retrying to migrate the action that was failed to migrate. This could be due a temporary problem with network or server. Incase this problem persist then please check your network connection or Team Foundation Server.

TF60048: The settings file {0} is not in the recognized format.

TF60050: Unable to open file {0}.

TF60050: Unable to open file {0}.

TF60052: {0} is a file and not a folder. Specify a Team Foundation folder in the settings file.

TF60053: Duplicate destination folder {0} in the settings file.

TF60054: Duplicate source folder {0} in the settings file.

TF60055: The Team Foundation Folder {0} specified in the settings file contains unsupported characters.

TF60056: Destination folder not provided for source {0} in the settings file.

TF60057: Source folder not provided for destination {0} in the settings file.

TF60058: The file {0} already exists.

TF60059: The Team Foundation folder {0} is not empty. Specify an empty folder for migration.

TF60060: No team project {0} found. Create a team project before migration.

TF60061: Application stopped by user.

TF60062: Output file {0} already exists.

TF60063: Timeout occurred while connecting to Visual Studio Team Foundation source control. Retrying...

TF60064: Unable to connect to Team Foundation Server {0}.

TF60067: Unable to create workspace in Team Foundation {0}.

TF60070: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Server: <server>. Please ensure that the Team Foundation Server exist and try again.

TF60071: Your user account does not have permission to connect to the Team Foundation Server <server>. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and request that the appropriate permission be added to your account.

TF60071: Your user account does not have permission to connect to the Team Foundation Server '{0}'. Please contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and request that the appropriate permission be added to your account.

TF60085: No file or folder to migrate.

TF60087: Failed to initialize user mapper

TF60088: Merge failed for {0} from {1} at versions {2} to {3}, it is migrated as edit.

TF60089: {0} is in improper xml format XMLError:

TF60090: Unsupported protocol {0}

TF60091: Start Reporting Failed

TF60092: Too many arguments specified

TF60093: Node {0} not found in file {1}.

TF60094: Validation failed for file '{0}'. Error: {1}

TF60095: Validation failed for file '{0}'. Line: {1}, Col: {2}, Error: {3}

TF60096: Unable to migrate due to Team Foundation Error: {0}

TF60097: Unable to migrate label due to Team Foundation Error: {0}

TF60098: Error removing mappings from SQL Database: {0}. Please clear DB before running incremental migration for the same repository.

TF60099: Given folder mappings do not match with last migrated mappings. Following was the original mapping please use this only for incremental migration.\ {0}

TF60700: Please contact your administrator. There was an error contacting the server. Technical information (for administrator): {0}

TF60701: Invalid input {0} for output report file.

TF60702: Unable to start migration. Manually delete the following workspaces and try again.

TF60703: Unable to migrate folder recursively due to IO Error: {0}

TF61000: The converter could not convert work item {0}. The field '{1}' has an unsupported value '{2}', and the default value is also not supported. Check the value mappings and default values in the field map file '{3}'.

TF61001: File {0} contains unsupported attribute value '{1}' for 'refer'. Only 'UserMap' value is supported for this attribute. Run the converter again after fixing the attribute value.

TF61002: Field Map validation failed for file '{0}'. Field(s) '{1}' does not exist in work item type '{2}' in Team Foundation Server. Please create these fields in your work item type or remove the fields from the field map file.

TF61004: The converter could not find the team project '{0}' on the Team Foundation Server. Please create the team project and try again.

TF61008: The converter could not convert work item '{0}'. The field '{1}' has an unsupported value '{2}', and there is no default value specified in the field map file '{3}'.

TF61009: The User Map file '{0}' contains unrecognized Team Foundation users. Check that the users specified in the User Map file are all existing Team Foundation users or remove them from the User Map file. Unrecognized users: {1}

TF61013: The converter could not provision the work item type specified in the file {0} because of the following error: {1}

TF61014: The converter could not provision the work item type specified in the file {0} because of the following error at Line: {1} Col: {2}: Error: {3}

TF61015: Attachment '{0}' save failed for work item '{1}' with the following error: {2}

TF61016: User '{0}' is not a member of 'Service Accounts' group. It is required for the user running converter to be part of 'Service Accounts' security group."

TF61018: The name of the work item specified in definition file '{0}' does not match with the TargetWIT '{1}' in the schema map file '{2}'. Please update the WORKITEMTYPE node of the corresponding work item type definition file or the TargetWIT attribute in the schema map file so that both are the same and try running the converter again.

TF61019: The Work Item Type Definition file '{0}' specified in schema map file '{1}' is invalid. It does not contain root element 'WITD'.

TF61020: The Work Item Type Definition file '{0}' specified in schema map file '{1}' is invalid. It does not contain element 'WORKITEMTYPE' under 'WITD' node.

TF61021: The Work Item Type Definition file '{0}' specified in schema map file '{1}' is invalid.

TF61022: The Work Item Type Definition file '{0}' specified in schema map file '{1}' is not a valid xml file. Issue: {2} Line: {3} Column: {4}

TF61023: Converter is unable to create the Area Path '{0}' as it contains some invalid characters. See Team Foundation work item help for a list of invalid characters. Please provide a value mapping for this field value to replace the invalid characters with some valid characters.

TF61024: Converter is unable to create the Iteration Path '{0}' as it contains some invalid characters. See Team Foundation work item help for a list of invalid characters. Please provide a value mapping for this field value to replace the invalid characters with some valid characters.

TF61025: Unable to serialize object due to unknown error: {0}

TF61036: Unrecognized command {0}

TF61037: Missing Argument /s:<schema map file>. The Schema Map xml file parameter is required with the Migrate command.

TF61038: Unsupported Argument /s:{0}. The Schema Map xml file parameter is not used with the Analyze command.

TF61100: Base Entity '{0}' has to be converted. Include the base entity in migration by adding the name in SourceEntity element in '{1}'.

TF61101: Entity Type '{0}' does not exist in ClearQuest database. Please fix SourceEntity element in '{1}'.

TF61102: Field Map validation failed for file '{0}'. Field(s) '{1}' does not exist in ClearQuest Entity '{2}'.

TF61103: The converter could not find a supported version of the ClearQuest client. Please refer to CQConverter help for a list of supported versions.

TF61105: The ClearQuest credentials you provided do not have admin rights on the ClearQuest database. Verify that the user specified in <UserID> element in the configuration file '{0}' has admin rights.

TF61106: The query name '{0}' was not recognized. Correct the query name in the configuration file '{1}' and try again.

TF61110: The converter could not create work item '{0}' because of the following error: {1}.

TF61111: The converter could not convert work item '{0}' because of the following error: {1}.

TF61112: The query is not based on the Submit type entity. CQConverter supports only submit type entities for conversion. Correct the query in the configuration file '{0}' and try again.

TF61114: The converter could not find a work item type definition (WITD) file in the Schema Map file '{0}'. The WITD file is needed to create the work item type '{1}'.

TF61115: Unable to find details for Connection <connection>, User Database <database>. Check these values in configuration file <filename>.

TF61116: The converter could not create the output directory because of the following error: {0}. Correct the directory name in the configuration file '{1}' and try again.

TF61116: The converter could not create the output directory because of the following error: {0}. Correct the directory name in the configuration file '{1}' and try again.

TF61117: Query '{0}' specified in configuration file '{1}' does not contain 'dbid' field. Please edit the query to include 'dbid' field.

TF61118: ClearQuest API call failed with the following error: {0} Refer ClearQuest documentation for more help.

TF61119: Connection to ClearQuest failed with the following error: <error>: {0} - Check the ClearQuest information in the configuration file {1}. - Check to see if you can access ClearQuest from the ClearQuest client.

TF61120: The converter could not migrate Clear Quest item with dbid='{0}' because of the following error: {1}.

TF611202 The converter could not migrate the referenced record with value '{0}' associated with record '{1}' because of the following error: {2}.

TF61121: The converter could not migrate parent record '{0}' of '{1}' because of the following error: {2}.

TF80005: Could not publish work item changes. Cannot change the work item type for existing work items.

TF80006: Team Foundation needs a work item type to publish work items. Select a work item type for the work items you have added and then try again.

TF80011: The document cannot be opened because the application {0} is busy. Please close all {0} dialog boxes and try again.

TF80012: The document cannot be opened because there is a problem with the installation of the Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Office integration components. Please see the Team Foundation Installation Guide for more information.

TF80013: Cannot add the attachment because it was already added to the database version with different data.

TF80014: Cannot add the link because it was already added to the database version with different data.

TF80015: Cannot modify the attachment because the database version has changed since you last refreshed.

TF80016: Cannot delete the attachment because the database version has changed since you last refreshed.

TF80017: Cannot delete the link since the database version has changed since you last refreshed.

TF80020: Cannot modify the link because the database version has changed since you last refreshed.

TF80022: Could not connect to the team project for namespace: {0}

TF80025: No service interfaces found.

TF80026: No work item service interface found.

TF80027: Could not find any work item types for the team project {0}.

TF80028: Could not find the Team Foundation Core Services registry entries for service {0}.

TF80030: Unsupported type of DocumentProperty while reading internal Team System data from DocumentProperties.

TF80031: Unsupported format of compressed data.

TF80032: Key refers to a type that is not a string or a primitive value.

TF80033: Key refers to a value that does not exist.

TF80034: Unsupported node in the XML code.

TF80035: Unsupported value for the type attribute.

TF80038: This work item contains unsupported field values. Edit the work item and choose a supported value.

TF80039: The version information was not set for a work item.

TF80041: This work item contains unsupported values. Edit the work item and choose a supported value.

TF80042: The document cannot be opened because you do not have {0} 2003 or one of its components installed. Please see the Team Foundation Installation Guide for more information.

TF80043: Could not contact the Team Foundation Server. Check that you have a network connection and that your Team Foundation Server is available.

TF80045: Unknown or unsupported document type.

TF80046: Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation requires {0} 2003, you have version {1} installed. Please see the Team Foundation Installation Guide for more information.

TF80047: DomainPicker returned invalid data

TF80048: Could not get Registration Proxy for namespace.

TF80049: Missing DocumentProperty while reading internal Team System data from DocumentProperties.

TF80050: Currently only string values are supported as indexes for CustomProperties.

TF80051: IPropertySetStorage interface is not available for this document.

TF80052: Property does not exist.

TF80053: Unsupported type of property value.

TF80054: StgOpenStorage() failed.

TF80055: Error decompressing data.

TF80056: Specified element is not a structured storage.

TF80057: Specified storage name does not exist.

TF80058: Key refers to a type that is not a string.

TF80059: Value must be of a primitive type

TF80060: Only string and integer types are supported as property values.

TF80061: Error parsing value.

TF80062: Data in the document properties is corrupt and cannot be decoded.

TF80063: Unsupported operation type when applying change list

TF80064: Could not authenticate with server {0}

TF80065: Could not initialize Team Foundation Server {0}

TF80066: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF80067: An error occurred on the Team Foundation server while attempting to perform this operation. Operation aborted.

TF80068: Team Foundation encountered an error while communicating with the server. Please check your connection and try again.

TF80069: Team Foundation encountered an error while updating data in the application.

TF80070: Team Foundation encountered an error while performing the operation. It is recommended that you save your work and restart the application.

TF80071: Team Foundation encountered an error while accessing the work item database. Please contact the Team Foundation Server administrator.

TF80072: Team Foundation was unable to connect to the Team Foundation Server. The network connection might be lost or the server down. Please fix the problem and try again.

TF80074: Team Foundation was unable to load the document because the document properties have been corrupted. The document will no longer be associated with a Team Foundation server. Please contact your Team Foundation administrator.

TF80075: Work Item has already been modified in the Team Foundation Server. Please try saving again to publish this work item.

TF80076: The data in the work item is not valid or you do not have permissions to modify the data. Please correct the problem and retry.

TF80077: The Team Foundation server rejected the change to the work item. Please correct the problem and retry.

TF80078: Unable to retrieve data from the work items database server. The network connection might be lost or the server down. Please fix the problem and try again.

TF80079: This attachment has been deleted in the database version.

TF80080: This link has been deleted in the database version.

TF82001: Cannot connect to the Team Foundation server. Please contact your server administrator.

TF82002: Could not start MSDN Help. Install MSDN Help or repair the installation and try again.

TF82004: Could not create document.

TF82005: Cannot open document.

TF82006: There was a problem setting up the fields for the current field mapping.

TF82010: This field is read only for the work item type "{0}." To restore the original value, close this message and then press the Escape key.

TF82014: Could not find mapping document on the server.

TF82016: Could not publish work item data.

TF82019: The mapping file contains unrecognized XML.

TF82022: The new field mapping is incomplete or contains unrecognized fields. The mapping document must include ID, Rev, and Work Item Type.

TF82023: The following fields could not be mapped because the field type of the destination field is incompatible with the field type of the source field:

TF82024: The following fields could not be mapped because the fields could not be found on the server:

TF82025: The following field names in the new mapping are not supported and must be renamed: {0}.

TF82026: The mapping file contains an unsupported project field name for {0} : {1}.

TF82026: The mapping file contains an unsupported project field name for {0} : {1}. All project field names must begin with {2}.

TF82027: Unsupported PublishOnly attribute for field {0}. Supported attributes are 'true' and 'false'.

TF82028: The mapping file contains unsupported units for {0}.

TF82029: The following field occurs more than once in the XML document: {0}.

TF82030: Could not find the mapping document on the server.

TF82031: An area or iteration path field is not mapped to a field that can contain a hierarchical tree view. The following field needs to be mapped to a task outlinecode field: {0}

TF82032: You have entered data into the following fields, which are used by Team Foundation and will be overwritten: {0} Copy the content of these fields into another column.

TF82033: Team Foundation could not initialize the project plan. This document will no longer be associated with a Team Foundation server.

TF82034: There was a problem initializing the Microsoft Project Team Foundation AddIn. Re-installing the Team Foundation Client  may be required.

TF82035: There was a problem shutting down the Microsoft Project Team Foundation AddIn. Re-installing the Team Foundation  Client may be required.

TF82036: Problem accessing Native field of Project: {0}. Please contact your administrator to ensure that the field {0} is mapped to a valid MS Project field.

TF82037: Must specify either the ProjectField or the ContextField attribute for this field: {0}.

TF82038: Process Guidance cannot be launched. Please check if MSDN Help is installed properly and the portfolio project is created successfully on the Team Foundation Server.

TF82039: Team Foundation was unable to modify the project plan. Please fix the problem and try again.

TF82041: Team Foundation does not support editing tasks in a subproject from within the master project. Open the subproject to edit, publish, or refresh tasks. To restore the original value, close this message and then press the Escape key.

TF82042: Could not connect to Team Foundation Server {0}. Check your network connection and try again.

TF82043: "The new value is an Invalid work item type." Please close this message and then press the Escape key to select the work item type via the dropdown.

TF84000: Could not open the document.

TF84005: Could not insert a new column. There may be data to the right of this work item list that could not be moved automatically.

TF84006: The work item list has been corrupted and Team Foundation could not correct the error. The work item list has been removed from the team project.

TF84009: Could not run the query for this work item list.

TF84011: Could not connect to team project {0}.

TF84012: Document storage could not be found or is corrupted. This work item list will not be connected to a team project.

TF84013: This value is assigned by the work item database and cannot be changed.

TF84014: There are not enough entries in the list. The list must contain at least one entry.

TF84015: There are too many entries in the list. This list cannot contain more than 65535 entries.

TF84018: Unsupported property name: ""{0}"".

TF84019: Unsupported work item type.

TF84021: Team Foundation could not create the work item list.

TF84022: Could not connect to Team Foundation Server {0}. Check your network connection and try again.

TF84023: Failed to initialize the validation manager: could not create read-only validation range

TF84024: No storage found for list object

TF84025: Not an ELead hidden worksheet

TF84026: No space to add new range

TF84027: This field is not available for this type of work item and must be left blank.

TF84028: Help topic cannot be displayed because the Visual Studio MSDN Help system is not installed. Please install the Help system and try again.

TF84029: Cannot set SelectAQueryText to null or empty string.

TF84030: Cannot set PublicQueriesText to null or empty string.

TF84031: Cannot set PrivateQueriesText to null or empty string.

TF84032: Team Foundation could not insert the work item list because there is data in the worksheet that cannot be moved. Select a location where there is enough space to insert the list.  

TF84033: Team Foundation was unable to modify the list. It is likely that this is caused by data in the worksheet that cannot be moved. Please fix the problem and try again.

TF84034: Team Foundation was unable to initialize the workbook. This document will no longer be associated with a Team Foundation server.

TF84035: Unable to initialize: List object was found without an ID column.

TF84036: Process Guidance cannot be launched. Please check if MSDN Help is installed properly and the portfolio project is created successfully on the Team Foundation Server.

TF84037: There was a problem initializing the Microsoft Excel Team Foundation AddIn. Re-installing the Team Foundation Client may be required.

TF84038: There was a problem shutting down the Microsoft Excel Team Foundation AddIn. Re-installing the Team Foundation Client may be required.

TF84039: There was a problem opening the specified document.

TF84040: There was a problem creating the document.

TF84042: The value you entered is not supported in this field. Select a supported value from the list.

TF84043: Team Foundation could not find the query associated with this work item list. The query may have been deleted, or may be a private query created by another Team Foundation user. To publish or refresh changes to this work item list, you can change it to an input list, restore or recreate the deleted query, or contact the person who created the list to obtain a copy of the query.

TF84044: One or more work items have fields that exceed the maximum cell length limit of 32,767 characters in Microsoft Excel. These work items will be displayed as blank rows to prevent data loss when publishing to the work item database. To display these work items, remove any columns that exceed the cell length limit from the list.

TF84045: The column {0} could not be added to the list. One or more work items contain data in the column that exceed the 32,767 character size limit in Microsoft Excel.

TF86000: Could not start MSDN Help. Install MSDN Help or repair the installation and try again.

TF86001: Team Foundation was unable to load the Office AddIn. This may be caused by a Team Foundation Client  installation problem or lack of .NET Programmability Support in the Office Application. Please see the Team Foundation Installation Guide for more information.

TF86002: Team Foundation was unable to initialize the Office AddIn. This may be caused by a Team Foundation Client  installation problem or lack of .NET Programmability Support in the Office Application. Please see the Team Foundation Installation Guide for more information.

TF87000: TFSFieldMapping could not locate the directory because the file path was not found.

TF87001: The file name is missing. Enter a file name and try again.

TF87002: The file path is missing. Enter a file path and try again.

TF87003: The project name is missing. Enter a project name and try again.

TF87004: The URL for the server is missing. Enter a URL and try again.

TF87005: File missing. Please enter another file path.

TF87006: Unsupported arguments.

TF87007: TFSFieldMapping could not locate the file because the file path was not found.

TF87008: Your user account does not have sufficient permissions to access the file. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and request that permission be added to your account.

TF87009: Team Foundation does not support long file paths. Enter a shorter file path and try again.

TF87010: TFSFieldMapping requires a minimum of {0} arguments. Provide the additional arguments and try again.

TF87011: TFSFieldMapping requires a maximum of {0} arguments. Remove the surplus arguments and try again.

Unnumbered Error and Event Messages

The following table lists the Team Foundation error and event messages that have not been assigned unique ID numbers. The messages are listed in alphabetical order.

%1 Cannot find this file. Please verify that the correct path and file name are given.

%1 contained an unexpected object.

%1 contains an incorrect schema.

%1 contains an invalid path.

%1 could not be created because the directory is full.

%1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.

%1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.

%1 has a bad format.

%1 Unable to register document. The document may already be open.

%1 was not found.

%c is an invalid limiting flag

%s Bad log position, skipping remaining entries.

%s Bad version number, skipping remaining entries.

%s Branch count in old DB %d, correcting to actual count %d.

%s' contains an invalid character.

%s could not be initialized correctly. Team Foundation may continue to run, but may not have the correct 3d affects. If this problem persists, please reinstall Team Foundation.

%s does not exist and the archive file contains only version ranges.

%s exists and archive file does not have version ranges. Cannot restore.

%S failed to notify service status manager.

%S failed to start.

%s Format record invalid, correcting.

%S in not registered.

%s is a file, not a project.

%s is a mask, which is not allowed by this command

%s is a Team Foundation configuration file and cannot be added.

%s is a Team Foundation local cache file and cannot be added.

%s is already in this project; you do not need to share it.

%S is already registered.

%s is an invalid %s name

%s is an invalid or corrupted logfile.

%s is not a complete VSS spec or a fully qualified pathname.

%s is not a deleted file or project

%s is not a text file

%s' is not a valid mask.

%s is not an existing filename or project

%s is not branched in %s

%s is not shared by other projects: no BRANCH needed.

%s is not valid Team Foundation syntax

%s is pinned to a specific version

%s is pinned to an older version. Unpin this file or perform a rollback before attempting to check it out.

%s not converted.

%s specifies a version number, which is illegal for this command

%s still exists in the database and cannot be restored to a different name.

%s stores only the latest version and is already checked out.

%s Unknown action %d, skipping this entry.

%s was not found in your system folder and it could not be accessed for installation. The application may proceed, but will not have 3d affects enabled. Please reinstall to correct this problem.

%s will create too long a file or project name.

{0} app pool(s) are running under given account: {1}.

{0} arguments must contain {1}

{0} cannot be cloaked because it does not have a mapped parent.

{0} cannot be deleted because it is not empty.

{0} contains an invalid character. Invalid characters are '%', '*', '?', '@', '$', '(', ')', ';' and ' (single quote)

{0} contains invalid characters for a check-in note name.

{0} could not be checked in because a newer version exists on the server.

{0} could not be checked in because another item with the same name exists on the server.

{0} could not be checked in because it has been deleted from the server.

{0} could not be merged because it has been deleted in the target branch.

{0} could not be merged because the name conflicts with another item in the target branch.

{0} could not be merged because the source and target both have changes.

{0} could not be retrieved because a directory by the same name exists locally.

{0} could not be retrieved because a writable file by the same name exists locally.

{0} could not be retrieved because it has already been deleted.

{0} could not be retrieved because the name conflicts with another item in your workspace.

{0} could not be retrieved because you have a conflicting pending change.

{0} could not be retrieved because you have a conflicting pending delete.

{0} does not match any cloak.

{0} does not match any mapping.

{0} is a directory.

{0} is a global source control permission. Only item-level permissions can be granted in a methodology template.

{0} is not a file.

{0} is not a supported node type!

{0} is not a valid changeset number. Please specify a number greater than 0.

{0} Path contains invalid character. Invalid characters are '%', '*', '?', '@', '$', '(', ')', ';' and ' (single quote)

{0} Windows service(s) are running under given account: {1}.

{0} xml node contains an invalid value of "{2}" for the "{1}" attribute

{0} xml node is missing required attribute "{1}"

{1} cannot be retrieved because the target {0} has a pending change ({2}).

A changeset number cannot be specified when using the /latest option.

A comment explaining the policy override must be specified with the /override option.

A corrupt chunk (diff chain) was found.

A database error occurred (SQL error {0})

A database error occurred (SQL error {0})

A deleted link to %s already exists

A directory by the same name exists locally.

A fact and a dimension cannot have the same name: {0}

A fatal error has occurred, shutting down

A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.

A history operation is already in progress

A local workspace is required. Workspace {0} does not reside on this computer.

A local workspace on computer {0} cannot be moved to computer {1}.

A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.

A newer version of {0} exists on the server.

A notification was denied access for subscriber {0}.

A parent project for item %s has an invalid physical file name (%s).

A project cannot be shared under a descendant.

A record type mismatch has been detected in file %s.

A rights setting mismatch was found.

A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.

A shelved pending change on a file is required: {0}

A system error occurred while backing up '%s': %s.

A Team Foundation server name must be supplied.

A Team Foundation server name must be supplied.

A URI parameter is not well formed. Parameter name: {0}.

A value must be specified for the check-in note.

A version or version range must be specified when using the /force option.

A writable copy of %s already exists

A writable file by the same name exists locally.

Access Denied. You are not authorized to perform this action. For further information, contact the Team Foundation Server administrator.

Access Denied. You need the {0} permission in {1} to create a Build Type. For further information, contact the Team Foundation Server administrator.

Access Denied. You need the {0} permission to perform this action. For further information, contact the Team Foundation Server administrator.

Access Denied. You need the 'Publish Test Results' permission to delete test results. For further information, contact the Team Foundation Server administrator.

Access to %1 was denied.

Access to file '%s' was denied. The file may be read-only, may be in use, or you may not have permission to write to the file. Correct this problem and run Analyze again.

Account Name

Account status on application tier (IIS application pools): {0}.

Account status on application tier (Windows services): {0}.

Account status on data tier (Microsoft SQL Server): {0}.

Account: {0} is not a valid account.

Activating a new thread to send events.

Add an access control entry.

Add database role fails

Add Failed - Files were not added to source code control.

Add service account: {0} to local workgroup: IIS_WPG failed: {1}.

Adding {0} to {1}...

Adding group '{0}' would cause a membership cycle, and so is not allowed.

Adding tag {0} {1}

Adding the access control entry...

Adding the name '%s' would overflow the maximum File_Types length of %d. Please decrease the name size or remove other names.

Aggregation function change failed.

Aggregation function change failed.

All available files have already been checked out

All dates and times are shown in GMT

All specified files must reside in the same workspace. Workspace {0} contains {1}.

All the files in the database do not have the same Version information.

AllChangesIncluded = 'false'

An artifact URI cannot be created for an uncommitted changeset.

An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.

An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.

An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.

An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.

An error has been encountered while querying for work item {0}.

An error has been encountered while querying for work items {0}.

'An error occurred while your request was being processed. This may be a transient error and retrying the request may help. If this error persists or you feel it warrants additional attention, please provide this message and the error message(s) that appear to your administrative staff'

An error occurred. Starting rollback.

An error occurred while processing changeset {0}, unexpected exception: {1}

An error occurred while retrieving process templates from the server.

An error occurred writing the new copy of '%s'.

An internal error occurred while trying to restore the Visual Basic project file. Please delete the current Visual Basic project file and copy the file %s to the name of the current Visual Basic project file.

An internal error occurred. For more information, contact product support services.

An invalid argument was encountered.

An invalid file handle was associated with %1.

An item with the name %s already exists

An older version of File %s cannot be shared because only its latest version is stored.

An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.

An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.

An unexpected exception occurred while calculating code churn: {0}, exception: {1}

An unexpected exception occurred: {0}

An unknown error has occurred.

An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.

An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.

an unnamed file

An unsupported operation was attempted.

Analysis failed

Analysis Services Administrators role cannot be retrieved.

Analyze utility was not found at this path: %s

Another item with the same name exists on the server.

Application pool: {0} is not valid.

Archive file may be corrupt.

Archive has reached the maximum size. Aborting archive operation.

Arguments may not contain %%

Arguments may not contain %n (n = 1 .. 9) followed by non-whitespace

Arguments may not contain stand-alone %

Artifact is already in the GAP. Cannot add:

Artifact is not in the GAP. Cannot delete:

Artifact is not in the GAP. Cannot update:

Artifact type name cannot be null.

ASP.NET could not be configured for use with Visual Studio Internet. Please verify that ASP.NET is correctly installed. For more information see the VssService_ASPNETSetup.log file in your TEMP folder.

ASP.NET could not be enabled for Windows Server. Please enable the correct ASP.NET version through IIS Manager Web Service Extensions.

Attempt to dereference a NULL pointer.

Attempted to delete an event that is not in the database: {0}

Average event processing time:

Bad character(s) in name: %s

Bad username syntax: "%s"

Binary files cannot be merged unless an encoding override is specified.

Binary files differ

Books Online failed to run. Error code %d.

Build {0} could not be found

Build {0} is not in progress and cannot be stopped

Build Machine is not defined in the Build Type {0}

Calculated member rename failed.

Calling notification filter: {0}

Can not find any matching Sql login for account: {0}.

Can not rename the Admin user

Cannot access Active Directory.

Cannot change project to %s

Cannot change project to file %s.

Cannot check out an old version of %s because the file has been deleted.

Cannot check out an old version of a file

Cannot connect to the Web service. Exception message:

Cannot create a shelveset owned by a different user.

Cannot delete a root node.

Cannot delete the Admin user

Cannot delete the Admin user

Cannot delete the root project

Cannot delete the root project

Cannot diff a folder against a file.

Cannot difference the specified item %s.

Cannot edit the Admin user

Cannot edit the Admin user.

Cannot find help file %s

Cannot find initialization variable "%s"

Cannot find physical project file for %s.

Cannot find SS.INI file

Cannot find SS.INI file for user %s

Cannot fully analyze the database while Visual Studio is being run. Use -X to run a partial analysis.

Cannot Insert an item of this record type for this file.

Cannot load connection string from web.config.

Cannot locate site information for Team Foundation web server.

Cannot map server path, {0}, because it is not rooted beneath a team project.

Cannot merge directory '{0}' into file '{1}'.

Cannot merge to an item '{0}' that is not mapped.

Cannot move the root project

Cannot move under a project that does not exist.

Cannot open file '%s'. Another application has it open. Close that application and run Analyze again.

Cannot rebuild the database while Visual Studio is being run. Make sure all users have exited Team Foundation and try again.

Cannot rename a root node.

Cannot rename root

Cannot rename team project

Cannot Rename the root project

Cannot rename the root project.

Cannot rename to %s; that name already exists.

Cannot rename to another volume

Cannot retrieve the node type list.

Cannot retrieve the specified structure.

Cannot roll back %s to the most recent version

Cannot roll back to the most recent version of %s

Cannot Rollback to the most recent version of %s

Cannot set CancelButtonLabel to null or empty string.

Cannot set DialogTitle to null or empty string.

Cannot set OKButtonLabel to null or empty string.

Cannot set StatusLabel to null or empty string.

Cannot share a file or project to itself.

Cannot use wildcards with this command

Cannot View Migration Report

Can't add .FRX file to source code control.

Can't load file %s in the Visual Basic project. Ensure the Visual Basic project file is checked out.

Can't unwind the call stack

Change type for entry {0} is incorrect: {1}


Changeset {0} does not exist.

'Changeset Information'

Check files in

Check In command failed - The files were not checked in.

Check Out command failed - The files were not checked out.

Checked in by:

Checked in by:

Checked in on behalf of:

Checked in on:

Checking group membership...

Checking the description of the application group...

Cleanup of all Team Foundation databases.

Code coverage results merge error - {0}

Collision accessing database, please try again.

Command "{0}" is not a valid path.

Command failed.

Command must not be empty

Comment is too long.

CommonStructureService.CreateNode entered. Node name: {0}. ParentNodeUri: {1}

CommonStructureService.CreateNode exiting. ProjectUri: {0}

CommonStructureService.CreateProject entered. Project Name: {0}. Structure: {1}

CommonStructureService.CreateProject exiting.

CommonStructureService.DeleteBranches entered. NodeUris: {0}. ReclassifyUri: {1}

CommonStructureService.DeleteBranches exiting.

CommonStructureService.DeleteProject entered. ProjectUri: {0}

CommonStructureService.DeleteProject exiting.

CommonStructureService.GetDeletedNodesXml entered. ProjectUri: {0}. Since: {1}

CommonStructureService.GetDeletedNodesXml exiting.

CommonStructureService.GetNode entered. NodeUri: {0}

CommonStructureService.GetNode exiting.

CommonStructureService.GetNodeFromPath entered. NodePath: {0}

CommonStructureService.GetNodeFromPath exiting.

CommonStructureService.GetNodesXml entered. NodeUris: {0}. Param ChildNodes: {1}

CommonStructureService.GetNodesXml exiting.

CommonStructureService.GetProject entered. ProjectUri: {0}

CommonStructureService.GetProject exiting. Name {0}

CommonStructureService.GetProjectFromName entered. Project name: {0}

CommonStructureService.GetProjectFromName exiting. Uri: {0}

CommonStructureService.ListPermittedChildNodeTypes entered.

CommonStructureService.ListPermittedChildNodeTypes exiting.

CommonStructureService.ListProjects entered.

CommonStructureService.ListProjects exiting.

CommonStructureService.ListStructures entered. ProjectUri: {0}

CommonStructureService.ListStructures exiting. Structures returned count: {0}

CommonStructureService.MoveBranch entered. NodeUri: {0}. NewParentNodeUri: {1}

CommonStructureService.MoveBranch exiting.

CommonStructureService.RenameNode entered. NodeUri: {0}. NewNodeName: {1}

CommonStructureService.RenameNode exiting.

CommonStructureService.RenameProject entered. ProjectUri: {0}. New project name: {1}

CommonStructureService.RenameProject exiting.

CommonStructureService.ReorderNode entered. NodeUri: {0}. MoveBy: {1}

CommonStructureService.ReorderNode exiting.

Complete archive %s may exceed maximum file size of %d bytes. Aborting archive operation.

Compression error: bad parameters.

Compression error: compression block may be corrupt.

Compression error: overflow.

Compression read failure.

Configuration of SQL Server Reporting Services failed.

Conflict {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because you have a conflicting {2}

Conflict {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because you have a conflicting {2} (to be moved from {3})

Conflict {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because you have a pending {2} on a different item at the destination

Conflict {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because you have a pending {2} on a different item at the destination (to be moved from {3})

Connecting to the Team Foundation Server Web service...

Contents of file {0} are too big. Contents must be {1} characters or less.


Corrupt file encountered. Physical name is %s. Ask your Team Foundation administrator to run the Analyze utility on this database.

Corrupted history in file %s after revision %s.

Could not access database.

Could not checkout local version of %s, checking out latest version instead.

Could not connect to '{0}'

Could not create working folder {0}

Could not Deploy %s to %s.

Could not display this URL.

Could not find the file %s in the database.

Could not find the file referred to by Shortcut %s.

Could not generate relative path equivalent for '{0}'

Could not initialize

Could not initialize file buffering system.

Could not initialize locking system.

Could not initialize Rights system.

Could not login to %s.

Could not parse {0} parameter {1}

Could not start print job.

Couldn't find event {0} for notification {1}

Couldn't find subscription {0} for notification {1}

Couldn't open the source code control project associated with this Visual Basic project.

Couldn't receive from queue. Please make sure the IIS_WPG has permission to receive events on the

Couldn't Remove Permissions for Group

CRC mismatch for '%s'

Created notification for subscriber: {0}

Created subscription for {0}

Creating a new subscription for the user '{0}' with event type '{0}'.

Creating body for e-mail.

Creating project-local application group "{0}"...

Creating server-scope application group "{0}"...

Css data in the table may be corrupted.

Current database does not match request.

Current project invalid; changing to root project

Current project setting in SS.INI file invalid or missing.

Data file does not exist: %s

Data folder %s not found.

Data loss due to folder move from source folder not under migration to destination folder under migration.

Data loss due to folder move from source folder under migration to destination folder not under migration

Data Tier name was not found.

Database creation failed.

Deleting the application group...

Deleting the root is not allowed.

Destination database is not the same as the original. Some links may not be restored.

Destination disk drive is full.

'Detailed error message(s) (for administrative staff):'

Dimension deletion failed.

Dimension does not exist and cannot be deleted: {0}

Dimension field addition failed.

Dimension field deletion failed.

Dimension field rename failed.

Dimension is referenced in {0}.{1}.{2} and cannot be deleted.

Dimension level cannot be deleted. Dimension does not have such a level: {0}.{1}

Dimension set parent field failed.

Dimension set parent friendly name failed.

Dimension use addition failed.

Dimension use cannot be deleted. Fact does not have such a dimension use: {0}.<{1}, {2}>

Dimension use deletion failed.

Dimension use rename failed.

Disk full

Disk full while accessing %1.

Done with notification.


Double underscores cannot appear in a name.

Download of item {0} was not completed. Perform a get operation to correct.

Drop database role fails

Duplicate name for the source control folder on the Team Foundation server {0}

Duplicate registration entry in configuration file: {0}

Editor path is a required field when prompting by editor is selected.

Effective ACL on object "{0}":

Either source control has not been configured for this team project or you do not have permission to access it. Please configure source control and try again.

E-mail sent.

Embedded wildcards (* and ?) are not allowed in the {0} option. The wildcard * may be used by itself.

Empty command-line parameters are ignored.

Empty command-line switches are ignored.

Empty TFSSECURITY_SWITCHES switch is ignored.

Encountered a bad CRC in %s; record type %c%c.

Entered GetRegistrationEntries with toolId set to {0}

Entering UpdateProjectProperties method.

Equal to Windows SID

Error connecting to database.

Error converting branch records in logfile %s.

Error converting comment record in file %s.

Error converting file check out record in file %s.

Error converting file check out record(s) in logfile %s.

Error converting fileparent records in logfile %s.

Error converting header in logfile %s.

Error converting project entry records in file %s.

Error converting update records in logfile %s.

Error creating %s

Error creating %s while attempting to lock database. Database is not locked.

Error Creating Group

Error creating status entry, status file may be inaccurate.

Error creating temp file in '{0}'

Error deleting %s

Error deleting %s while attempting to unlock database. Database is not unlocked.

Error deleting project.

Error deleting shelveset {0}: {1}.

Error deleting temp table while getting nodes.

Error determining domain.

Error encountered while trying to use file cache. Attempting to download the file directly from the database.

Error executing: %s

Error in downloading: {0}

Error in ExtractLinks: {0} {1}

Error in file %s

Error in project %s

Error in project file: %s

Error in uploading: {0}

Error initializing OLE

Error loading config file: {0}

Error loading Team Foundation add-in: %s

Error locating local temporary files directory.

Error occurred during difference operation: {0}

Error occurred during difference operation: File {0} was not found.

Error processing check out free chain.

Error reading %s, %d of %d bytes read @ %ld.

Error reading branch chain in file '%s' at location %d.

Error reading checkout chain in file '%s' at location %d.

Error reading config file: {0} ({1}).

Error reading free checkout chain in file '%s' at location %d.

Error reading from file

Error reading log entry in logfile %s.

Error reading parent chain in file '%s' at location %d.

Error Removing Group

Error retrieving TemplateHeaders from the Team Foundation Server

Error trying to connect the source code control project to the current Visual Basic project.

Error while deleting template: {0}

Error while making a template default: {0}

Error while retrieving template headers: {0}

Error while retrieving user permissions: {0}

Error while uploading the file {0}. The file contains characters that are not permitted, please use a different name.

Error writing to %s

Error: Cannot find specified label '{0}' in scope '{1}'.

Error: Cannot find specified label '{0}'.

Error: Cannot find specified workspace '{0}'.

Error: Please specify a server.

Error: Unable to determine the workspace.

Errors during load of file %s.

Evaluating the item path: {0}

Evaluating variable '{0}' in context of '{1}'

Event was processed: {0}

Exception in message queuing (MSMQ) ReceiveCompleted.

Exception when reading value from plugin registry. {0}

Exiting Send loop

Expected {0}

Expected '>'

Expected a boolean operator, found {0}

Expected an integer after an arithmetic operator.

Extension "{0}" contains illegal characters

Extension "{0}" is too long

Extension "{0}" is too short

Extension "{0}" must contain only one period

Extension "{0}" must start with a period

Extension '{0}' is already used by file type '{1}'.

Extension must not be empty

Fact calculated member friendly name cannot be set. Fact does not have such a calculated member: {0}.{1}

Fact dimension use cannot be renamed. Fact does not have such a dimension use: {0}.<{1}, {2}>

Fact field addition failed.

Fact field cannot be deleted. Fact does not have such a field: {0}.{1}

Fact field cannot be renamed. Fact does not have such a field: {0}.{1}

Fact field deletion failed.

Fact field friendly name cannot be set. Fact does not have such a field: {0}.{1}

Fact field rename failed.

Fact friendly dimension use cannot be set. Fact does not have such a dimension use: {0}.<{1}, {2}>

Fact ill-formed. Multiple distinct count aggregation functions defined: {0}

Fact Link ill-formed. Linked fact does not exist: {0}, {1}

Fact link ill-formed. Multiple distinct count aggregation functions defined: {0}

Fact Link ill-formed. Source fact does not exist: {0}, {1}

Failed accessing work item {0}. This work item will not be resolved or associated with this check-in.

Failed resolving conflict for {0}.

Failed testing transition for work item {0}. {1}

Failed to add the current Windows user as Team Foundation database user.

Failed to add the LAN Service to Windows Firewall exception list.

failed to associate work item: {0}

Failed to change account or password: {0}

Failed to complete database cleanup.

Failed to complete optimization of Team Foundation databases.

Failed to create empty document.

Failed To Create Mapping

Failed to create rights database.

Failed to create the database ini files.

Failed to delete test run results because of an unexpected server error. If the problem persists, contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

Failed to delete the test results for the test run {0}.

Failed to enforce SSL requirement on IIS. VSS Web Service will be disabled on this machine. Configure IIS to allow SSL connections and re-enable the VSS Web Service from Team Foundation Admin.

Failed to execute %s for updating the database.

Failed to get a lock for the service database: {0}.

Failed to launch help.

Failed to link work item {0}.

Failed to load adapter {0}. Exception Info: \ {1}

Failed to load the string #%d. You may have an out-of-date version of Visual Studio resources file.

Failed to locate all the required Team Build components. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Failed to locate VCBuild location

Failed to open document.

Failed to query the source control global permissions for {0}. {1}

Failed to query the source control global permissions for {0}. You have insufficient permission. You must have the "Edit server-level information" permission to view the source control permissions.

Failed to read from the registration database.

Failed to read SharePoint Center Administration Port Number remotely. Try running activation locally.

Failed to read SharePoint Center Administration Port Number.

Failed to register %S.

Failed to remove {0}: {1}

Failed to report account status for application pools: {0}

Failed to report account status for Windows services: {0}

Failed to report data tier account status: {0}

Failed to reset work item {0} after its transition test.

failed to resolve work item: {0}

Failed to restart the code coverage analysis service on the Team Foundation Server while deleting the test run. Any associated code coverage data will be out of date temporarily. Please restart the service manually to update the code coverage data.

Failed to restart Windows service: {0}.

Failed to retrieve data from the server. Please verify that the Team Foundation server is running and try again.

Failed to retrieve data from the server. Please verify the network connection and try again.

Failed to retrieve data from the server. Please verify the network connection and try again.

Failed to retrieve DT Name.

Failed to retrieve port number from Application Tier.

Failed to save document.

Failed to save work item {0}. {1}

Failed to set source control global permissions for {0}. {1}

Failed to set the source control global permissions for {0}. You have insufficient permission. You must have the "Edit server-level information" permission to change the source control permissions.

Failed to start Windows service: {0} due to time out (10 seconds).

Failed to stop %S.

Failed to transition work item {0}.

Failed to unregister %S.

Failed to update '{0}' field.

Failed to update account on data warehouse database: {0} due to: {1}.

Failed to upload process template.

Failure writing merge file for %s.

Fatal Error

Fatal error occurred during rollback.

Field {0} length out of bounds: {1}

Field {0} type out of bounds: {1}

Field name cannot be null.

File "%s" already exists

File "%s" is locked

File "%s" not found

File "%s" not found

File %s (file %s in Team Foundation) was not found.

File %s cannot be checked into this project

File %s checked out

File %s could not be mapped to the Team Foundation project %s.

File %s does not retain old versions of itself

File %s has been destroyed or moved and cannot be rebuilt.

File %s is already checked out. .FRM files can only be checked out to one place at a time.

File %s is already open

File %s is already shared by this project

File %s is checked out by %s.

File %s is exclusively checked out.

File %s is invalid. Files may not begin with $.

File %s is invalid. Files may not begin with $.

File %s is not branched, therefore you cannot merge it.

File %s is not shared by any other projects

File '%s' is not the correct Team Foundation version.

File %s maps to a name over the maximum Team Foundation file name size of %d.

File %s may be corrupt. Ask your Team Foundation administrator to run the Analyze utility on this database.

File (or folder) {0} does not exist.

File {0} not found.

File ID {0} not found.

File or project "%s" does not exist

File or project not found

File type '%s' is already in the list.

File version not found in local cache.

Files are not branched

Files can not be shared or branched across different databases.

Files have no common ancestor

Files with VSS feature to keep latest version only.

Filter string exceeds the maximum length of %d.

Folder %s already exists.

Folder %s is in use

Folder {0} is cloaked or not mapped. You can only add folders that are mapped.

Folder not found.

For improved security, Visual Studio Internet access can only be configured on a local database when opened via an UNC path. Please re-open the database in SSAdmin using its shared path.

For performance reasons, the folder for temporary files must be specified as a local drive folder.


Found {0} instances of Team Build adapter.

Found {0} SIDs in the database. Of these were {1} found in Windows and {2} had a different SID.

Found a reference to an invalid rights block.

Found restrictions: {0}

Function is not implemented

General compression error.

Get command failed - The files were not downloaded from source code control.

GetProject({0}) failed with exception: {1}

Grant database access fails

Grant login fails

Header inconsistency in file %s. New header will be corrected.

headers length ({0}) and number of contents columns ({1}) must match

Help for topic {0} is not available

Help is not available

Help is not available from the DOS command line.

IE The number of parameters specified is incorrect.

If sink type is null, sink artifact type name must also be null.

Ignoring unrecognized TFSSECURITY_SWITCHES switch: {0}.

iisreset.exe not found or access denied.

Illegal file or project name(s): "%s"

Illegal version number.

Illegal version syntax: %s

Ill-formed calculated measure: Definition cannot be null.

Ill-formed calculated measure: Name cannot be null.

Ill-formed calculated member: Definition cannot be null.

Ill-formed calculated member: Name cannot be null.

Ill-formed configuration file: No RegistrationEntries tag.

Ill-formed dimension use: Dimension name cannot be null.

Ill-formed dimension use: Use name cannot be null.

Ill-formed dimension: {0}

Ill-formed dimension: {0} Duplicate calculated member: {1}.

Ill-formed dimension: {0} Duplicate field: {1}.

Ill-formed dimension: {0} Key field "{1}" is not defined as a field or is misspelled.

Ill-formed dimension: {0} Parent field "{1}" is not defined as a field or is misspelled.

Ill-formed Fact: {0}

Ill-formed fact: {0} Dimension Use "{1}" refers to non-existent dimension {2}.

Ill-formed fact: {0} Duplicate calculated measure: {1}

Ill-formed fact: {0} Duplicate dimension use: {1}

Ill-formed fact: {0} Duplicated field: {1}

Ill-formed fact: fact name cannot be null.

Improperly formatted filter specification: '{0}'. Verify that there is an odd number of the separator character, '|'.

Incompatible archive file version %ld.

Incompatible command-line arguments.

Incompatible compression version %ld.

Incompatible database version

Inconsistent structure type.

Inconsistent structure types in move node.

Index defragmentation failed.

Initialization of security plugins completed.

Initialization variable "%s" must be between %d and %d

Initialization variable "%s" must be set to "Yes" or "No"

Initialization variable "%s" set to invalid number

Initialization variable "%s" set to invalid path

Initialization variable "%s" set to invalid value

Initializing security plugins, if any.

Initializing system task list?

Insufficient memory to perform operation.

Insufficient number of parameters.

Insufficient permissions on the Windows SharePoint Services at {0} to create a new site.

Insufficient permissions to create a new SQL Server Reporting Services at {0}.

Insufficient permissions to create a new team project.

Insufficient privileges on the server.

Integration or Warehouse database not found in registration.

Internal application error.

Internal error in {0}

Internal error: please exit and restart Visual Basic.

Internet Information Services (IIS) could not be configured to use Visual Studio Internet.

Internet Information Services (IIS) is not running on this computer. You will not be able to use Visual Studio Internet on this computer until Internet Information Services are started.

Invalid access code (bad parameter).

Invalid argument: {0}

Invalid branch chain.

Invalid branch structure.

Invalid build directory.

Invalid Characters

Invalid characters in Dir_Umask .ini variable. Ignoring it.

Invalid check out structure.

Invalid chunk in file %s. Some history may be lost.

Invalid command line. Command Line edit box cannot be blank.

Invalid command: {0}

Invalid control characters in the text prevented group creation.

Invalid css structure type

Invalid date specified. All dates must occur on or after the year 1753.

Invalid date string: "%s"

Invalid diff operation encountered: {0}

Invalid DOS path: %s

Invalid drive or drive not ready: %s

Invalid drop location {0} specified

Invalid drop location.

Invalid extended header structure

Invalid file extension.

Invalid FileID {0}

Invalid filename.

Invalid filename: "%s"

Invalid format structure.

Invalid handle.

Invalid header structure.

Invalid Id.

Invalid input '{0}' for command. Must specify 'Analyze' or 'Migrate'

Invalid input. The value of teamProject and buildData.TeamProject parameters does not match.

Invalid log entry structure.

Invalid move by argument.

Invalid MoveBy provided for the node Uri.

Invalid node ID getting node info.

Invalid node ID used when getting nodes.

Invalid node ID while renaming node.

Invalid node ID.

Invalid node URI in move node.

Invalid OperationStatus: Desired: {0} Current: {1}

Invalid parent chain.

Invalid parent ID.

Invalid parent structure.

Invalid parent URI in move node.

Invalid password

Invalid password.

Invalid path.

Invalid platform or flavor passed.

Invalid project ID getting project name.

Invalid project id in listing structures.

Invalid project ID while renaming project.

Invalid project ID.

Invalid response.

Invalid shelveset specification: {0}

Invalid structure type.

Invalid syntax on line %d of file %s

Invalid Team Foundation path %s

Invalid Team Foundation syntax: "%s"

Invalid time or date string

Invalid value '%s' for file group.

Invalid value '%s' on File Types tab.

Invalid web service configuration. The web service should be configured to authenticate users.

Invalid working folder entry.

Invalid workspace

Item {0} does not exists in VSS repository

Item {0} was not found in source control at version {1}.

Item {0} was not found in source control.

Item {0} was not found in the current workspace.

Item may not be null or empty

Item name already exists in source control. Please enter another name.

Item name already exists on disk. Please enter another name.

Iterating over {0}

Key field is not defined in the fields: {0}.{1}

Label '{0}' belongs to multiple team projects. The label should belong only to the team project being built.

Label comment is invalid when no label specified.

Label names that will change as a result of migration.

Label not found

Last Modified On:

Listening for the next message from the message queue (MSMQ).

List of files currently checked out.

Loading ICoreServicesPlugin instance:

Local path {0} is too long. The item will not be retrieved

Local temporary files directory is not found at location %s.

Lock_Mode .INI variable has illegal value. Assuming Native.

Login failed. The supplied login information is not valid and should be changed to valid login information for this database.


Mail system DLL is invalid.

Measure {0} aggregation function is not supported: {1}

Measure cannot be deleted. There is no such measure in the fact or the fact field is not a measure: {0}.{1}

Measure group could not be found: {0}

Member of {0} group(s):

Migration failed.

Missing input for the switch {0}

Missing opening brace for {0}

Missing or wrong property attribute

Missing switch {0}

More than one ServiceInstance were registered to the tool: "{0}". Call the overload of this method that specifies a ServiceInterface name instead.

Move does not change the name of a project

Multiple "checkin_note" xml nodes have the same "label" attribute of "{0}" - please remove all but one.

Multiple workspaces exist with the name {0}. Please specify the Team Foundation Server or qualify the name with the owner.

Name cannot be null.

Network not found.

New password cannot contain DBCS characters. (DBCS [Double-Byte Character Set] is a character set that uses one or two bytes to represent a character. It is used in environments with ideographic writing systems, e.g. Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.)

New Team Project Wizard encountered the following error and could not continue.

No app pool is running under given account: {0}.

No application is associated with this file type.

No appropriate mapping exists for {0}.

No command to execute.

No configured compare tool found for file {0}.

No corresponding Visual Basic project file for this source code control project.

No deployment path has been setup for %s.

No dimension exists with the name: {0}

No files are available to get in this project.

No files are checked out.

No files checked in.

No files specified.

No format was found for events of type

No HTML files are available in this project.

No items listed to operate on

No items match {0} in the label {1}.

No items to add.

No matching deleted items found in {0}.

No matching items found in {0} at the specified version.

No matching items found in {0} in your workspace.

No matching items found in {0}.

No more files.

No more folder entries found.

No node with tag "{0}" exists under the given node: {1}.

No other user available to copy rights from.

No pending changes were found for {0}.

No RegistrationEntries were returned for the tool: {0}.

No search pattern was given

No ServiceInterface named "{0}" found registered to tool "{1}".

No ServiceInterfaces were returned for the tool: {0}.

No shelved changes for {0}.

No team projects are available.

No valid ID values were found. Fix the problem and try again.

No VSS database (srcsafe.ini) found. Set the SSDIR environment variable to the path of srcsafe.ini for your VSS database.

No Windows service is running under given account: {0}.

No working folder is set for this item.

Node already deleted.

Node cannot be deleted.

Node cannot be moved to another tree.

Node cannot be moved to below itself.

Node cannot be moved.

Node cannot be renamed.

Node cannot be reordered.

Node with same name exists.

Node with the same name already exists.

Node with this name already exists in the new branch.

Not all options could be set correctly.

Not all requested files could be added into the version control project.

Not found

Number of parameters is wrong.

Only ADMIN can run this utility.

Only one copy of the source code control provider can run at a time.

Only one copy of the Team Foundation integration components may run at one time under 16-bit Windows. Please close any other tools using the Team Foundation integration and try again.

Only one database connection at a time is supported.

Only one item may be specified when the /newname option is also specified.

Operation must be either {0} or {1}

Optimizing indexes of Team Foundation databases via defragmentation.

Option /{0} cannot be combined with option /{1}.

Option {0} cannot be used when editing a workspace.

Option {0} does not accept a value.

Option {0} is specified more than once.

Option {0} requires a value.

Option {0} requires at least one item. Either local or server paths may be used.

Option {0} requires exactly one value.

Out of memory

Out of Memory - could not complete operation.

Out of memory - the rights changes could not be saved.

Overriding the default Team Foundation Server setting.

Parent not found

Password and verification do not match.

Path %s does not exist

Path %s does not exist.

Pending changes could not be retrieved.

Permission denied

Please enter a number between %s and %s.

Please save and check in your Visual Basic project file. Otherwise, your project will contain references to the remapped files in their old locations instead of their current locations.

Plugin {0} not found

Policy Internal Error: Policy returned a null failure

Popping component off stack: {0}

Port number is empty or is not valid. Please enter a valid number.

Potential data loss due to time zone issues with the Visual SourceSafe Database under migration.

Problem reading snapin name {0}: {1}

Problem reading snapin name {0}: Unknown non-managed exception.

Process Guidance: Adding index for

Process Guidance: Indexing complete

Process Guidance: Started indexing

Project $%s has been destroyed or moved and cannot be rebuilt.

Project %s does not exist

Project %s does not exist.

Project %s has been deleted and must be recovered before opening.

Project %s has no corresponding folder

Project %s is not a valid project

Project %s parent stored as %s, correcting to %s.

Project already deleted.

Project context with the specified name already exists.

Project diff only compares a project with a folder, not two versions of a project

Project log '%s' has a branch record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a create record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a delete record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a destroy record for item '%s', but that item was still found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a move-in record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a move-out record for item '%s', but that item was still found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a pin-version record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a rename record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the project.

Project log '%s' has a share (from another project) record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the current project.

Project log '%s' has an un-delete record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the project.

Project Rights is not enabled. You cannot set user rights until the Enable Rights and Assignments commands option is enabled.

Project with the same name already exists

Pushing conditional

Pushing repetition

Quality assurance automation mode is enabled. Volatile information will be hidden.

Read error: %d @ %ld

Read failed. Files cannot be accessed beyond 2 gigabytes.

Received a message from the message queue (MSMQ).

Registering filter for events of type: {0}

Registration data successfully updated.

Registration DB is in inconsistent state.

Registration entry type missing.

Registration settings incorrect:

Remember to add new account: {0} to TeamFoundation Service Accounts group by using TFSSecurity - Team Foundation Server Security Tool.

Remove an access control entry.

Remove database access fails

Remove login fails

Removing {0} from {1}...

Removing the access control entry...

Rename Data Tier failed. Please verify that the supplied Data Tier name is a valid Team Foundation Data Tier name, that the Data Tier can be accessed on the network and that you have administrative rights.

Rename does not move an item to another project

Rename of Windows SharePoint configuration database failed.

Renaming reporting server...

Renaming the application group...

Reserved keywords cannot be used in the warehouse definition: {0}

Resetting IIS...

Resolving identity "{0}"...

Resource {0} is improperly defined.

Retrieve TFS databases from Data Tier failed.

Retrieve the data warehouse database name: {0} from Data Tier failed.

Retrieve the machine name of Data Tier failed.

Retrieving the access control list for object "{0}"...

Retrieving the list of application groups within the specified scope...

Retrieving the list of existing Team Project names failed.

Retrying failed notifications.

Returning {0} subscriptions for user '{1}'

Returning all subscriptions for user '{0}'

Returning queue name: {0}

Rollback is not allowed before a pinned version.

Rollback of changes in registration database...

Rollback renaming of reporting server...

Rollback Windows SharePoint configuration...

Running cleanup for: {0}...

Running index defragmentation for: {0}...

Running more than one instance of the Team Foundation Explorer or the Team Foundation Administrator is not supported under 16-bit Windows. Please close any running copies of the Explorer or the Administrator and try again.

Saving subscription for {0}

Schema change failed.

Searching Team Foundation Server registration for event schemas.

Security Note If this is a shared database, it is strongly recommended that you use Windows Explorer to restrict folder sharing permissions. 1) Enable sharing for the folder containing the Team Foundation database 2) Click Permissions and remove the Everyone group 3) Explicitly add database users For further instructions, click Help.

Security Warning: This database is on a FAT16 or FAT32 file system. It is strongly recommended that you convert the file system to NTFS before enabling Team Foundation services on this database. In a FAT file system you will not be able to control permissions for individual files and folders in your database. Do you want to continue enabling Team Foundation services for this database anyway?

Seek failed. Files cannot be accessed beyond 2 gigabytes.

Send Mail failed to send message.

Sending e-mail.

Server name cannot be empty.

Server name cannot contain '/', ':' or start with 'https://' or 'https://'.

Server path '{0}' already exists.

Server path '{0}' is not mapped to the workspace.

Server path '{0}' is not valid.

ServerStatus.CheckAuthentication Entered

ServerStatus.CheckAuthentication Existing...

ServerStatus.GetServerStatus Entered

ServerStatus.GetServerStatus Exiting...

ServerStatus.GetSupportedContractVersion Entered

ServerStatus.GetSupportedContractVersion Exiting...

Service failed to open: {0}.

Set account: {0} on Database Tier: {1} failed.

Setting Windows SharePoint configuration database server...

Setting with ID {0} cannot be less or equal to 0.

SharePoint Central Administration

Sharing is not supported in Team Foundation Source Control.

Shortcut failed

Should not be here.

Since you have not logged into %s, source code control features are not enabled for this project.

Skipping an incorectly registered plugin {0}. {1}

Some files could not be checked in.

Some files could not be checked out.

Some files could not have their check out status undone.

Some files have not been named yet. Save your files manually to choose their names before proceeding with the %s operation.

Some of the database file transfer virtual directories could not be created. You'll have to manually re-enable Visual Studio Internet for these databases.

Source code control could not refresh some files.

Source control folder is not mapped to a local folder.

Source control has been disabled for this application. Please restart the application to use source control.

Specifying the server: The following switch (required) is used to specify the server: /server:<name> - select a Team Foundation Server.

Sql database error: SqlErrorCannotOpenDatabase

Sql database error: SqlErrorColumnConversion.

Sql database error: SqlErrorColumnNotFound.

Sql database error: SqlErrorDatabaseCustomError.

Sql database error: SqlErrorDatabaseReadOnly.

Sql database error: SqlErrorDeadlock.

Sql database error: SqlErrorExistingConnectionForciblyClosed.

Sql database error: SqlErrorFullText.

Sql database error: SqlErrorInsufficientMemory.

Sql database error: SqlErrorLoginFailed.

Sql database error: SqlErrorObjectNotFound.

Sql database error: SqlErrorSevereError.

Sql database error: SqlErrorTimeOutOrServerNotResponding.

Sql database error: SqlErrorTransactionCount

Sql database error: SqlErrorViewBindingError.

SQL error {0}

srcsafe.ini file not found in folder %s.

Starting scheduled task at: {0}.

Starting service...

Starting the application.


Status: Change service account password on application pool: {0}.

Status: No work is required for changing service account password on database server.

Status: Update database account on database server: {0}.

Status: Update service account on application pool: {0}.

Status: Update service account on Windows service: {0}.

Stopping activation. Only '{0}' is accepted for continuing the activation.

Stopping activation. Only '{0}' is accepted for continuing the activation. Use the 'ActivateAT' command for activating the local machine at a later time.

String %s not found

Subproject or file not found

Subscriber {0} exceeded threshold {1} (actual {2} milliseconds) while processing {3} ({4} event)

Subscription matched.

Successfully connected to the following e-mail server: {0}

Superfluous command-line switch is ignored: /{0}.

Superfluous command-line switch is ignored: /server:{0}.

Superfluous TFSSECURITY_SWITCHES switch is ignored: /server:{0}.

Syntax error near {0}

Syntax error near: {0}

Team Build database was not found.

Team Explorer cannot upload a file using the file's https:// address. You must first copy the file to this computer or to a Universal Naming Convention location and then upload the file.

Team Foundation cannot create a new project or add a new file because of possible database corruption. Ask your administrator to run Analyze on the database.

Team Foundation Core Web Service Application shut down.

Team Foundation Core Web Service Application started.

Team Foundation has detected that a previous operation against the '%s' database was unexpectedly terminated. To recover from this failure, please ask your Team Foundation administrator to run the Analyze utility.

Team Foundation Server '{0}' already exists.

Team Foundation Server could not resolve the user or group '{0}'. The user or group might be a member of a different domain, or the server might not have access to that domain. Verify the domain membership of the server and any domain trusts.

Team foundation server is not available; please contact your system administrator (URL ={0} is unaccessible).

Team Foundation Server not specified in settings file.

Team Foundation was unable to finish writing a file. Check your available disk space, and ask the administrator to analyze your Team Foundation database.

TfsAdminUtil failed to update the {0} role in SQL Server Analysis Services. The most common reason for this error is that the user, {1}, could not be resolved to a security identifier. Verify that any Active Directory trust relationships are valid and that the existing members of that role are also valid. After you have corrected any problems, run TfsAdminUtil again with the same command-line parameters.

TFSNameUrl cannot be null.

TfsReportDS not defined to the SQL Server Reporting Services Server. Team Foundation needs to be repaired or reinstalled.

The "checkin_note" xml node with "label" attribute of "{0}" contains an invalid value of "{1}" for the "required" attribute.

The "exclusive_checkout" xml node appears multiple times - please remove all but one.

The "exclusive_checkout" xml node contains an invalid value of "{0}" for the "required" attribute.

The %s can not be accessed on this machine because Windows Firewall doesn't allow exceptions or SSService.exe is not specified in the firewall's exception list. Do you want Visual Studio Administrator to change Windows Firewall settings to allow exceptions and unblock access to SSService.exe using the default scope?

The %s file could not be found. Have your Team Foundation administrator run the Analyze utility to recreate it.

The %s file still has the 2.2 format. Please run UPDINI.EXE on this INI file.

The %s will not be accessed on this machine because the RPC Policies allows only Authenticated Clients without exceptions. The RPC Policy must be changed to allow exceptions if you want to use the LAN service on this machine. Do you want %s to change the RPC Policy to allow exceptions (anonymous RPC calls using callbacks to perform authentication)? (You will need to restart the machine for this change to become effective)

The /{0} option cannot be specified with a file diff.

The /{0} option is only valid when the {1} or {2} resolution is specified.

The /{0} option is required when the {1} resolution is specified.

The /move option can only be used without filespecs.

The /server option must be specified whenever /updateComputerName or /updateUserName is specified.

The '{0}' file required for creating workspace for this build type is missing. Please create a new build type and try again.

The {0} option cannot be used when setting permissions.

The {0} option cannot be used when viewing or setting global permissions.

The access control entry type is invalid: {0}.

The address %s is not a valid FTP address.

The Admin user currently has no Team Foundation password. Therefore, any user can run the Administrator's program. To secure this program, give the Admin user a password.

The age threshold must either be WriteThrough, or between {0} and {1}, inclusive.

The application "{0}" could not be executed.

The application is unable to handle exception: {0}

The argument was out of range.

The array must contain at least one element.

The backup folder %s is not empty. Before an autofix rebuild is run the backup folder needs to be emptied. This will allow for a clean restore if the process fails.

The base URL for this web project, '%s', has bad HTTP syntax. Ask your Team Foundation administrator to set it to a valid HTTP URL path.

The build number {0} already exists. Please ensure that the build number generated is unique for the team project.

The build number {0} contains invalid character(s) or is too long. The maximum length of the build number is 64 characters.

The build number value cannot be null

The build URI {0} is invalid. Please ensure that this build exists and has not been deleted.

The cache directory {0} is not a valid path: {1}

The cache file {0} is not valid and cannot be loaded. Please correct or delete the file.

The character was incomplete at stream offset {0:d}.

The checkin-note field '{0}' may only be specified once.

The cloaked item {0} may not have any cloaks or mappings as children.

The code could not reread a token from the stream that it had previously read successfully.

The code pages for the passed in token parsing streams must be identical.

The command line must have a data path, a list of files, or a response file

The command line parameter %s is not a supported option

The computer name is: {0}

The configure command does not support /noprompt.

The connection to download the file could not be established.

The Content-Type {0} is not supported.

The copy of the Visual Basic project file in the version control database has changed, you can no longer save your current changes. You must check-out the project file and remake your changes.

The count of children of item '%s', as given in its header, does not match the number of children found on disk. The count will be adjusted.

The count of sub-projects of item '%s', as given in its header, does not match the number of sub-projects found on disk. The count will be adjusted.

The CRC for data file '%s' (%s) does not match the stored CRC. The file may be corrupt.

The CRC for resource fork file '%s' (%s) does not match the stored CRC. The file may be corrupt.

The current directory is: {0}

The current Version.dat file contains an out of date version identifier %d. This will not be corrected but should not affect the database operation.

The data file for '%s' (%s) is missing or out of sync.

The data file for '%s' (%s) was not found.

The Database %s is not in the registered database list. Please select another.

The default working folder of the current project as inherited from its parent cannot be used because the path is too long.

The deploy path %s is not a proper file system or FTP deploy path.

The detailed format is not valid when listing all workspaces on this computer. To use the detailed format, please specify the /server option.

The directory {0} cannot be deleted because it contains at least one writable file.

The directory cannot be deleted because it is not empty.

The display language selected for this application is incompatible with the current Windows language settings. Please see Windows Help for assistance changing your Windows language settings.

The downloaded file is corrupt. Please get the file again.

The drive letter you have entered is not valid

The editor '%s' was not found. Would you like to specify a different editor?

The encoding {0} is not supported.

The encodings for the files being merged must match or an encoding conversion must be specified.

The event {0} has not been registered with the event manager.

The event type '{0}' has not been registered.

The Extended information for file %s was corrupt and has been moved. Some of the name information may be lost, if this has occurred rename the file to its original name.

The Extended Name information for %s was previously moved.

The Extended Name information for the item %s has been corrupted and could not be recreated. The name will be shortened.

The field '{0}' does not exist.

The file '%s' (%s) has duplicate parent entries for the project (%s) '%s'.

The file '%s' (%s) lists '%s' as a branch, but that file is missing or corrupted or doesn't have any parents or branches of its own.

The file '%s' (%s) lists '%s' as its parent, but that file does not reference it as a child or is missing/corrupted.

The file '%s' (%s) lists '%s' as its parent, but that file is missing or corrupted.

The file '%s' appears to be corrupt. Unable to read the format or header.

The file '%s' cannot be checked in because it has different encoding and checked out multiple times.

The file %s cannot be controlled in the Team Foundation project %s. A Team Foundation file or project name cannot contain any of the following characters: $%%;:<>|*?"

The file '%s' cannot be merged because Visual Studio doesn't support merging of files with different encodings.

The file %s cannot be renamed or moved at this time because it is checked out by you or by a different user.

The file '%s' contained one or more badly formed physical file names.

The file %s does not exist or contains a bad physical file name.

The file '%s' is no longer connected to this Source Code Control project.

The file %s is not a valid response file for analyze

The file %s is not a valid Team Foundation physical database file. It must be renamed to a file with an extension or moved to another directory outside the database.

The file '%s' is not under Source Code Control.

The file %s was branched from %s which is now corrupted and the early versions will be unaccessible.

The file {0} already exists and is writable.

The file {0} does not exist.

The file {0} is not available.

The file cannot be added to source code control because the path is too long. Try again with a shorter path.

The file cannot be branched because it is pinned at a previous version and the file it is shared with is checked out

The file is not supported by a Document Object server.

The file is too large to open.

The file rename operation has been stopped, not all files were saved.

The file type {0} is not a valid type.

The filename '%s' contains illegal characters. The file will be ignored.

The files on your machine are out of date. Getting the latest files. Do you want to continue?

The FileTypes string has a maximum length of %d characters. It currently has %d characters and needs to be shortened.

The first path argument must be a source control folder.

The first process is unable to obtain a lock.

The folder '%s' already exists.

The folder %s is not a valid folder. A valid folder is required.

The folder already contains a file named '{0}'. Do you want to replace the existing file?

The folder name cannot be empty.

The folder name specified is invalid.

The following dimension does not exist and its field cannot be deleted: {0}.{1}

The following dimension does not exist and its field cannot be renamed: {0}.{1}

The following dimension field already exists in the warehouse configuration: {0}.{1}

The following empty command-line switch is ignored: /server.

The following unexpected error was encountered while creating the team project: {0}.

The given service account password: {0} does not match password runs on application pool.

The given service account: {0} does not exist as a valid login account on database server: {1}.

The Header information in the rights system is corrupt.

The identity cannot be resolved.

The initialization is complete.

The input argument {0} has invalid input at index {1}

The input data does not conform to the database schema. Please provide proper input.

The input should be an integer within the minimum and maximum integer values.

The input should be an integer.

The item '%s' (%s) is referenced as a child of '%s' (%s), but the file is missing or corrupted.

The item {0} already exists.

The item {0} already has pending changes.

The item {0} cannot be checked in. A file exists as a parent of this item.

The item {0} could not be found in the label {1}.

The item {0} could not be found in your workspace.

The item {0} does not exist at changeset version {1}.

The item {0} does not exist at the specified version.

The item {0} does not exist.

The item {0} has a pending add but does not exist locally.

The item {0} has a version conflict.

The item {0} has already been deleted.

The item {0} has been cloaked.

The item {0} is in an indeterminate state. Perform a get operation to correct this.

The item {0} is locked for {3} by {1} in workspace {2}.

The item {0} is locked for {3} by {1} in workspace {2}.

The item {0} is not checked out.

The item {0} may not be cloaked because it does not have a mapped parent.

The item {0} must be a server item

The item '{0}' was specified more than once. Using version {1}.

The item {1} is not a branch of {0}.

The item has already been deleted.

The item id {0} does not exist at the specified version.

The label {0} already exists.

The label {0} was not found. Either the label does not exist, or you do not access to the specified label.

The label cache file '%s' could not be found. Have your VSS Administrator run the Analyze program to recreate it.

The label cache file could not be properly updated. Have your Team Foundation administrator run the Analyze utility to recreate it.

The label name '{0}' is not legal.

The label scope '{0}' is not legal.

The label scope may not contain wildcards.

The language id specified in the process template does not exist on the WSS server.

The latest version of item {0} is deleted.

The length of the value for option {0} must not exceed {1} characters.

The local ASPNET user account is missing on this computer. This may prevent the Visual Studio Internet Web Service from running. Please verify that ASP.NET is correctly installed.

The local cache file (ver.vss) does not exist.

The local path is cloaked. Select a different local path or change your workspace mappings.

The log file %s already exists. Please delete it before continuing.

The mapping for {0} conflicts with one of its parent's mappings.

The measure {0} of type {1} can only have aggregation functions Count or DistinctCount.

The methodology file must be less than 2 GB in size.

The name {0} exceeds the maximum length of {1}.

The name conflicts with another item in the target branch.

The name conflicts with another item in your workspace.

The name of the project must be specified.

The name of the server must be specified because more than one domain is registered: {0}.

The name you typed for the new team project is already in use as a site on the SQL Server Reporting Services at {0}. The team project name must be unique on all Team Foundation servers used by the new project.

The name you typed for the new team project is already in use as a site on the Windows SharePoint Services server at {0}. The team project name must be unique on all Team Foundation servers used by the new project.

The name you typed for the new team project is already in use on the team project server {0}. The team project name must be unique for all servers used by the New Team Project Wizard.

The NameSet Information for %s is corrupt.

The new name contains invalid characters.

The new name is too long.

The New Team Project Wizard did not find any process templates on the Team Foundation Server {0}. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator and ask that a process template be uploaded to the server.

The New Team Project Wizard encountered an unexpected error while attempting to download the process template. The download returned the following error: {0}

The notification event '{0}' is reserved and cannot be published.

The notification event 'AllEvents' is reserved and cannot be registered.

The old Data Tier name could not be verified.

The old service account is identical with new service account.

The Open Project command from the source code control provider failed

The operating system version is: {0}

The operation cannot be completed because a more recent version of the file is checked out or the file is pinned at a previous version and the file it is shared with is checked out.

The option {0} is not allowed.

The output filename begins with a non-alphabetic character. Use '@' to create output file %s.

The parameter {0} may not contain wildcards.

The parent field [{0}] is not a field in the [{1}] dimension.

The Parent Project for item %s (%s) is corrupt and the link to the child file has been lost until the project is recovered.

The parent project name was corrupt %s the real name should be %s.

The passwords do not match

The passwords do not match

The passwords don't match

The path %s is already in use. Cannot restore path from archive file.

The path {0} is already mapped in workspace {1}.

The path {0} is not a directory.

The path {0} is not a file.

The path is too long to create database.

The path or filename '%s' is too long.

The path specified is invalid. The folder was not created.

The pending change for {0} has no base file.

The pending configuration changes were not successfully added to the cube because of the following error: {0}

The permissions granted your user name and ID do not allow you create a new team project. You must be granted the project creation permission by the Team Foundation Server Administrator.

The permissions granted your user name and ID do not allow you create a new team project. You must be granted the project creation permission by the Team Foundation Server Administrator.

The permissions granted your user name and ID on the SQL Server Reporting Services at {0} do not allow you create a new project. You must be granted specific permission by the server administrator.

The permissions granted your user name and ID on the Windows SharePoint Services at {0} do not allow you create a new portal site. You must be granted specific root permission by the server administrator.

The plug-in {0} contains multiple plug-in interfaces and cannot be loaded.

The plug-in {0} did not initialize properly.

The plug-in {0} does not contain any subscriber plug-in interfaces.

The policy assembly '{0}' is not registered.

The policy failed but did not provide a failure message.

The policy instance does not match the policy type.

The previous command should have been continued but was not.

The program {0} failed with exit code {1}.

The Project '%s' (%s) lists '%s' (%s) as its parent. The real parent should be '%s' (%s).

The project %s contains a child that does not recognize this project as a parent. The child will be added to the project.

The project %s contains a child that is missing or corrupted. The child will be removed from the project.

The project %s no longer exists in %s. You must either recover or re-create the project before you can use this project with source code control.

The project %s references a child whose physical file (%s) is missing or corrupted.

The project '{0}' was not found on the Tfs Server.

The project cannot be added to source code control because the path is too long. Try again with a shorter path.

The project cannot be connected to SCC unless you add the Visual Basic project file. You will have to re-add the project manually to SCC.

The Project Creation Wizard encountered a problem while creating reports on the SQL Server Reporting Services on {0}. The reason for the failure cannot be determined at this time. Because the operation failed, the wizard was not able to finish creating the SQL Server Reporting Services site.

The Project Creation Wizard encountered a problem while creating groups on {0}. The reason for the failure cannot be determined at this time. Because the operation failed, the wizard was not able to finish creating the Team Project.

The Project Creation Wizard encountered a problem while uploading documents to the Windows SharePoint Services server on {0}. The reason for the failure cannot be determined at this time. Because the operation failed, the wizard was not able to finish creating the Windows SharePoint Services site.

The Project Creation Wizard encountered an error while creating groups on {0}.

The Project Creation Wizard encountered an error while creating reports to the SQL Server Reporting Services on {0}.

The Project Creation Wizard encountered an error while creating the project structure on {0}.

The Project Creation Wizard encountered an error while uploading documents to the Windows SharePoint Services server on {0}.

The Project Creation Wizard was not able to connect to the Windows SharePoint Services at {0}. The reason for the failed connection cannot be determined at this time. Because the connection failed, the wizard was not able to complete creating the Windows SharePoint Services site.

The query has encountered an error.

The record of user %s is corrupted.

The registration data for {0} is missing or incorrect.

The registry for this computer either has no entry for, or contains multiple entries for, Team Foundation Server.

The requested action has been denied by subscriber {0} with the reason {1}.

The requested mapping matches an existing mapping on server path ({0} to {1}) as well as a different mapping on local path ({2} to {3}) - remove one or both of these mappings before attempting to create this new mapping. This helps to prevent unintentionally destroying multiple existing mappings with a single command.

The resource fork data file for '%s' (%s) was not found.

The returned identity is unrecognized.

The returned ServiceInterface for tool "{0}" named "{1}" was null or empty.

The rights system contains a bad free chain. The free chain will be recomputed.

The second path argument must be a local folder.

The server configuration is incorrect. Check your server settings.

The server configuration settings apply only for local databases. To configure the server for this database you will need to run Visual Studio Admin program on the machine hosting the database.

The server option specifies a different Team Foundation Server than the path arguments ({0}).

The server returned content type {0}, which is not supported.

The server returned the following error message: "{0}"

The service '{0}' is not registered on the server.

The setting change for {0} failed.

The shelveset {0} already exists.

The shelveset {0} could not be found.

The solution {0} is cloaked. In order the open this solution uncloak the server path to the solution in your workspace.

The solution {0} is not mapped. {1}

The source code control add in could not connect to Visual Basic.

The source code control add-in did not disconnect from Visual Basic.

The source code control provider did not initialize properly.

The source code control provider was not able to connect.

The source code control provider was not able to successfully install menus.

The source code control provider was unable to connect to Visual Basic.

The source control proxy '{0}' is not responding, so the request will be sent to the main server. Please verify your settings.

The source control proxy '{0}' is not responding, so the request will be sent to the main server. Please verify your settings. Additional information: {1}

The specified Attribute '{0}' is not in the XML!

The specified local path {0} is not a directory.

The specified user or group was not found on the Team Foundation Server.

The specified version of item {0} was not found in source control.

The Status file contains an out of date version. DDCONV can be run to fix the problems.

The string must have at least one character.

The subscriber {0} cannot be loaded.

The subscriber {0} raised an exception while being notified of event {1}.

The surrogate pair was incomplete at stream offset {0:d}.

The switch /noprompt does not take any value

The target item {0} has a pending change.

The target item {1} cannot be under the source item {0}.

The target Team Foundation Server is {0}.

The Team Foundation database has been locked by the Administrator.

The Team Foundation database path %s does not exist. Please select another database.

The Team Foundation Explorer could not be run.

The Team Foundation Server could not locate {0} on the server {1}. The registration service no longer has the correct URL for this application. Contact the Team Foundation Server administrator to verify that the registration entry is correct and a configuration change is not in progress. For more information, see Managing Team Foundation Server Configuration Settings.

The Team Foundation Server could not locate the online Site Administration application for this team project portal in Windows SharePoint Services. The most likely cause of this error is that the language settings on the team project portal do not match the current language of your Visual Studio client. The location of Site Administration is specific to the language of the project portal. Contact the Team Foundation Server administrator for availability information of Site Administration for this project portal. For more information, see the Windows SharePoint Services Administrator's Guide.

The Team Project Creation Wizard was unable to connect to the Team Foundation Server {0}. Without a connection, the wizard was unable to create the team project root directory on the server.

The Team Project Creation Wizard was unable to connect to the Team Foundation Server {0}. Without a connection, the wizard was unable to create the team project root directory on the server

The template header information for process template "{0}" was invalid.

The text entered contains invalid control characters.

The token stream '{0}' must return true from .CanSeek.

The tokenizers for this diff object must be set before trying to diff them.

The types of the tokenizer objects must be identical.

The URL %s does not have proper HTTP URL syntax.

The url for BisRegistrationService cannot be null.

The URL for project %s was not properly set.

The user domain is: {0}

The user name {0} is not a fully-qualified user name.

The user name is: {0}

The value {0} is outside of the allowed range.

The value contains characters that are not allowed (control characters, 0xFFFE, or 0xFFFF). Please remove those characters.

The Version Control Repository was inaccessible while trying to retrieve changeset {0}.

The version specification for tip can only be T or t.

The version specified in From should come before the version specified in To.

The visual difference operation failed.

The Visual Studio LAN Service is not installed on this computer. Please run Visual Studio setup and make sure the LAN Service feature is selected.

The warehouse block method needs to be called before this method can be called.

The work item '{0}' could not be updated: '{1}'

The work item '{0}' was created for failures in build '{1}'.

The working folder {0} is already in use by another workspace on this computer.

The working folders for workspace {0} already contain a setting for {1}.

The WorkItemType for creating the work item on build break has not been specified. Using work item of default type {0}. You can specify your custom type by defining the WorkItemType property in TfsBuild.proj.

The WorkItemType for creating the work item on build break has not been specified. Using work item of type {0}. You can specify your custom type by defining the WorkItemType property in TfsBuild.proj.

The workspace {0} already exists on computer {1}.

The workspace {0} could not be created.

The workspace {0} could not be deleted.

The workspace {0} does not exist. Please specify an existing workspace or /{1} to create one.

The workspace {0} is not on this computer. Run get (get all if edits were undone) on the computer hosting that workspace to update it with the changes that have been made on the server.

There are %d files missing their data file or with a data file that is out of sync with the log file.

There are %d files that have a branch that is missing or corrupt.

There are %d files that have an invalid logical link to its parent project.

There are %d files that have duplicate parents.

There are %d files that have missing or corrupt parents.

There are %d files that have no parents or branches.

There are %d items that are orphans.

There are %d projects that reference files that are missing or corrupted.

There are {0} deleted CSS nodes not saved because their Forwarding IDs are not found in the Area and Iteration dimension tables, thus we are unable to determine their node type. These (nodeUri, forwardingId) pairs are:

There are conflicts!

There is already an active transaction.

There is an extra comma in option {0}.

There is no active transaction.

There is no available output stream.

There is no local file associated with a pending change on {0}. This can occur when multiple changes have been applied to the same local file through different workspace mappings. Undo this pending change and try again.

There is no pending change for '{0}'.

There is no Team Foundation Server connection.

There is no team project for {0}.

There is no team project named '{0}' in source control.

There is no working folder mapping for {0}.

There is not enough available diskspace for analyze. Only %I64u was found and %I64u is needed.

There was a failure on the server. There may have been other changes that conflict with the new node.

There was a security exception.

There was an error enabling 32-bit mode for IIS applications. You will need to enable 32-bit ASP.NET application on 64-bit Windows by running the following command: "cscript \Inetpub\bdminScripts\bdsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1"

There was an error installing or starting the LAN service on this machine. The error returned by Windows is: %s

There was an error stopping the LAN service on this machine. The error returned by Windows is: %s

There was an error with process template "{0}". Please select another template or contact your Team Foundation Server administrator for more information.

There was an unspecified error trying to configure this computer for Visual Studio Internet.

There was an unspecified error trying to configure this database for Internet access.

This command cannot complete without a specified working folder. Click OK to set a working folder now, or Cancel to abort the operation.

This command does not support wildcards for the /{0} option.

This command only works on files.

This command only works on projects.

This command operates on only one item

This command operates on only one item

This command operates only on files, not projects (like %s)

This command operates only on projects, not files (like %s)

This command requires internet components which are not installed on your machine. To make sure you have the latest internet components, go to and download Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher. Then restart Visual Studio to enable this command.

This is an integration only project, checking in files is not allowed from the Team Foundation explorer.

This is an integration only project, checking out files is not allowed from the Team Foundation explorer.

This is an integration only project, getting files is not allowed from the Team Foundation explorer.

This is an integration only project, this operation is not valid from the Team Foundation explorer.

This is an integration only project, undoing checkout of files is not allowed from the Team Foundation explorer.

This operation is not supported by the source code control provider.

This operation requires the Visual Basic project file to be checked out first. Please check out the Visual Basic project file, and retry the action.

This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.

This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.

This Team Foundation database has no UUID.

Timeout locking file: %s

To query against a workspace or shelveset name you must supply an owner.

Too many arguments for the "labels" command.

Too many file handles open

Too many file handles open.

Too many items specified.

Too many SS.INI environment strings

Tool for changing Windows SharePoint configuration database could not be found.

ToolId {0} is malformed.

ToolId {0} malformed.

Trigger events

Type {0} cannot be used in the serializer.

Type Markers: The following identity type markers are used in output messages: [U] - Windows user [G] - Windows group [A] - TFS application group a [A] - Administrative application group e [A] - Everyone application group s [A] - Service application group [X] - Invalid identity [?] - Unknown identity type The following access control entry markers are used in output messages: [+] - ALLOW access control entry [-] - DENY access control entry * [ ] - Inherited access control entry

Unable to add the new project to source code control.

Unable to call Team Foundation Integration Web Services as we were trying to retrieve changeset {0}.

Unable to connect to BIS service.

Unable to connect to the specified SQL Server Reporting Services at {0}.

Unable to connect to the Team Foundation Server {0}

Unable to connect to the Windows SharePoint Services at {0}

Unable to create the filemapping for the database %s.

Unable to create the UM system in %s

Unable to delete file %s.

Unable to delete temporary file {0}

Unable to deploy %s to the FTP host %s.

Unable to determine the properties of this item.

Unable to determine the source control server.

Unable to determine the workspace.

Unable to establish a connection with the Team Foundation Server.

Unable to get artifacts from tool

Unable to infer the project unique identifier from project name: {0}.

Unable to initialize the spawn system.

Unable to lauch the web browser for page %s.

Unable to load {0}

Unable to load mail system support.

Unable to load the HTML parser (nlhtml.dll)

Unable to load the source code control provider - you need a newer version.

Unable to load the source code control provider.

Unable to locate process guidance for project {0} under {1}\{2}

Unable to locate registration information

Unable to migrate due to VSS Error: {0}

Unable to migrate. {0}

Unable to migrate. The path contains more than the allowed {0} characters.

Unable to obtain history for this item.

Unable to obtain Source Control Provider InterOp interface.

Unable to open a connection to the FTP host %s.

Unable to open file %s

Unable to open file '%s'.

Unable to open or read standard input. Please verify that you are not redirecting standard input stream and try again.

Unable to open project %s

Unable to open user login file %s.

Unable to read changeset {0}. The service account might not have permissions to retrieve this changeset.

Unable to read comment in file '%s' at location %d.

Unable to read diff-chain in file '%s' at location %d.

Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.

Unable to read label comment in file '%s' at location %d.

Unable to read log entry in file '%s' at location %d.

Unable to read the project file '%s'.

Unable to read write-only property.

Unable to rebuild the project %s that is contained in the physical file %s.

Unable to rename %s to %s.

Unable to rename {0} to {1}

Unable to rename project.

Unable to rename the selected file.

Unable to repair deleted area and iteration warehouse data

Unable to retrieve the registration information for Source Control.

Unable to save changeset {0}'s information to datawarehouse.

Unable to save the source code control information in the Visual Basic project file. You will have to browse for the project again next time.

Unable to scan history due to VSS Error: {0}

Unable to setup the source code control menus correctly for this project.

Unable to start build

Unable to start the source code control provider.

Unable to successfully share a file from the source code control provider.

Unable to switch servers at this time. The Team Explorer is busy.

Unable to update rights chain. Drive may be full, disconnected, or in some other way unaccessible.

Unable to update the user ID. Drive may be full, disconnected, or in some other way unaccessible.

Unable to use Team Foundation LAN service, performance of Team Foundation operations will not be optimal.

Unable to write read-only property.

Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.

Unable to write to file {0}. Error {1}

Unable to write to SQL Server: {0} due to Error: {1}

Undo Check Out command failed. Check files to verify their version status.

Unexpected end of file in string literal value.

Unexpected error while saving the dimension entry in dimension {0}: {1}

Unexpected exception was thrown when processing build {0}.

Unexpected exception was thrown when processing build {0}. {1}

Unexpected exception was thrown.

Unexpected file format.

Unexpected newline in string literal value.

Unhandled Exception while validating the input {0}

Unknown automation error

Unknown Command or Command Switch: {0}.

Unknown error.

Unknown non-managed error ocurred.

Unknown or Duplicated switch {0}

Unknown|Binary|ANSI/MBCS|Unicode (UTF-8)|Unicode|Unicode (Big Endian)

Unmanaged exception

Unrecognized command option '{0}'.

Unrecognized command: %s

Unrecognized command: {0}.

Unrecognized command-line switch is ignored: /{0}.

Unrecognized default notification 'From' address: {0}

Unrecognized option '{0}'

Unrecognized option '{0}'

Unrecognized scope name.

Unsubscribing the user: {0}

Update registration extended attribute...

Update service account on application pool: {0} failed: {1}.

Update service account on database server: {0} failed: {1}.

Update service account on database server: {0} failed: {1}.

Update service account on Windows service: {0} failed: {1}.

Update service interface...

Update subscription...

Update the registration database based on the contents of the config file. /D - entries listed in the config file are deleted rather than updated.

Updating registration database...

Usage: TFServerStatusValidator ServerName DbServerName DbName Domain Login Password [/e] [/x=WebService] [/x=AnalysisServices] [/p=<portnumber>] /e - password parameter is encrypted /x - omit specified validations. Either WebService or AnalysisServices can be used /p=<portnumber> - specifies a port. If nothing is specified, 8080 is the default

Usage: tfsreg [/D] RegistrationXMLConfigurationFile TFSDataTierServerName [RegistrationDatabase]

User "%s" already exists

User "%s" not found

User %s already exists


Username too long


Using Win 95 you cannot add multiple files from a UNC path that is not mapped to a drive letter.

Validation failed.

Validation succeeded.

value cannot be converted to CssDataProviderNode.This API is only meant to be called by CssHierarchyControl.


Version not found

Versions or history of VSS Files and Folders not retrieved by Converter.

Visual Studio could not retrieve {0} from Team Foundation Server. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator to determine the cause of the error and the steps to correct the problem. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Product Support Services Details: {1}

Visual Studio could not retrieve Process template information from Team Foundation Server.

Visual Studio Internet is not installed on this computer. Please run Visual Studio setup and make sure the HTTP Remote Access feature is selected.

Visual Studio Internet was not enabled on this computer because Internet Information Services (IIS) is not installed. Please install Internet Information Services before configuring Visual Studio Internet.

VSTFS registration entry can not be found.

Waiting for service to stop...

Warehouse encountered an unexpected problem.

Warehouse is in an invalid state.

Warning - Unable to refresh {0} because you have a pending edit.

Warning {0} - Ignoring version range start of {1}, only using version {2}

Warning {0} - Ignoring version specification

Warning {0} - Unable to get because a directory already exists.

Warning {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because it is writable

Warning {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because the source file {2} is writable

Warning {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because you have a pending {2} on a different item at the destination

Warning {0} - Unable to perform the {1} operation because you have a pending {2} on a different item at the destination (to be moved from {3})

Warning. Did not find the expected TFS Core Service, vstfs.

Warning. Did not find Report Server service.

Warning. Did not find SharePoint site service.


WARNING: an ignorable failure in ELead's code

Warning: invoking an external tool for diff: options /ignoreeol, /ignorespace, and /ignorecase are not passed to external tools.

Warning: The old account: {0} is not member of the existing data warehouse database role.

Warning: There are other pending changes against the item.

We were unable to get the current date from the host

WebDAV could not be enabled for Windows Server. Please enable WebDAV through IIS Manager Web Service Extensions.

WebException has occured while trying to call web services, adapter shutting down

Wildcards are not allowed for this operation. You must specify a single item.

Wildcards are not allowed.

Windows SharePoint is already configured to use another database server.

Workgroup: {0} does not exist on application server: {1}.

Workspace {0} does not exist.

Workspace name {0} is too long or contains illegal characters.

Write failed. Files cannot be accessed beyond 2 gigabytes.

Wrong number of arguments for built-in interpreter command {0}.

Xml schema validation error in {0}

You are only allowed one folder for this command. %s is not allowed.

You are only allowed one project for this command. %s is not allowed.

You are only allowed one relative path for this command. %s must be a full path.

You can not merge a branch with itself.

You can not move a project under itself

You can not share a project under itself!

You can only configure Visual Studio Internet for databases local to this computer.

You can only share one project at a time.

You can only specify one deletion id.

You can only specify one version specification.

You cannot add the root folder %s

You cannot change the Admin name or access privileges.

You cannot create both a project and its subproject with the same call to NewSubproject.

You cannot enable the CheckOut/CheckIn, Add/Rename/Delete, or Destroy rights for a read-only user.

You cannot modify the properties of a file that is checked out.

You cannot perform a merge on a binary file, or a file that stores latest version only.

You cannot set the Store Latest Version flag for the file %s because it is pinned to an explicit version.

You currently have file %s checked out.

You do not have access rights to %s

You do not have any files to check in.

You do not have destroy rights to %s

You do not have file %s currently checked out.

You don't have sufficient privileges to run this tool. Please contact Team Foundation system administrator.

You don't have the authority to view the permissions for this object.

You have a conflicting pending change.

You have a conflicting pending delete.

You have chosen not to check out the Visual Basic project file, all the changes you have made to the project during this session will be lost.

You have created a new project. The old project is still under source code control, but this new one is not.

You have tried to change the Visual Basic project file without checking it out first. The project file under sourc code control has changed already. You must check out the project file and redo your changes.

You may not set the inheritance property on the root folder.

You may not specify a wildcard as a source if the target is not a folder in source control.

You may not specify a wildcard as a source of a branch operation.

You may not specify a wildcard as a source of a merge operation.

You may not specify a wildcard as a target of a merge operation.

You may not specify a wildcard as the target.

You may not specify a wildcard for a working folder.

You may only add local and get conflicts when calling AddConflict. All other conflict types are reserved.

You may only specify one argument for /delete.

You must be an Administrator on this computer in order to install Visual Studio Internet.

You must enter a filename with no path for the Sitemap.

You must specify a filespec, /comment, or /owner.

You must specify a label name and one or more items to unlabel.

You must specify a local item for server item {0}

You must specify a new name

You must type more letters than "%s" to uniquely identify a command.

Your Visual Basic project file has not been saved. Save your Visual Basic project file to disk before you try source code control operations.

See Also

Other Resources

Troubleshooting Team Foundation Server